***Official Political Discussion Thread***

We need to stop this false equivalency.

Both sides lie.

Both sides do not lie about the same things or to the same extent.

There ARE differences and as such, Romney lied A LOT more and MORE FREQUENTLY.

You can get mad about that if you like, but merely looking confident is NOT enough to signal that you have a grasp of issues on stage. 
Why is it so hard for you to understand that Mitt Romney won the debate last night? Your so focused on your own opinion of the debate but you're not focusing on what counts. America believes he won the debate so what happens now FutureMD, is a much tighter race. Every Liberal news organization and most liberals in general already conceded defeat. Obama is going to lose votes because of last night, that my friend is = Defeat. This is so simple and you still don't get it.

I'm very disappointed that Obama decided to attack and be aggressive now. He had his chance last night in front of 40 million people and he blew it. He's looking like a sore loser and needs to get back to the drawing board. He needs to be prepared for the next debate and I'm not talking about with the transcripts he memorizes, I'm talking about his demeanor, attitude, and personality. He did not look like a leader last night, he was to timid. Step it up Barry.
First of all, you don't WIN debates.
Ummm... yes you do? Obviously.

These public debates are extensions of their campaigns. Someone wins. It's not even arguable. Someone wins. That's it. Mitt Romney won last night.

This isn't the same as you and some 18 year old debating on Niketalk. There are actual reasons for this debate. Someone wins.
How do you win a debate if guy you said won lies the whole time?

Or do you let media tell you who won?
Romney stayed on the economy, and every time Obama tried to skate somewhere else he hit him with how all of his policies have failed over the past 4 years. Then Romney drew in the women, any case study he mentioned was about a woman. Seriously everything brought up by the moderator were things Obama failed. No wonder Obama was "timid." Romney destroyed him.
Romney drew in women?! 

All he said was "I met a woman in (insert mid-west state) and she said 'I'm poor, can you help me?'" 

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First of all, you don't WIN debates.

Thats what a debate is.

Just ideas competing. 

Its not like science. We can't prove who is right. All we have is theories for what would work better and a REALLY small sample set to prove things one way or another.

Second of all, I don't care who the TV in the living room says who won. Their views don't influence me.

Think for yourself.

Obama had better arguments, more accurate statements, and was more reasonable in his assertions.

Romney lacked all three.

if a slick haircut and bright teeth are all it takes, then drop your panties now and give it up to Romney.

But for someone like me, it takes A LITTLE more than a smooth talker to win me over. 

I need substance. 

Romney lacked that. 
Dude Listen Up.

When it comes down to me I don't take Obama or Romney seriously in a debate, I know who I'm voting for, I know the issues at hand, I know which party's presidency will support my views. That is Obama. My thoughts are already made, I've had plenty of time to think to myself so thanks for advice but you're about 6 months late.

What you don't seem to comprehend is the fact that their is an important amount of the population that are undecided and independent voters. Those majority of undecided/independent voters believe that Obama lost the debate last night. Those undecided/independent voters are very easily influenced by the way a presidential candidate carries himself on stage, in front of 40 million people.Thats very important to them. I can understand why they feel Romney won the debate because Romney did a great job of attacking last night, he seemed more engaged and energized. Obama personally looked weak and timid.

Why do you think Obama went on attack today? His campaign advisors know what he did wrong. It's not about what you or I think about the substance of the debate Future, the American people who vote for the president don't care or understand that. Put yourself in a campaign manager's shoes, if you still believe Obama won you'd be fired.

The facts do not lie. Every website is saying that Romney was more alive, but he had WAY more factual inaccuracies and flat out lies. 

Thats more important to ME. 

I don't care how "easily" someone is swayed. What the hell does that have to do with me? That speaks more poorly against those who were swayed than anything. 

The arguments the black guy had were better than the arguments the white guy had. Period. There were more facts. There were fewer inaccuracies. PERIOD.

I could care less if Mitt Romney hit 2 3-pointers during the debate. 

On the matter of policy and ideas, Mitt Romney did NOT deliver. 
There's no such thing as a Mitt Romney supporter.

You're either voting for Obama or against Obama.
We need to stop this false equivalency.

Both sides lie.

Both sides do not lie about the same things or to the same extent.

There ARE differences and as such, Romney lied A LOT more and MORE FREQUENTLY.

