***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Pretty much. They give black folk scraps then come calling for black votes when it's election time.

Ever wonder why these so called liberals try their damn hardest to isolate themselves from minorities in the suburbs yet claim to champion minority causes
Yup. There are many liberals who want to maintain their white privilege as well, just like with the right wing.The two on the deep side of both parties fight over how to do just that, without people noticing.
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These idiots like Tariq that advocate not voting need to be put on blast.

Alot of people are two faced. They might act liberal and progressive in public but best believe in private and at the polling booth, their true colors come out. Not any different from the KKK wearing a mask :smh:

Tariq been on some dumb **** for a while.

I still listen to him, but many of these "woke" brothers that listen to him don't even realize that he is half way marketing to them, on top of feeding them information.

He used to help dudes reason through topics affecting the black community, now he also pedals stuff he thinks his audience wants to here.
Latinos are angling to become the new accepted whites just like the italians, irish and eastern europeans :smh:
Nt is getting brutal

In case you haven't been paying attention to history...

"There were two races in America then: black and white. Italians were thrust into a country where being one and not the other meant the difference between finding economic success, safety and acceptance. Like the Irish, another immigrant group that arrived in the United States during this time, Italians were not perceived as white. They were, as historians James Barrett and David Roediger call them, “inbetween people.“ But once Italians gained an awareness of what whiteness could bring them, they embraced it."



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For real for real Barack and Michelle went harder for Hilary than she did for herself. Listening to them talk her up almost made me vote for her ***. :lol: Michelle killed that one speech.

Democrats know they have our vote no matter what they do or don't do. They are never gonna do **** for black people. This voting thing ain't solving anything. We've seen it. Don't give me that minimal progress or small progress talk. AmeriKKKa just showed you how they feel about so called progress. White racism did this. It ain't nobody else's fault. It is what it is. They showed you who they are so believe them.

So if this "voting thing" is not working as you put it what is your solution to any of this and more importantly when will it be tangible??

Economic base.

That's a rather vague response but even with this newly created economic base you suggest do we pay taxes to the government and when will this economic base actually be tangible??

According to this chart

The people that voted for Obama didn't show up to vote for Hilary

Doesn't include 3rd party votes though
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These idiots like Tariq that advocate not voting need to be put on blast.

Alot of people are two faced. They might act liberal and progressive in public but best believe in private and at the polling booth, their true colors come out. Not any different from the KKK wearing a mask :smh:

Tariq been on some dumb **** for a while.

I still listen to him, but many of these "woke" brothers that listen to him don't even realize that he is half way marketing to them, on top of feeding them information.

He used to help dudes reason through topics affecting the black community, now he also pedals stuff he thinks his audience wants to here.

Tariq is good to listen to for certain topics but when it comes to political affairs he's oblivious and simply unaware.
For real for real Barack and Michelle went harder for Hilary than she did for herself. Listening to them talk her up almost made me vote for her ***. :lol: Michelle killed that one speech.

Democrats know they have our vote no matter what they do or don't do. They are never gonna do **** for black people. This voting thing ain't solving anything. We've seen it. Don't give me that minimal progress or small progress talk. AmeriKKKa just showed you how they feel about so called progress. White racism did this. It ain't nobody else's fault. It is what it is. They showed you who they are so believe them.

So if this "voting thing" is not working as you put it what is your solution to any of this and more importantly when will it be tangible??

Economic base.

I'm not even going to touch the irony of some black folk screaming about needing an economic base, which mainly means more black small business, and ignore and unfair access they have to credit, especially small business loans.

And this is one area where Obama delivered. And that will be washed away with Trump

Geez man.

We can't pursue and economic base and ignore macro economics at the same time. Black people will still need to use the general infrastructure to build this base, they will still need a strong consumer base to sell their plans too, they will still need discrimination laws to access inputs.

-Pursing a social democratic platform, put the community in a stronger position to build an addition firewall against white supremacy.

It doesn't have to be one or the other.
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These idiots like Tariq that advocate not voting need to be put on blast.

Alot of people are two faced. They might act liberal and progressive in public but best believe in private and at the polling booth, their true colors come out. Not any different from the KKK wearing a mask :smh:

Tariq been on some dumb **** for a while.

I still listen to him, but many of these "woke" brothers that listen to him don't even realize that he is half way marketing to them, on top of feeding them information.

He used to help dudes reason through topics affecting the black community, now he also pedals stuff he thinks his audience wants to here.

Tariq is good to listen to for certain topics but when it comes to political affairs he's oblivious and simply unaware.

Yeah, on some things he is great, on politics, not so much.

