***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Libertarians are still out here tweaking too.


[h1]Democrat-Boycotting Libertarian Eric Dondero on Whether He Would Let a Democrat Drown[/h1]
Eric Dondero.

Republicans around the country are responding to President Obama's reelection in a variety of ways — among them: anger, depression, finger-pointing. But nobody had the same reaction as Eric Dondero, a former Ron Paul aide  who blogs at LibertarianRepublican.net. In a post yesterday, Dondero, reasoning that the only recourse to Obama's victory is "outright revolt," laid out the terms of the "personal boycott" against Democrats which he plans to maintain for the rest of his life and that he hopes his followers will as well. What does the boycott entail? Cutting all ties with Democratic family members, friends, and lovers; refusing to work for a Democratic boss; spitting on the ground when a Democrat talks to you; and possibly ******** on your Democratic neighbor's lawn, among other things:

All family and friends, even close family and friends, who I know to be Democrats are hereby dead to me. I vow never to speak to them again for the rest of my life, or have any communications with them. They are in short, the enemies of liberty. They deserve nothing less than hatred and utter contempt.

I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted 'O'. Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers who voted for Obama. Simply don't talk to them in the workplace, unless your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to take their business elsewhere.

Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

It sounds like a great idea in theory, sure, but in practice? We wondered if sticking to the boycott all the time was truly feasible. So we e-mailed Dondero to see if he'd explain how he'd handle certain hypothetical situations. At first, he told us to "**** off. And shove your silly little communist rag up your ***." This seemed fair — after all, talking to the writer of a communist rag is probably a violation of the boycott. A short time later, however, Dondero wrote again, telling us that, on the advice of his co-editor, he would grudgingly answer our questions. His answers are reprinted below, verbatim, as promised.  

Let's say you lose your dog, and a neighbor, who is a Democrat, finds it and brings it back to you. Do you thank him or spit on the ground in front of him? 
Tell him to give me my dog, and to get off of my property. And the next time he sees my dog to just let her be. As he's walking away I might yell out "Obama sucks" a couple times.

You find out that the quarterback for your favorite football team, which you have been rooting for since childhood, is a Democrat. Do you start rooting for a different team?
I don't listen to music by Democrats any more. I try to do some research on the political leanings of those I listen too. Oingo Boingo called themselves "libertarians" in the early 1980s. I listen to them. Neal Peart of Rush called himself an Ayn Randist couple times. I love Rush. I like pro-British patriot Frank Turner out of the UK. The Guardian did a big interview with him over the summer, and he said he was a "libertarian." And of course, there's always Ted Nugent, and KISS, both hardline right-libertarians. Marshall Tucker Band, Kid Rock. Did you know lead guitarist for Stealy [sic] Dan is also a rightist. The Lt. Dan Band. Madison Rising is great. Metallica and Motorhead have expressed right leanings in interviews.

Honestly, doesn't always work. I miss sometimes. But if Springsteen or some other leftist America-hater comes on my Sirius/XM channel and I can get to the dial fast enough, I will switch it.  

Elton John is a toughie. You know he leans left. But he made friends with Rush Limbaugh of all people last year. So, I give him a pass. Oh, and the Beatles had that classic "tax man." John Lennon's personal aide in his last few weeks of life, was interviewed last year, and said that he turned into a Reaganite in the last few months before he was killed. Isn't that ironic?

I'm not a sports fan. So, all I can do is answer this question from a musical tastes perspective. Hope that helps.  

Here's something else you can sink your teeth into. Related. I honestly do this, and have been doing this for years. You know that silly fist bump thing?  When my co-workers or friends try that with me I extend my full hand for a traditional handshake. I tell them sorry, but I don't do that "Obama thing."  Most of them chuckle, but some have gotten offended, look at me strangely. But they know where I stand right off the bat. And it helps me to weed out the good guys, freedom lovers, from the bad guy Democrat fascists.  

A Democratic family member leaves a message on your answering machine. He says that he just discovered who your real father is, and asks you to call him back. Do you?
Interesting. I know my real bio-dad. I was adopted in NYC as a matter of fact. So, this has some direct relevance. He's an independent Perot type.  

To your question, yes, if he's a Democrat family member I just would simply refuse to call him back regardless.

A Democratic family member is dying of cancer. He wants you to come visit him in the hospital, which is within walking distance, before he passes. Do you go?
No. Read my original piece. I'm done with any and all Democrats in my life for good. And trust me on this. I've just had a pretty intense experience with someone close to me today, someone I've known since childhood. It's hard for me not to respond to this person. Very, very hard. But so far, I've held. If there is one person out there who I would break down my rule for it is this person. Lifelong friend. East Coast in fact. It's been 24 hours and I'm still holding strong. this person read the original piece I wrote. The email response from this individual sits in my in-box. I almost responded twice today. Even started writing the reply. But I pulled back. I am truly hoping that this person sends me an email with the following message in the Subject line: I have left the Democrat Party and will never vote Democrat again.

