***Official Political Discussion Thread***

more people are dying under Obamacare though..... :nerd:

Thats false
People are dying under obamacare becuase they refuse to get covered becuase of the name
Aca or affordable care act been around for a while. I seen people who have great medical and dental coverage not have any knowledge of there coverage

For example some dental plans give member s 5000 dollars to use but they dont becuase they remain ignorant of what they have. Thats 5000 free money a year

Medicaid and medicare will pay for Anything medically necessary becauae obamacare took out pre existing conditions.

so fortify medicaid...thats where people were going anyways.
Or move towards universal healthcare like most of the other top western countries.
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real crazy and sad **** going on in aleppo

Saw on the news today that the US UN ambassador put the Russians, Assad and Iran on blast at the UN security council


The Russian ambassador fired back by essentially telling her to look in the mirror and get off the moral high horse
Portland is the First City to Tax Corporations that Pay their CEOs 100 Times More than Workers

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I think the failings of the Clinton campaign have been discussed a decent amount. I mean people on the left seem to be tripping over themselves to criticize her.

Seems to me want people don't really want to talk about is the fact Clinton, besides her flaws, besides her shortcomings, still got ****** over really bad. And I mean ****** over on a level we haven't seen in recent history.

By Comey, by Russia, by the media in the final week.

That may be true. Still, her team, and her loyalists that include large blocs of the left, have been pushing narratives to overlook her shortcomings. Grasping at anything from: sexism, third party voters, the electoral college, white lash, bernie bros/Bernie himself, Putin, voter suppression, Comey, the FBI at large, mainstream media, fake news, the list goes on.

Most of those probably have some merit, and are worth some discussion, but with the frame that the reason Trump won is because 1 Clinton and her team, then everything else. Their hubris carried into how they ran the campaign and overall strategy. Their ground game, data, and algorithms were just too much for us plebs to understand. They bought their own bs and did not believe they could possibly lose, which is why they couldn't concede that night. There was probably one guy that brought up the possibility in a meeting and got laughed out of the room.

They are now essentially one step away from asking for an electoral revolt based on the ramifications of their own incompetence, a few weeks after selectively leaking out mischaracterized "possible evidence of vote machine manipulation" which Stein would later carry for them. They will continue to dodge accountability and light bonfires under anything necessary.
Or move towards universal healthcare like most of the other top western countries.

doesn't work when u have da population #'s we do plus porous borders, and da US debt.


Porous borders? The US is bordered by two oceans, Canada, and Mexico. Have you ever looked at a map of Europe?

All countries have debt. Stop using home economics as a model for macroeconomics. It doesn't work like that.

The fact is that the US spends more than other developed nations and the results are worse. The way we have been doing things is inefficient and ineffective because of lack of cost control measures, not those factors you mentioned.
doesn't work when u have da population #'s we do plus porous borders, and da US debt.
The US has a much higher healthcare cost per capita than countries like Sweden, Canada, ... Almost double even. 

Trump had high praise for the Scandinavian healthcare systems in his Gettysburgh speech for the record. He made some valid points on how incredibly inefficient the US healthcare system is.
doesn't work when u have da population #'s we do plus porous borders, and da US debt.
The US has a much higher healthcare cost per capita than countries like Sweden, Canada, ... Almost double even. 
Trump had high praise for the Scandinavian healthcare systems in his Gettysburgh speech for the record. He made some valid points on how incredibly inefficient the US healthcare system is.

none of those facts tackles what i brought up..

-US has a weak border, da homie that does my mori soñandos in da spring & summer goes back & forth back to México during da cold season easy.

there is no way we can have a robust single payer healthcare system and at da same time allow da permissiveness of sanctuary cities. We'd be broke in months.

