***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If he didn't vote then he's a hopeless individual from the get go and should be charged to the game immediately....if not sooner. Not much you can do or should even be willing to do with someone who thinks like that.

Each one teach one though deuce king deuce king if we don't take care and educate our own, who will. I won't lie though I was disappointed in him in not voting. He's one of my more knowledgeable boys too so for him to really sit on the sidelines for this took me for surprise. I'm tryna get him to realize he's part of the problem if he's not trying to help solve it and he's like "I'm not voting for my oppressor". So you're gonna let them choose for you?

I'm totally with you, especially with the Each One Teach One mindset as I have been saying that for years on here. That being said you can only do so much for some people until they actually GET IT. Obviously you know your friend better than I do but based upon your description this dude seems lost in the wilderness, like a current day Israelite. Hopefully one day he understands the importance of voting, and you may have to help guide him on the way. Ultimately though it's up to him to accept and figure that out and I hope he does.
One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !


Where do you live that you get free ambulance service?

Lol i dont pay taxes yet i will
So what is the right thing to do? 
Do what YOU want to do. Uplift your families and people in your communities to do the same. Break the narrative and have a choice
I already do that I also let people know its more than having the choice but understanding the power of that choice. What is the right thing to do to bring about change on the national level?
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That is not really how I see things.

The reps are the ones who actively stiffle black life in America: they are the ones suppressing the black vote, they are the ones advocating for longer sentences, they are the ones protecting white privilege, they are the ones protecting police abuse, they are the ones who supported policies that decimated black communities. Did democrats have policies that ended up hurting black folks too? Yes, and they recognized it and generally try to correct their approach. Republicans on the other hand have made it clear that they don't care about the black vote (despite us being among the most right-leaning lefties), so what would you do?

The Republicans don't have 80% of the black vote the Dems do. I'm not even concerning myself with them considering my people don't vote for them. Unfortunately we have an allegiance to a party who isn't about our best interests either. NEITHER parties are about the betterment of people living in impoverished communities and the abolishment of systematic oppression.

As deuce king deuce king put it, your best two choices are: one party that wants to **** up your life every which way they can think of, and the other one that wants you to live with the same opportunities that others have (or at least not add additional hurdles to your existence). Every other choice is inconsequential. Which one do you go with? Or do you sit on the sidelines, hoping for the best?
As deuce king deuce king put it, your best two choices are: one party that wants to **** up your life every which way they can think of, and the other one that wants you to live with the same opportunities that others have (or at least not add additional hurdles to your existence). Every other choice is inconsequential. Which one do you go with? Or do you sit on the sidelines, hoping for the best?

We don't agree on the parties so it's extremely hard for me to answer that question. I'll ask you a question though. What has the Democratic party done to ensure my people have the same opportunities as others ?
neither is spreading the lie that black people vote democrat for handouts

The black people in my communities do. I live in one of the worst neighborhoods in New York City and that's the only reason why they do.

You still can't use antedotal experience and incomplete information to make such a sweeping judgment

Even if that were true, what is wrong with that? Tons of upper class whites do that same with the GOP

Most welfare and government assistance in this country goes to the rich and corporations. Look at our tax code.

Voting for your economic interests is something everyone does. Well except a large majority of poor white people.

But anyway there are tons of reasons to vote Democrat over GOP with your black.
neither is spreading the lie that black people vote democrat for handouts

The black people in my communities do. I live in one of the worst neighborhoods in New York City and that's the only reason why they do.

Yikes. You got the same mentality as young Sammy Sosa from Da Heights champ. Go out and explore didn't parts of New York City and even other parts of the US. Dudes love being confined to their little neighborhood and never going out to venture other places. You gotta get off that champ.
Trump is probably like Bush 2.0

Wars and more war budget
Taxes up for middle classes and bizness
Tax cuts for upper classes & 1%

I do see immigration reform happening

You know like they say once U profit u can't really undo it, from here on out costs and profits will go up and society will be more divided
One day u know we will be f'ed when the gov't decides to become more and more commercial thanks to trump

Pay for post office mail delivery service (home)
Pay for ambulance services
Additional surcharges for Firefighter and Police Assistance
Higher costs for 4 year CUNY/SUNY
Public school will charge monthly costs to attend
Tolls bridges up and up
MTA costing $5 one way
Sanitation monthly taxes !

Where do you live that you get free ambulance service?
Lol i dont pay taxes yet i will
Ambulances bill you for service. It doesn't come out of your taxes.
Again, when and where is this new black political party that you talked about getting created??

Once we all get together and decide to break the mold and change the system as we know it for the betterment of us, regardless of rich or poor.