I do like that he at least tells people vote locally, and that is important.
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All the Trump supporters I know in real life are Mexicans from California. I know they only make up about 10% of the Mexicans I know, but it still just confuses me so much :lol:

They ain't mexican,they white wanna be. I bet they all somehow documented,they don't want other Mexicans to be in a good position cause they want to feel special. They don't want to see others succeed, I hate this uncle tom type persons
This thread has been moving really fast for obvious reasons but if I remember correctly @Osh Kosh Bosh
  was discussing with some people ITT what the democratic party could do in response to this. If I recall correctly some were arguing they have to move more progressive and @Osh Kosh Bosh
 was saying he expects them to move more central again. 

While it would be nice for the democratic party to move more left and embrace that there is historical precedence to @Osh Kosh Bosh
's argument. We have seen the democratic party respond this way before with how they lost the election to President Bush Sr. They where desperate to win elections after that so they compromised moved more central and embraced many aspects of Law and Order which Republicans used to win since Reagan and we know how that went.

While I think its likely the democratic party responds the same way (word to my sig) I would hope they learn from their mistakes and realize because of the inevitably changing demographics being "the party of diversity" is the best thing for long term success.

Maybe, but with the voting rights act gutted, and 4 years of a Trump presidency, possible 2 conservative supreme court judges, and a thin Democratic Party bench, republican state legislators every where

Republicans can totally blunt the impact of those demographic changes for a good long while.

You think the Democrats are going to keep on taking L's as the party of diversity?

I don't see it, I think Bernie Bro's and Jill Stien morons (like Marc Lamont Hill) are in for a rude awakening.

Let us not forget the GOP will now be flooding courts with right wing federal judges.

You wanna file a discrimination lawsuit, welp, get ready for you judge to be a right wing "racism is over Antonin Scailia Jr." type, and see how that goes for you.
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Trump is probably like Bush 2.0

Wars and more war budget
Taxes up for middle classes and bizness
Tax cuts for upper classes & 1%

I do see immigration reform happening

You know like they say once U profit u can't really undo it, from here on out costs and profits will go up and society will be more divided

Really hope you're wrong about more war,the likeliest new conflict would be with Iran once he undoes the Nuclear deal and it needs to be repeated,Iran is NOT Iraq. A war/occupation in Iran would be way more expensive,difficult and deadly given the fact that Iran is 3.5 times bigger than Iraq, has a diverse population twice as big,mountainous terrain and a formidable military. It would be a nightmare of a conflict that could ruin the economy but hopefully the likelihood of all of that decreases given Trump's relationship with Putin

I think a bit more scarier situation is if Putin finesses some trade deals with other country and in exchange he wants US military support to crush or suppress opposition or ISIS forces in Ukraine or Chechnya or nearby areas. I feel Putin seems to be closer to China and he wont have the guts to ask support so why not use US as pawns

Syria and other arab threats could be assisted
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With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this
With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this

When a winner is NOT announced following an election. At the end of the day, someone is going to win an election. With that in mind we all must know what is at stake regarding the winner of an election and what their agenda, lists of goals to implement is following an election.
With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this
I don't feel that voting 3rd party is a problem but the bigger problem for me are the people who don't decide to vote at all. That is a far bigger problem to me
Yeah, never understood blacks loyalty to the Democrats.

Should our loyalty be to the Republican Party that is ACTIVELY trying to suppress the black vote and black voters??

Man what? Is this bizzaro world?

There are protests going on right now with people actively trying to overturn the votes of half the country.
What does that have to do with the history of republicans trying and many times succeeding to suppres than black vote?

Bizzaro world where you deny facts?
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With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this
The two party system is here to stay in America for the foreseeable future so the best thing to do is do what can be done to bend the party to your agenda (like the Tea Party did with the republican party in 2012). People will be waiting along time for third parties to actually be able to put forward a viable presidential candidate. To use this election as an example Gray Johnson and Jill Stein where not good alternative candidates and would not have faired well in the debates IMO (Stein maybe could have but Gary Johnson objectively would have flopped in the debates). 
With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this

When the two main candidates are homogeneous, and Congress will fall clearly on an ideological line you are comfortable with. Then ok, vote for the third party candidate that appeals to you. Especially if you state is a lock for on of the other candidates, hell i would even recommend it.

This wasn't the case in this election though, the candidates platform were clearly different. And I don't think any the Jill Stein or Gary Johnson voter is happy about the direction Congress is about to go in.
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With the current logic that if you didn't vote Democrat or Republican then you threw your vote away, at what point will not voting for neither not be considered throwing your vote away? I need a serious answer to this

So yoy want people to vote for what?

If they don't believe in either what you do?

Once people realize political parties are essentially who pays my bills then change will come.

The system is completely ****** and Trump is highlighting it.

Took me nearly 1.5 hours to get home yesterday due to these dumb *** protestors. People were vandalizing cars and local businesses. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but dudes need to chill.

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Even if you didn't want to vote FOR Hilary, you could have used your vote to vote AGAINST Trump
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