You require a risky and complicated brain surgery, one that is performed by only two neurosurgeons in the country. One is a Republican and the other is a Democrat, but the Republican is generally unknown, and the Democrat was just heralded by TimeMagazine as the nation's best neurosurgeon. Everything else — the cost, location, etc. — is the same. Which doctor do you choose?
Simple: Avoid them both. Go to Mexico for your medical treatment. Avoid all the red tape and bureaucracy.  

You come upon a neighbor — whom you know to be a Democrat — drowning in a lake. You're the only person in the vicinity. Do you help him?
Whew! Now that one is really, really tough. I honestly do not have an answer for that one. You could always be a smartass about it I suppose. Scream: "Hey Joe, you sure you're a Democrat? Just say the word, 'Obama sucks,' simple as that. Just mouth the words 'Obama sucks' and I'm in the water."  

A close Democratic family member is hanging off the side of a cliff. A Republican who is also an admitted child molester is also nearby hanging off the side of the same cliff. They both have but seconds until they plummet to their deaths, and you only have time to save one. Whom do you save?
Man, you're good.

I guess I ask the Democrat again to yell out "Obama sucks," and Ill be there in a jiffy to lend him a hand (pun intended.) The Republican child molester? I tell him to join that ******* Sandusky, Ed Savitz and that former Philly DA Ed Rendell who covered up for Savitz and a whole ******** of other Democrat child molesters in southeast Pennsylvania all those years, in hell.
I swear, we'll be gloating for only a few more days. Just bear with us! 

and damn, I didn't even see this


Obama to Romney supporters: 

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republicans say "america needs to get back to its morals" .....what ******g morals.....civil rights movements ended like 50 years ago..before the civil rights movements was slavery.....like please tell me what morals.....the conservative white folks are a trip....seriously.....and jesus christ someone tell them that it's not just blacks on food stamps and welfare.....tell them whites are the majority on that **** and there's plenty who abuse that ****.....I know people who buy 'em off white people for the low cause they trying to get a lil cash to buy come drugs or booze

North Carolina FTL 
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Especially SEALs, saw a news article about seven DEVGRU operators who received non-judicial punishment for their help in developing the new Medal of Honor game. I was saying the Green Berets take that saying to heart more than other Special Operation groups.
There's a joke, how do you know if a Navy SEAL is in the room?
Don't worry, he'll let you know.
I just seen that on the news...But to be honest they should have known that if they got that big mission that it would be leakage everywhere. I was hoping that it was the other guys that would get the call.

Sir, when are you scheduled to make it into Texas? When we get up there is plenty of stuff for us to talk about. [/COLOR]
Eric Dondero is no libertarian. :rofl:

He's an Israel loving Zionist NeoCon. This guy supports people like muslim killing Rep. Peter King, he believes that the "enemy" is Islamofascists and there is a Sharia Law conspiracy coming to the U.S.. That guy is off the ******g wall.
I'd vote for him too. Fiscal Conservative - Socially Liberal dude from the North-East (Which means he's no nut)
But He needs to shed 150 lbs before that happens. Public image is important. American's will not vote for a fat President.
He'd be great tho. But I'd guess he wouldn't get past the Republican primaries because he's a moderate from New Jersey and the far religious right would not vote for him.

Must have forgotten William Taft. Back then fat hating was more serious than it is now. Plus most Americans are overweight based on the insane BMI chart.
I'd vote for him too. Fiscal Conservative - Socially Liberal dude from the North-East (Which means he's no nut)

But He needs to shed 150 lbs before that happens. Public image is important. American's will not vote for a fat President.

He'd be great tho. But I'd guess he wouldn't get past the Republican primaries because he's a moderate from New Jersey and the far religious right would not vote for him.

Must have forgotten William Taft. Back then fat hating was more serious than it is now. Plus most Americans are overweight based on the insane BMI chart.

Yeah, but his point is valid - in this era of TV etc that is unlikely now - you have to look "presidential" and be good on camera etc.

Still not sure how Dubya got in...
Yeah, but his point is valid - in this era of TV etc that is unlikely now - you have to look "presidential" and be good on camera etc.
Still not sure how Dubya got in...
I disagree, the idea of looking presidential is gone after we have a black african dude named obama as president. Americans in this area are leaning more towards just wanting somebody who will lead them right. I honestly hope Hillary becomes president in 2016.....
I don't think I disagree with you - but someone who looks like a slob (and I don't know this guy so I'm generalising) is less likely to be elected - you have to be presentable.

It's not right - but I think it's true.



I don't think I disagree with you - but someone who looks like a slob (and I don't know this guy so I'm generalising) is less likely to be elected - you have to be presentable.
It's not right - but I think it's true.

