***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is it sad that im 21 and still not registerd to vote ? i honestly dont even follow this stuff to know what i would be voting for in that matter. maybe i need to breifly read this thread and scroll though

Are you a college student? If so Paul Ryan's budget plan would call for cutting or severely limiting federal "discretionary spending" specifically federal research funding, student loans, & pell grants...
Is it sad that im 21 and still not registerd to vote ? i honestly dont even follow this stuff to know what i would be voting for in that matter. maybe i need to breifly read this thread and scroll though
Naw man don't read this thread to form an opinion because the majority of NT is pro-Obama (including me). Read some outside sources to form your own opinion you can start by reading each candidates web page and their stance on the issues.


Will do thank you sir.
Is it sad that im 21 and still not registerd to vote ? i honestly dont even follow this stuff to know what i would be voting for in that matter. maybe i need to breifly read this thread and scroll though
Are you a college student? If so Paul Ryan's budget plan would call for cutting or severely limiting federal "discretionary spending" specifically federal research funding, student loans, & pell grants...
No im not a college student, full time worker. But thank you for that input just incase i was a student, i appreciate it
Is it sad that im 21 and still not registerd to vote ? i honestly dont even follow this stuff to know what i would be voting for in that matter. maybe i need to breifly read this thread and scroll though

Are you a college student? If so Paul Ryan's budget plan would call for cutting or severely limiting federal "discretionary spending" specifically federal research funding, student loans, & pell grants...
I was disappointed they didn't get to discuss immigration that would have been an interesting segment. Obama getting called out for not finding a permanent solution and Romney probably making up lies to please Hispanics or stay his course in shunning Hispanics would have been entertaining.
It might be a campaign ad but put this into context:

People just do not care about the facts anymore. This is ridiculous. :rofl:

Okay. Let me get this straight Future, you're sourcing an Obama Television Ad to support your pro-Obama argument? You really just did that? This is what you've come to? This is objectivity?

I'm just saying, you can do better.

Obama: 'When I got on the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney'

When I got on the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney.
But it couldn't have been Mitt Romney, because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. The fellow on stage last night said he didn't know anything about that.

The real Mitt Romney said we don't need any more teachers in our classrooms, but
the fellow on stage last night, he loves teachers, can't get enough of them.

The Mitt Romney we all know invested in companies that were called pioneers of outsourcing jobs to other countries, but the guy on stage last night said he doesn't even know that there were such laws that encourage outsourcing. He's never heard of them!

Never heard of tax breaks for companies that shift jobs overseas? He said that if it's true he must need a new accountant.

Now, we know for sure it was not the real Mitt Romney because he seems to be doing just fine with his current accountant.

So, you see, the man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions and what he's been saying for the last year. And that's because he knows full well that we don't want what he's been selling for the last year.

So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president you owe the American people the truth.

So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan his tax plan without blowing up the deficit or sticking it to the middle class. That's the math.

We can't afford to go down that road again. We can't afford another round of budget busting tax cuts for the wealthy. We can't afford to gut our investments in education or clean energy or research and technology.

We can't afford to roll back regulations on Wall Street, or oil companies, or insurance companies. We cannot afford to double down on the same top down economic policies that got us into this mess. That is not a plan to create jobs. That is not a plan to grow the economy. That is not a plan to create change. That is a relapse. We don't want to go back there. We've tried it. It didn't work and we are not going back. We are going forward.
It might be a campaign ad but put this into context:

People just do not care about the facts anymore. This is ridiculous. 
Okay. Let me get this straight Future, you're sourcing an Obama Television Ad to support your pro-Obama argument? You really just did that? This is what you've come to? This is objectivity?

I'm just saying, you can do better.
The ad didn't feature anything "pro-obama"...it was an Obama ad, but it only featured stuff from CNN anchors talking about the debates.

Thats why I said to put it into context. 
However, Romney always has said he planned to offset that massive cut with equally massive reductions in tax preferences to broaden the tax base, thus losing no revenue and not increasing the deficit. So to that extent, the president is incorrect: Romney is not proposing a $5 trillion reduction in taxes.

Romney has not specified what these reductions are. He has yet to lay out his plan for how he would cover the lost revenue.


edit: and while DailyKOS is liberal, none of what was posted was their own opinion. It was directly taken from the speech Obama gave today (which is also included.)
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"Whether for good or evil, it is sadly inevitable that all political leadership requires the artifices of theatrical illusion. In the politics of democracy, the shortest distance between two points is often a crooked line."