You can get mad about that if you like, but merely looking confident is NOT enough to signal that you have a grasp of issues on stage. 
Why is it so hard for you to understand that Mitt Romney won the debate last night? Your so focused on your own opinion of the debate but you're not focusing on what counts. America believes he won the debate so what happens now FutureMD, is a much tighter race. Every Liberal news organization and most liberals in general already conceded defeat. Obama is going to lose votes because of last night, that my friend is = Defeat. This is so simple and you still don't get it.

I'm very disappointed that Obama decided to attack and be aggressive now. He had his chance last night in front of 40 million people and he blew it. He's looking like a sore loser and needs to get back to the drawing board. He needs to be prepared for the next debate and I'm not talking about with the transcripts he memorizes, I'm talking about his demeanor, attitude, and personality. He did not look like a leader last night, he was to timid. Step it up Barry.
First of all, you don't WIN debates.
Ummm... yes you do? Obviously.

These public debates are extensions of their campaigns. Someone wins. It's not even arguable. Someone wins. That's it. Mitt Romney won last night.

This isn't the same as you and some 18 year old debating on Niketalk. There are actual reasons for this debate. Someone wins.
How do you win a debate if guy you said won lies the whole time?

Or do you let media tell you who won?
I decide who won by who accomplished their goal better. Their goal is to convince undecided voters in swing states to vote for them. They aren't up there debating for fun.

Obama sees public debates as a campaign opportunity just the same way Romney does. His strategy didn't work last night. He'll go talk with his campaign manager, change his approach, and prep more next debate.
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The facts do not lie. Every website is saying that Romney was more alive, but he had WAY more factual inaccuracies and flat out lies. 

Thats more important to ME. 

I don't care how "easily" someone is swayed. What the hell does that have to do with me? That speaks more poorly against those who were swayed than anything. 

The arguments the black guy had were better than the arguments the white guy had. Period. There were more facts. There were fewer inaccuracies. PERIOD.

I could care less if Mitt Romney hit 2 3-pointers during the debate. 

On the matter of policy and ideas, Mitt Romney did NOT deliver. 

Why are you always yelling? :lol: Simmer down champ.

I'm not telling you to change your opinion about who won the debate, you've stated numerous times Obama won within your own analysis. I'm telling you to understand why a good majority of Americans believe Romney won.

You may care when the poll numbers are released next week tho. You may understand how/why Romney won the debate last night then. I'll post them, no worries.

The facts do not lie. Every website is saying that Romney was more alive, but he had WAY more factual inaccuracies and flat out lies. 

Thats more important to ME. 

I don't care how "easily" someone is swayed. What the hell does that have to do with me? That speaks more poorly against those who were swayed than anything. 

The arguments the black guy had were better than the arguments the white guy had. Period. There were more facts. There were fewer inaccuracies. PERIOD.

I could care less if Mitt Romney hit 2 3-pointers during the debate. 

On the matter of policy and ideas, Mitt Romney did NOT deliver. 
Why are you always yelling?
Simmer down champ.

I'm not telling you to change your opinion about who won the debate, you've stated numerous times Obama won within your own analysis. I'm telling you to understand why a good majority of Americans believe Romney won.

You may care when the poll numbers are released next week tho. You may understand how/why Romney won the debate last night then. I'll post them, no worries.
I don't care why they think he won.

Debates are worth only when considering whats being discussed. Its not a damn beauty pageant. 
-So you guys really think Mitt can pull this same crap again? Go out there and lie his *** off. First off anyone with a brian, pulse and google know Mitt's claims were BS

-Secondly Obama won't let the same **** slid twice. Unless Mitt flip flops or pulls some more lies out his ***, he is in trouble.
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I don't care why they think he won.

Debates are worth only when considering whats being discussed. Its not a damn beauty pageant. 

You don't care? The American people are the people who vote for President? :lol:

It's not a beauty pageant you're right, it's worse. It's Politics.

Btw, hope some of ya'll watched Jon Stewart's opening segment tonight. Pure comedy and truth.:wow:
The polls for debates normally take a week to start generating.. Unfortunately for Mitt, his gain MAY be lessened due to fact checking...
The polls for debates normally take a week to start generating.. Unfortunately for Mitt, his gain MAY be lessened due to fact checking...

It may lessen but it will be a hell of a lot closer than it was a couple days ago, Romney may even take the lead next week. Who knows

Obama needs to aggressively call him out on the the lies and nonsense in the Final Debate. He'll get those points back if he does. The next debate is the town hall format, can't really attack Mitt there since it's more of a personal debate with the audience.
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I don't care why they think he won.