Okay, so when exactly or round about is that going to happen from YOUR perspective. Are you exactly going to get something going in motion or are you just going to talk about it.....and not be about it??
Meant to say i dont pay taxes for others and do not frequently use medical services much. Costs to me are close to nothing

just imagining higher rates for services
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As @Deuce King put it, your best two choices are: one party that wants to **** up your life every which way they can think of, and the other one that wants you to live with the same opportunities that others have (or at least not add additional hurdles to your existence). Every other choice is inconsequential. Which one do you go with? Or do you sit on the sidelines, hoping for the best?
We don't agree on the parties so it's extremely hard for me to answer that question. I'll ask you a question though. What has the Democratic party done to ensure my people have the same opportunities as others ?
Well one example I would consider minimal progress which is progress non the less is under Obama we saw cases of when  a cop murdered a black person the DOJ would investigate and expose the police force for what it is to the masses. This was minimal progress that would/could have lead to something bigger and would have continued under Clinton. We can kiss that minimal progress goodbye now under Trump.
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Well one example I would consider minimal progress which is progress non the less is under Obama we saw cases of when  a cop murdered a black person the DOJ would investigate and expose the police force for what it is to the masses. This was minimal progress that would have lead to something bigger and would have continued under Clinton. We can kiss that minimal progress goodbye now under Trump.
You still can't use antedotal experience and incomplete information to make such a sweeping judgment

Even if that were true, what is wrong with that? Tons of upper class whites do that same with the GOP

Most welfare and government assistance in this country goes to the rich and corporations. Look at our tax code.

Voting for your economic interests is something everyone does. Well except a large majority of poor white people.

But anyway there are tons of reasons to vote Democrat over GOP with your black.

Bro I'm not for GOP that's the thing. Not once have I stated that. I just feel for our people we need something specifically tailored to our needs and the development of our areas and people.
The silver lining. White people wanted their country back, and in the global scheme they want white supremacy to remain in control. In the US, Trump spoke to their fears, as a certain demo within the white sect are killing themselves. Suicide rates have increased on their end, while that of minorities and women have actually decreased. This was the unseen white male voter for Trump, the white man on the edge, nothing to lose, the last gasp for hope in a country that is increasingly turning Brown. Globally, Putin is the last White strongman with the resources and lack of empathy to go on a killing spree against threats to white supremacy. ISIS is no friend to minorities, but if they inspire other groups to use the same tactics that they have been successful with, the fight against imperialism may begin to have allies. So since white america has spoken, wanting their country back, let them have it. They want to rebuild the infrastructure of the country while creating jobs through the rebuilding, using money that they do not have. Trump wants to cut taxes as well, so where is the money for that wall, and the infrastructure going to come from? Make America great again. Go ahead. I hope Michelle hangs up on you when you call her husband back to fix this mess that you white people are going to create.
I also see trump passing some "professional athlete" tax

Increasing immigration fees
This thread has been moving really fast for obvious reasons but if I remember correctly @Osh Kosh Bosh   was discussing with some people ITT what the democratic party could do in response to this. If I recall correctly some were arguing they have to move more progressive and @Osh Kosh Bosh  was saying he expects them to move more central again. 

While it would be nice for the democratic party to move more left and embrace that there is historical precedence  to @Osh Kosh Bosh's argument. We have seen the democratic party respond this way before with how they lost the election to President Bush Sr. They where desperate to win elections after that so they compromised moved more central and embraced many aspects of Law and Order which Republicans used to win since Reagan and we know how that went.

While I think its likely the democratic party responds the same way (word to my sig) I would hope they learn from their mistakes and realize because of the inevitably changing demographics being "the party of diversity" is the best thing for long term success.

The Idiocracy begins...

If this election has taught you nothing, it should be this............

DONT BELIEVE THE MEDIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

since day 1 they said Trump wont win, yet here we are. :smh:
This thread has been moving really fast for obvious reasons but if I remember correctly @Osh Kosh Bosh
  was discussing with some people ITT what the democratic party could do in response to this. If I recall correctly some were arguing they have to move more progressive and @Osh Kosh Bosh
 was saying he expects them to move more central again. 

While it would be nice for the democratic party to move more left and embrace that there is historical precedence to @Osh Kosh Bosh
's argument. We have seen the democratic party respond this way before with how they lost the election to President Bush Sr. They where desperate to win elections after that so they compromised moved more central and embraced many aspects of Law and Order which Republicans used to win since Reagan and we know how that went.

While I think its likely the democratic party responds the same way (word to my sig) I would hope they learn from their mistakes and realize because of the inevitably changing demographics being "the party of diversity" is the best thing for long term success.

Maybe, but with the voting rights act gutted, and 4 years of a Trump presidency, possible 2 conservative supreme court judges, and a thin Democratic Party bench, republican state legislators every where

Republicans can totally blunt the impact of those demographic changes for a good long while.

You think the Democrats are going to keep on taking L's as the party of diversity?

I don't see it, I think Bernie Bro's and Jill Stien morons (like Marc Lamont Hill) are in for a rude awakening.
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