Arthur Miller, 2001
Romney has not specified what these reductions are. He has yet to lay out his plan for how he would cover the lost revenue.
Regardless, Yes, I agree he hasn't "yet" specified it out or explained it or who knows if it's even possible to accomplish.  That's a different conversation.

The fact that you took and posted propaganda from wherever it is you found it with Obama saying "Romney's 5tril tax cut" is b-o-l-o-g-n-a.  As far as I'm concerned the rest of the speech loses cred' when you start off with the 1st paragraph being a lie.. 
Is it sad that im 21 and still not registerd to vote ? i honestly dont even follow this stuff to know what i would be voting for in that matter. maybe i need to breifly read this thread and scroll though

Are you a college student? If so Paul Ryan's budget plan would call for cutting or severely limiting federal "discretionary spending" specifically federal research funding, student loans, & pell grants...

Son, I think the link below that has the thread that's more your speed. Have at it & have some fun...:D

The ad didn't feature anything "pro-obama"...it was an Obama ad, but it only featured stuff from CNN anchors talking about the debates.

Thats why I said to put it into context. 
Well what about the videos from the CNN anchors who clearly said that Romney won the debate? You want to post those as well? Their is always going to be facts, lies, and half-truths on both sides but all I see you doing is picking and choosing which ones you want to display for the sake of your own argument.

Regardless, Yes, I agree he hasn't "yet" specified it out or explained it or who knows if it's even possible to accomplish.  That's a different conversation.

The fact that you took and posted propaganda from wherever it is you found it with Obama saying "Romney's 5tril tax cut" is b-o-l-o-g-n-a.  As far as I'm concerned the rest of the speech loses cred' when you start off with the 1st paragraph being a lie.. 

'Propaganda' :lol:

I'm not saying it. DailyKOS isn't saying it. That was taken directly from an Obama speech given today. The video is there. They even link to the full transcript of the speech. You can read and watch it yourself.

Also, the non-partisan tax policy center that you quoted also came out with a $5 trillion loss of revenue in their own calculations (it's spread out over 10 years and rounded up from $4.8 to $5.) Politifact rated it a 'half-truth' because Romney is saying his plan will cover that loss so there won't be an increase in the deficit. The only way that doesn't happen is if Romney's plan to close loopholes and reductions happens but he has yet to explain how his math works. He has not made any specific argument as to why his plan works. He just says he has a plan. This is NOT a different conversation.
It might be a campaign ad but put this into context:

People just do not care about the facts anymore. This is ridiculous. :rofl:

It is not that they do not care but that the average person probably has no time to go and do research for fact checking. Obama's job was to call him out on those "facts."
However, the Obama campaign is going by that "Mr. Nice Guy" image which just does not work against an opponent like Romney.

Romney went by his "I did not say that, I said this..." game plan all night and when Obama did not aggressively counter those statements it made him look like Romney had caught him in a lie. People who follow the campaigns closely will not fall for that but people who do not (which is most people) likely will. Especially swing voters that are not really well informed.

It seems to me that the Obama's advisers were getting overconfident and did not prepare at all. Obama is busy all the time but if he keeps looking unprepared to counter in the next debates then Romney will only keep gaining momentum and uninformed swing voters.
The ad didn't feature anything "pro-obama"...it was an Obama ad, but it only featured stuff from CNN anchors talking about the debates.

Thats why I said to put it into context. 
Well what about the videos from the CNN anchors who clearly said that Romney won the debate? You want to post those as well? Their is always going to be facts, lies, and half-truths on both sides but all I see you doing is picking and choosing which ones you want to display for the sake of your own argument.
They're talking about debate appearance.

Even the MSNBC anchors said Romney APPEARED to have won, but his statements were largely inaccurate and overly false. 
The jobs report comes out tomorrow. That will be political fodder, especially coming right after the first debate.

I'm not saying it. DailyKOS isn't saying it. That was taken directly from an Obama speech given today. The video is there. They even link to the full transcript of the speech. You can read and watch it yourself.
Also, the non-partisan tax policy center that you quoted also came out with a $5 trillion loss of revenue in their own calculations (it's spread out over 10 years and rounded up from $4.8 to $5.) Politifact rated it a 'half-truth' because Romney is saying his plan will cover that loss so there won't be an increase in the deficit. The only way that doesn't happen is if Romney's plan to close loopholes and reductions happens but he has yet to explain how his math works. He has not made any specific argument as to why his plan works. He just says he has a plan. This is NOT a different conversation.
Propaganda  is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing  the attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

As opposed to impartially  providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political or religious agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare.
Last I checked, Half Truth isn't a Truth no matter how you want to swirl it spin it and serve it up... 
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