-da US has over 300 million citizens, comparing cost per person to a lil wee bit European Countries is foolish.

we owe 20 Trillion dollars....

if you're ready for Belgium to defend itself against any military threat along with da entire European continent, we'll be happy to leave EVERYTHING involving protecting any of ya from Russia & da middle east to ya own devices.

because having a single payer healthcare system entitlement program covering over 300+ million people PLUS da millions of illegal immigrants who are already here and continue to stream across our borders means you can FORGET about da United States Of America EVER sticking our necks out for anyone involving armed conflict.
-US has a weak border, da homie that does my mori soñandos in da spring & summer goes back & forth back to México during da cold season easy.

there is no way we can have a robust single payer healthcare system and at da same time allow da permissiveness of sanctuary cities. We'd be broke in months.
Is he a US citizen or is his going back and forth legally? If so, why would this be a problem?
I live 45 minutes away from the Mex border, while it's def possible to cross that thing illegally, that thing is not porous. You can ask all the folks that die or get caught trying to cross.
I think the failings of the Clinton campaign have been discussed a decent amount. I mean people on the left seem to be tripping over themselves to criticize her.

Seems to me want people don't really want to talk about is the fact Clinton, besides her flaws, besides her shortcomings, still got ****** over really bad. And I mean ****** over on a level we haven't seen in recent history.

By Comey, by Russia, by the media in the final week.

That may be true. Still, her team, and her loyalists that include large blocs of the left, have been pushing narratives to overlook her shortcomings. Grasping at anything from: sexism, third party voters, the electoral college, white lash, bernie bros/Bernie himself, Putin, voter suppression, Comey, the FBI at large, mainstream media, fake news, the list goes on.

Most of those probably have some merit, and are worth some discussion, but with the frame that the reason Trump won is because 1 Clinton and her team, then everything else. Their hubris carried into how they ran the campaign and overall strategy. Their ground game, data, and algorithms were just too much for us plebs to understand. They bought their own bs and did not believe they could possibly lose, which is why they couldn't concede that night. There was probably one guy that brought up the possibility in a meeting and got laughed out of the room.

They are now essentially one step away from asking for an electoral revolt based on the ramifications of their own incompetence, a few weeks after selectively leaking out mischaracterized "possible evidence of vote machine manipulation" which Stein would later carry for them. They will continue to dodge accountability and light bonfires under anything necessary.

I'm sorry, no, especially coming form you, no.

Everything must be looked at together. Claiming it is just Clinton is holding her to a different standard that other candidates. No other candidate had to deal with what she had to deal with. Playing by normal rules of past election, she wins, probably wins handily. You want to throw in all the other stuff to make it seem like they are just complaints that distract from the main issue, they aren't. Progressives not coming home and Jill Stein should not be talked about like Russian hacking, the Comey letter. These things are major, yet you seem more than willing to down play. That is not having a honest discussion about what went on.

-Voter suppression is another issue people, especially myself, talk about outside the election, so to me it is BS to present it like it is some sort of talking point people only now care about-

I don't know which Hillary campaign or Hillary supporters you're talking about. You seem to be playing into this arrogant Hillary talking point hard, (I mean she had reason to be confident), and delusional upset liberals that threw money at Stein (my we remember Hillary herself did not make this move)

As I member, could be wrong, you were in here commenting that you felt the media had not talked about Hillary's emails enough, so I'm sure you enjoyed the last week of election coverage. Hillary Clinton did enough to get elected under most circumstances, this election unfortunately for her wasn't most circumstances. If you want to say she should have went to the Rust belt more, I agree, that is a very valid criticism.

I think it is time, for once, you give Hillary Clinton a break on something. Because it does go both ways, even from her own party she has to here about ******** that cost her the election.

See Bernie Sander's strawmen.
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Oklahoma plans to force hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants and public schools to post signs inside public restrooms directing pregnant women where to receive services as part of an effort to reduce abortions in the state.

The State Board of Health on Tuesday approved regulations for the signs. Businesses and other organizations will have to pay an estimated $2.3 million to put up the signs because the Legislature didn't approve any money for them.

The provision for the signs was tucked into a law that the Legislature passed this year that requires the state to develop informational material "for the purpose of achieving an abortion-free society." State Board of Health attorney Donald Maisch says the Legislature and governor must ratify the board's signage rules before they are scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2018.

