***Official Political Discussion Thread***

lmao @ ninja.

just read the article he posted that he didn't read himself.
had to go back and read his original reasoning for posting the article...not a damn sense was made. lmaooo

This one?


as a basis for this statement?

more people are dying under Obamacare though..

Think he posted it just cause of the title and didn't even bother to read the article :lol:
'Life expectancy is down'

That's a load of hogwash if I saw one

Problem is not life expectancy but quality of life

life expectancy is down in america.

but last I read the theory is most of the losses come from young men od'ing on opiates.
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It is like he thinks I wouldn't click the link and read it. :smh: :lol:
more people are dying under Obamacare though..... :nerd:

Explain this claim


u not gonna use what u cant afford...

obama would've been better off just supercharging medicaid for da poor.

You know I am going to read this article right. Matter of fact, I think I already.

Before I quote parts of this story, let me first point out you moved the goal post. And Medicaid was supercharged for the poor, and the GOP still blocked in most places where they could.

it was offered with strings attached...

Obamacare shouldn't of existed...it should've jist been a bill to supercharge medicaid. thats it.

The whole point of the ACA and the Healthcare reform debate of 2008 was getting to universally coverage, you don't do that with a "supercharged Medicaid" as it would have left millions more unemployed and with no hope of ever getting insurance. That would have been a short sighted garbage idea.

how is that short-sighted when da vasssst majority of individuals are covered by they their employers? :lol:

You're so dense it is unbelievable.

Read what I wrote, if you're trying to get to universal coverage, it is short sighted. Do you know what the word universal even damb well means.

Most people being covered through their employer does not negate the fact that millions of people where without health insurance of any kind. None

-You're original claim has been proven BS, and you tried to deflect the evidence against your deflection.

Dude, just shut up. You clearly don't know what you talking about on this subject

u don't wreck a entire system people were fine with for a small minority of people...

and universal coverage failed as designed.. congratulations :lol: :smh:

You don't know the economics of the health industry, and you're clearly just parrot right wing talking points

The problem with the ACA is that it is not left wing enough when it passed. It is pretty simple to fix.

Sit down, shut up, you clearly don't know what you're talking about on this issue.

slandering Don't make u any righter.

universal coverage as a goal is failed, prices are sky rocketing, and da doctors options have narrowed, congratulations Obamacare played itself.

repealing will give this awful law a quick death.
Stop trying to weasel your way out of this bull **** claim, ninja, that more people are dying under Obamacare than before. Be a man, own up to this and either post proof or admit you're full of ****.

umm life expectancy is down...


thanks obama

except the main culprits are drug OD, alcohol poisoning, and suicide.

sounds like people are miserable under da current economy and are medicating themselves...pretty simple.
Stop trying to weasel your way out of this bull **** claim, ninja, that more people are dying under Obamacare than before. Be a man, own up to this and either post proof or admit you're full of ****.

umm life expectancy is down...


thanks obama

except the main culprits are drug OD, alcohol poisoning, and suicide.

sounds like people are miserable under da current economy and are medicating themselves...pretty simple.
This is speculation.

Watching you reach and grasp for support when your wrong is crazy.
Stop trying to weasel your way out of this bull **** claim, ninja, that more people are dying under Obamacare than before. Be a man, own up to this and either post proof or admit you're full of ****.

umm life expectancy is down...


thanks obama

except the main culprits are drug OD, alcohol poisoning, and suicide.

sounds like people are miserable under da current economy and are medicating themselves...pretty simple.
This is speculation.

its actually common sense, especially when u cross reference da demographics of who's suffering da most with who gave Trump his victory.
I hate revisiting the election results, but Trump didn't win the swing states by a major margin.


If everyone was on board with Trump, we would be seeing a Reagan like type of voting throughout the country.

but he won them.

you gotta go back to da 80's to see a GOP ticket take some of those Midwestern states... nothing short of amazing.
No one is disputing his win you dummy
You're making the argument that his "mandate" or his promises were widely accepted by a huge majority
The stats show that in a couple of the states he won that he had a thin margin in those wins.
Anyway, this country is really divided as of now in reality.
soon as da United States gets back to da money economy wise we'll be fine...stock market seems to be ecstatic at da potential Trump Presidency when it comes to business so we'll see...
You have a lot of faith in the stock market bubble currently
We will see the next 4 years
This one?


as a basis for this statement?
Think he posted it just cause of the title and didn't even bother to read the article
there are unicorns and butterflies frolicking in my hair and i have a rooster that ***** gold coins. there's a rainbow coming out of trump's *** and along it are manufacturing jobs making more rainbows for everyone.
WaPo: Trump wasn’t happy with his State Department finalists. Then he heard a new name.


But Trump became increasingly concerned about the 72-year-old Giuliani’s fitness for the job. Trump confided to friends that he thought that Giuliani, two decades removed from his heyday running New York, was past his prime and might not have the stamina or discipline to travel the globe and negotiate delicate matters.


Trump was seriously considering Romney. He had a request, according to a close Romney ally: an apology. Romney, author of a book called “No Apology,” refused, the ally said. He said he wanted to be “forward looking,” according to the Romney associate. The associate said that Romney had hoped his complimentary comments about Trump after the dinner would ­suffice and that he didn’t want to “re-litigate” his criticism during the campaign. Trump spokesman

Jason Miller disputed the account of the apology request, saying it was “not true in any way” and “completely false.” Miller did not respond to other questions about the selection process.

Romney declined an interview request. In an emailed statement, he said: “I was indeed very critical of Mr. Trump during his campaign. But now he has been elected president and accordingly, if I could have helped shape foreign policy to protect the country I love, I would have been more than willing to do so.”

A second stumbling block was that Romney and Trump differed on Russia. Romney has called Russia the top geopolitical foe of the United States, while Trump has said he wants to have close ties with Moscow. Romney knew he was at odds with Trump but had hoped to provide balance in the administration, the associate said.


Soon, however, news accounts reported that Petraeus was still on probation. He would have to notify his probation officer of his travel plans. His home, car, cellphone and computer would be subject to search without a warrant. Trump did not explain his decision to rule out the retired general, much to the frustration of Petraeus’s allies.


Then, by happenstance, Trump welcomed into his office a man who has served presidents of both parties, Robert M. Gates. Trump asked his guest, a former CIA director and former defense secretary, what he thought of the four candidates.

After Gates ran through his thoughts, it seemed that Trump was “looking for a way out,” a person familiar with the session said. Trump asked whether there was someone else to consider. “I recommend Rex,” Gates told Trump, referring to Rex Tillerson, the chief executive of ExxonMobil. Gates said in an interview that he had not gone to the meeting intending to recommend Tillerson, and he did not recommend anyone else.

Separately, on the previous day, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice had proposed Tillerson to Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Rice and Gates, who run a consulting firm that counts ExxonMobil as a client, had jointly concluded that Tillerson might give Trump a fresh alternative.

Trump “seemed intrigued,” Gates said. “It was not something he had considered.”
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