***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think 08 palin was an early indicator that no woman of any race/party was ready for vice or Potus. Im not being sexist either, and i would say hill had more exp than her
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All white people have inherent white privilege, guy. There are levels to WP, like for example you and I in the same traffic stop will likely get different treatment. Hell you might not even get stopped for the same thing I have backup called on me for. Just because you don't see it or feel it doesn't mean it's not there. O Intelligent One.

I like how you assume that the black man who calls out white priv and supremacy hasssss to be blaming the white man for his problems
I blame WP for a lot of global issues but my own personal problems I take responsibility for. I just acknowledge facts. It's not "the white race" obviously.
@ I hope you never need help from one.

You won't catch me on a forum *****ing about not receiving government assistance
or whining about when I was fat and black and people were mean to me
And don't try me with that "omg but race isn't even real" stuff. I'm black, whether or not I believe in race or not it is forced on me living in this country. If your college taught you race isn't real but then dismissed the entire concepts of racism and social hierarchy, especially in the US, you need to ask for a refund cuz they ****** you. O Intelligent One.

You're displaying WP right now in these posts. You sound like an entitled cry baby.
This. As a straight white male I enjoy several inherent benefits. I may not live in the US but white privilege exists everywhere, just in varying degrees. I'm a lot less likely to be bothered by police than my fellow middle eastern citizens.

In job applications, I am more likely to receive a call back for an interview than someone with the same qualifications but has a name like Abdullah Hamad. Those are just a few examples. 
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Should our loyalty be to the Republican Party that is ACTIVELY trying to suppress the black vote and black voters??

We need to be loyal to our own. If that means creating our own party including other minorities best interest so be it, along with white people who are down for the cause so be it. We have enough rich and wealthy black people in this country for it to happen but they can care less about where they came from. They rather spend thousands on designer clothes and cars then help their people get out of the doldrums
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Well ****, that's not gonna happen. 

Anything else?
Well until white people admit that being white is the problem, the issue will continue to exist until it has been forced to cease. This is the way things go until the oppresed get tired of being oppressed. Donald Trump really does not understand what he has unearthed.

This is loony.

this is straight up racism :lol: :smh:

LOL. Young Sammy Sosa with the identity politics statement from Da Heights.
Yeah, never understood blacks loyalty to the Democrats.

Black people been loyal to Democrats since Bobby Kennedy got MLK out the clink, then u got the Civil Rights bill signed by LBJ. Prior to that, it was the Party of Lincoln all the way (Republican) Doesn't help that Republicans had Reagan, H.W., Nixon, following JFK/LBJ
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Should our loyalty be to the Republican Party that is ACTIVELY trying to suppress the black vote and black voters??

We need to be loyal to our own. If that means creating our own party with other minorities best interest so be it and white people who are down for the cause so be it. We have enough rich and wealthy black people in this country for it to happen but they can care less about where they came from. They rather spend thousands on designer clothes and cars then help their people get out of the doldrums

That's all well and good champ from a future standpoint as far as creating our own party if that's the route we plan to take but RIGHT NOW.....this very day have a 2 party system that we have to be apart of. We have lawmakers making and creating laws that are trying to hinder our race, and have created laws to hinder our race. Sitting on the sidelines as a race from a political standpoint has not and will not help our cause. We have to be ACTIVELY involved and represent in political office and in the voting booth.
I think all the millenials in the US got a rude awakening that old white men still run **** after 8 years of Obama
Yeah, never understood blacks loyalty to the Democrats.

Should our loyalty be to the Republican Party that is ACTIVELY trying to suppress the black vote and black voters??

Man what? Is this bizzaro world?

There are protests going on right now with people actively trying to overturn the votes of half the country.

Loud and wrong champ. The protesters are NOT trying to overturn the votes. The protesters are upset with the election results and are voicing their displeasure.
Should our loyalty be to the Republican Party that is ACTIVELY trying to suppress the black vote and black voters??

We need to be loyal to our own. If that means creating our own party including other minorities best interest so be it, along with white people who are down for the cause so be it. We have enough rich and wealthy black people in this country for it to happen but they can care less about where they came from. They rather spend thousands on designer clothes and cars then help their people get out of the doldrums

The presence of the green and libertarian parties in the daily affairs of this nation is inexistent, and Black people cannot afford to be invisible when we still have to push against attempts to silence our voices in the political arena. Until the political process is opened up to more than just the Republican and Democrat parties, we're going to have to side with the side that can amplify our voices. I would have an issue to blind allegiance to one party over another if both reps and dems included our concerns in their platforms, but that is not the case and you can't change the rules in politics if your participation can't be noticed
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