Groups representing hospitals and restaurants are among those complaining that the new requirements are an expensive, unfunded mandate from the Legislature.

"We don't have any concern about the information they're trying to get out to women about their babies and their pregnancy. This is just the wrong way to do it," said Jim Hooper, president of the Oklahoma Restaurant Association. "It's just another mandate on small businesses. It's not just restaurants. It includes hospitals, nursing homes. It just doesn't make sense."

The anti-abortion group Oklahomans for Life requested the bill. The sponsor, Sen. A.J. Griffin, said she may revise the measure in the upcoming legislative session to more narrowly target it to exclude some facilities.

"I do see how it is going to need to be tempered a tad," said Griffin, a Republican from Guthrie. "We need to make sure we have something that's reasonable and still effective."

Under the law, the signs would state: "There are many public and private agencies willing and able to help you carry your child to term and assist you and your child after your child is born, whether you choose to keep your child or to place him or her for adoption. The State of Oklahoma strongly urges you to contact them if you are pregnant." The signs would also include a link to the Health Department's website.

In written comments provided to the Health Department, the Tulsa Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy called the proposed regulations "completely unnecessary and unwanted" and said they would provide a significant financial burden on already stressed state agencies, including the departments of Health and Education.

Don Maisch, an attorney for the State Department of Health who has worked on the rules, said the signage requirements apply to public restrooms of any entity that is regulated by the agency, including hospitals, hotels and motels, nursing homes, residential care facilities and most public schools.

"There is definitely a cost involved in moving forward with this," Maisch said.

The Oklahoma Hospital Association projected it would cost at least $225,000 for signage at the state's 140 licensed hospitals, with the fiscal impact on other licensed industries estimated at about $2.1 million.

Tony Lauinger, executive director of Oklahomans for Life, said the group's intent was for the Health Department to produce the signage, but only if the Legislature appropriated funds to do so.
I live 45 minutes away from the Mex border, while it's def possible to cross that thing illegally, that thing is not porous. You can ask all the folks that die or get caught trying to cross.
Plus I saw on the news that one cartel from Mexico built two tunnels underground in order to not be detected by border patrol
So regardless if we even "build a wall", people will find other ways to go through the border
Only way illegal immigration really stops is if there are no job opportunities here....which will probably never happen
I live 45 minutes away from the Mex border, while it's def possible to cross that thing illegally, that thing is not porous. You can ask all the folks that die or get caught trying to cross.
Plus I saw on the news that one cartel from Mexico built two tunnels underground in order to not be detected by border patrol
So regardless if we even "build a wall", people will find other ways to go through the border
Only way illegal immigration really stops is if there are no job opportunities here....which will probably never happen

Which is why I don't blame the immigrant, I blame the guys willing to bend the laws to hire them.
I live 45 minutes away from the Mex border, while it's def possible to cross that thing illegally, that thing is not porous. You can ask all the folks that die or get caught trying to cross.
Plus I saw on the news that one cartel from Mexico built two tunnels underground in order to not be detected by border patrol
So regardless if we even "build a wall", people will find other ways to go through the border
Only way illegal immigration really stops is if there are no job opportunities here....which will probably never happen

Which is why I don't blame the immigrant, I blame the guys willing to bend the laws to hire them.

Yep, if Americans were so willing to give undocumented immigrants jobs, most of them might not come.
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I live 45 minutes away from the Mex border, while it's def possible to cross that thing illegally, that thing is not porous. You can ask all the folks that die or get caught trying to cross.
Plus I saw on the news that one cartel from Mexico built two tunnels underground in order to not be detected by border patrol
So regardless if we even "build a wall", people will find other ways to go through the border
Only way illegal immigration really stops is if there are no job opportunities here....which will probably never happen

Which is why I don't blame the immigrant, I blame the guys willing to bend the laws to hire them.
Our president elect has violated those laws
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