Mitt looking mad bum-like.
one way the GOP could help it's self is help Puerto Rico with becoming a state (if they truly want to become a state). With Hispanics leaning left, this would help the public image of the party and with over a million puerto ricans in the USA now it could help swing the vote their way.
Yeah, but his point is valid - in this era of TV etc that is unlikely now - you have to look "presidential" and be good on camera etc.
Still not sure how Dubya got in...

Because those folk in the midwest, south felt like Dubya was a person they could relate to. He talked like them, looked like them, could barely read like them :lol: but seriously that's why.

And to A Baboon Cow...trust me being a skinny lightskin black dude and being obese are not in the same category. Sure there's a LOT of racists in this country who dont like Obama because he's balck, but the idea of a Peter Griffin in the flesh being the "face" of this country will not sit well with a lot of people. IMO
The GOP desperately needs diversity at their televised events.
As a minority, I already feel semi-alienated out the gate when I look into the GOP crowd and see nothing but middle-age and older white faces.
I have zero issues with white people, however, and I think many minorities may agree, it's hard to see yourself associating with a group where nobody else looks like you.
Now, is it right to judge a party based on how diverse their crowd is? maybe...maybe not. But as with anything in life perception is key and if you give off a unfavorable perception, people will right you off before you can even speak.


I call dudes in here pseudo-Republicans. Because if you throw put in a room with the the traditional types they wouldn't even give you the time of day...you're still a ****** to them.

Here's a story...

A black women, her name is Dr. Ada Fisher, has been running unsuccessfully as a US NC 12th district Congressional candidate on the Republican ticket for the past 16 years or so. You can look her up. Headlines in the paper read, and this is almost every time she tries to run, Unconventional Republican. I get the message, but obviously she has a hard time grasping the concept.

She goes out in the communities in NC that are highly represented by Republicans, and she comes back talking about how the older white people would spit in their hands right in front of her and then give out the dap...smh.

Or flat out tell her we're not shaking a ******* hand...this is all true.

Some of ya'll are straight up brainwashed...
Because those folk in the midwest, south felt like Dubya was a person they could relate to. He talked like them, looked like them, could barely read like them
but seriously that's why.
And to A Baboon Cow...trust me being a skinny lightskin black dude and being obese are not in the same category. Sure there's a LOT of racists in this country who dont like Obama because he's balck, but the idea of a Peter Griffin in the flesh being the "face" of this country will not sit well with a lot of people. IMO
LOL he does look like Peter Griffin. Lets hope he gets on p90x

Must have forgotten William Taft. Back then fat hating was more serious than it is now. Plus most Americans are overweight based on the insane BMI chart.

Yes, really. This isn't 1910 where most Americans barely know what the President looks like.

This is a technology driven society. Image is very important.


This is too fat man. It doesn't look right. I don't care if 20% of Americans are obese, it just doesn't look right. He doesn't need to be a washboard but he needs to shed a lot of weight.
On November 08, 2012  at 7:19 AM
[h2]How the Secret Service Said Goodbye to Mitt Romney[/h2]
By Marc Ambinder
I always wondered how does that work for the losing candidate.  Like is there a grace period or a set amount of days or what have you.  When the secret service leaves you I can almost imagine that as the losing candidate that that's when you know it's truly all over and you go back to being a regular nobody for the most part once again.  Looks like the left Mitt the very next day and not a minute late................and I love it!!
I call dudes in here pseudo-Republicans. Because if you throw put in a room with the the traditional types they wouldn't even give you the time of day...you're still a ****** to them.
Exactly, some of the C-Class Republicans in this very thread that are backing Republicans or Republican policies would be looked at as hired help if they were to go to any Republican rally or be in the room with a bunch of Republicans.  Instead of being looked at as a fellow Republican, they would be looked at as a waiter and asked to go get more water from the kitchen. 
Sean Hannity already changing his stance on immigration. Never thought I'd hear him say this. But honestly, what the hell was his perception of immigrants before Tuesday? Damn

Hannity: I've 'evolved' on immigration and support a 'pathway to citizenship'

| 11/8/12 6:32 PM EST
Sean Hannity said Thursday he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.”

Hannity told his radio listeners Thursday afternoon that the United States needs to “get rid of the immigration issue altogether.”

“It’s simple to me to fix it,” Hannity said. “I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.”

“You can’t let the problem continue — it’s got to stop,” the conservative radio host added.
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Yes, really. This isn't 1910 where most Americans barely know what the President looks like.
This is a technology driven society. Image is very important.

This is too fat man. It doesn't look right. I don't care if 20% of Americans are obese, it just doesn't look right. He doesn't need to be a washboard but he needs to shed a lot of weight.
Not fair bro. Tell me how his weight effects his ideas or plans to help America?You think he'll lower tax on soda and fast food? Dude is fat and still became governor, how his weight changes his economic plans is beyond me. Don't be so judgemental.
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