Debates are worth only when considering whats being discussed. Its not a damn beauty pageant. 
You don't care? The American people are the people who vote for President?

It's not a beauty pageant you're right, it's worse. It's Politics.

Btw, hope some of ya'll watched Jon Stewart's opening segment tonight. Pure comedy and truth.
I literally DO NOT CARE, what the "american people" think.

I don't think Mitt Romney "won." You can't "win"

I don't care what CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Al Jazeera said. They saw the same thing I did.

Obama had better arguments with more proven facts. 

Again, this isn't a beauty pageant. 
I literally DO NOT CARE, what the "american people" think.

I don't think Mitt Romney "won." You can't "win"

I don't care what CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Al Jazeera said. They saw the same thing I did.

Obama had better arguments with more proven facts. 

Again, this isn't a beauty pageant. 
To bad you don't decide whose going to be President, Future.

The American people do.
I literally DO NOT CARE, what the "american people" think.

I don't think Mitt Romney "won." You can't "win"

I don't care what CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Al Jazeera said. They saw the same thing I did.

Obama had better arguments with more proven facts. 

Again, this isn't a beauty pageant. 
To bad you don't decide whose going to be President, Future.

The American people do.
You're still talking about the some damn "winner"

What is WRONG with you dude? 

There is no WINNER.

There are two dudes talking to each other and one of those dudes had WAY more lies and WAY more inaccurate comments than the other dude.

I don't care if the dude looks like JESUS CHRIST himself, his arguments were replete with LIES, MYTHS, and DEBUNKED CLAIMS.

Just admit that you don't care about the facts and Romney's smile matters to you more.

Stop being a political science pundit and focus on the validity of the institution itself.

The arguments matter, not the appearance. 

Lets read the transcripts. 
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Don't worry people. Obama will win the next debate, I mean he killed bin Laden (allegedly). I sure he will remind us of that. NDAA won't be discussed, because they both agree, the PATRIOT ACT won't be discussed, because the both agree. Assasination of a 16 year old U.S. Citizen won't be discussed, because he was "collateral damage". There will be low expectations brought upon by the media to create a "miraculous comeback" by Barry. Book it.

Yeah both dudes are bending over for Hollywood and both are attacking civil liberties. Also, Obama mentioned something about big oil companies and why how they still get money back. I think he talked about this 4 years ago and continues to mention it YET HAS DONE NOTHING about it. Disgusting. Stopping online piracy seems more of a priority to him :smh:

What is sad is that Romney is like that but will also cut essential programs while wasting even more money on the military and probably appoint some backwards corrupt judges along the way. :x :x
i'm shocked at people's all of a sudden positive impression of romney. it's as if they were being introduced to him for the 1st time.

i listen to the debates mainly for differences in policy detail, and very little for the aesthetics of the charade, and was impressed with obama's answers. obviously, i wish he offered more clarity on the discrepancies between his platform and romney's claims, but i am honestly shocked at the media's flirtation with the romney campaign and their delusional spin.
^ Nothing to be shocked about really.  Honestly, I think even if Obama would've combined the logic/facts that he DID present, along with "swag" (for lack of a better term), the media would still be calling it closer than it would've been.  We all know that Obama was up a good bit in the polls prior to the debate, so if the media declared him a winner, what else would they have to talk about?  

Now I'm not trying to say there's some conspiracy going on because I can see how people weren't enthralled with Obama's presentation--he did seem somewhat sluggish and aloof despite giving solid answers.  But the media is always going to make it into a circus because, well, that's what they thrive on.  Obama wins big and for the next 30+ days, their around the clock coverage suddenly becomes less interesting.    
^ Nothing to be shocked about really.  Honestly, I think even if Obama would've combined the logic/facts that he DID present, along with "swag" (for lack of a better term), the media would still be calling it closer than it would've been.  We all know that Obama was up a good bit in the polls prior to the debate, so if the media declared him a winner, what else would they have to talk about?  

Now I'm not trying to say there's some conspiracy going on because I can see how people weren't enthralled with Obama's presentation--he did seem somewhat sluggish and aloof despite giving solid answers.  But the media is always going to make it into a circus because, well, that's what they thrive on.  Obama wins big and for the next 30+ days, their around the clock coverage suddenly becomes less interesting.    
yeah, i just don't buy that at all. jennifer granholm actually predicted this would happen 5 days prior to the debate on piers morgan; something to the effect of the pendulum of momentum having picked up so much speed in favor of obama that the media would have to reel it in and would use the debate as a straw man. i thought she sounded silly then, but having watched the television & internet news cycle for a full 24 hours, i certainly grant credibility to the idea.

i think romney certainly entertained his audience better than obama, but even then, i grant romney that point rather than him actually earning it; obama seemed totally uninterested in the idea of making this anything but about policy. as far as policy was concerned, the exchange on taxes was poignant: you have romney outright lie about, or at the very harmless of intentions, misrepresent, his own tax plan. it became embarrassing to anyone with a passing interest's worth of knowledge of romney's pledge for a universal 20% drop in income taxes when he denied wanting to lower taxes for millionaires. twiceon camera.

it's like everyone expected obama to leap across the podium and decapitate romney in front of lehrer and the audience. the president of the united states showed up to debate the details of policy. anyone looking for an exchange of more personal tacit was probably impressed with romney; (the line about having 5 boys and repeating a mistruth made me absolutely cringe though).

i don't believe the media is offering a meditated narrative to this race; i just think people are unintelligent, and the worst of them are those who stubbornly insist upon misinformation.
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You're still talking about the some damn "winner"

What is WRONG with you dude? 

There is no WINNER.

There are two dudes talking to each other and one of those dudes had WAY more lies and WAY more inaccurate comments than the other dude.

I don't care if the dude looks like JESUS CHRIST himself, his arguments were replete with LIES, MYTHS, and DEBUNKED CLAIMS.

Just admit that you don't care about the facts and Romney's smile matters to you more.

Stop being a political science pundit and focus on the validity of the institution itself.

The arguments matter, not the appearance. 

Lets read the transcripts. 

First thing you have to do is stop spinning everywhere. Second thing stop YELLING.

Romney's smile matters more to me? When did I applaud Romney's physical attributes? When did I say his physical features were important? What are you talking about?

I said his performance on the debate stage, the way he carried himself, his aggressiveness, assertiveness mixed in with Obama's lack of standing up for himself, disengagement, lack of aggressively defending himself (for yes, the lies Mitt Romney was spewing) was the reason Mitt Romney got the better of the debate. The Live debate matters in a Presidential election, not the debate's transcripts, get out of here with that weak argument.

There is no Winner, in your opinion. We get it, you keep saying that. You're the biggest broken-record I've ever seen in my 10 years of NT therfore for some reason you're the only one in here thats continuously making me repeat myself because you can't seem to grasp the bigger picture - which is (drumroll please) WINNING THE ELECTION.

You'll understand the interpretation of winning a debate when you see the amount of percentage points Obama drops in only one week. You'll get it then (hopefully), I'll show you the numbers. I'll want an apology but I know you won't.
First thing you have to do is stop spinning everywhere. Second thing stop YELLING.
Romney's smile matters more to me? When did I applaud Romney's physical attributes? When did I say his physical features were important? What are you talking about?
I said his performance on the debate stage, the way he carried himself, his aggressiveness, assertiveness mixed in with Obama's lack of standing up for himself, disengagement, lack of aggressively defending himself (for yes, the lies Mitt Romney was spewing) was the reason Mitt Romney got the better of the debate. The Live debate matters in a Presidential election, not the debate's transcripts, get out of here with that weak argument.
There is no Winner, in your opinion. We get it, you keep saying that. You're the biggest broken-record I've ever seen in my 10 years of NT therfore for some reason you're the only one in here thats continuously making me repeat myself because you can't seem to grasp the bigger picture - which is (drumroll please) WINNING THE ELECTION.
You'll understand the interpretation of winning a debate when you see the amount of percentage points Obama drops in only one week. You'll get it then (hopefully), I'll show you the numbers. I'll want an apology but I know you won't.
The other main fact Future and other Obama supporters keep down playing is the fact Obama lied as well.  If you're going to call out Romney for lying, then it's only fair to call out Obama's lies as well.. 

So according to Dems or Obama supporters. Romney told nothing but lies, Obama didn't tell lies, or his lies weren't as big or he didn't lie as much as Romney's.. Last I checked a lie is a lie..

Then Obama is going to give a speech (yesterday) and say American's what the truth.. after he himself lied.. Pure definition of Hypocrisy. 

But you can't tell the Obama supporters that because they won't be honest with themselves and admit the simple fact, no matter how big or small or how many, a lie is still a lie.

So if you want to say you're voting for Obama because he lied less than Romney, I can respect that a heck of a lot more then, "I'm voting for Obama because Romney lied and Obama didn't".  But lets be fair and admit Obama lied just as did Romney. 
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