***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is to transfer America's infrastructure and social safety net to the private sector.

Drilling in our parks, vouchers for every kid, vouchers to rent apartments from large developers, vouchers to get Medicare.

Once you deregulate, it is a political struggle to re-regulate. You can paint any attempts by the government to restore a more equitable system as oppressive socialism.

so to strip power from the GOV?

From the Federal government, yes. But only in some areas.

The areas their crony capitalism friends want. The next iteration, if they hold power enough, is to pass law stripping states (especially liberals ones) of the power to overly regulate certain industries.

State levels conservatives already like to do this to city level liberals. The North Carolina GOP is a perfect example of is. North Carolina has been pretty much controlled by a hostile minority for a while.

This is the GOP's end game.

And when all of this happens, there will no longer be a middle class to speak of.

You'll either be rich or poor.

Austerity economics will apply and you can be sure that anyone who can leave will, leaving the country with those who are too poor to move abroad and the wealthy who will openly control the government.

Yep, if you're born in the bottom 25% of the this country, you're screwed. Add to that, i your parents aren't educated, you're ******.

It that starts to creep up to the bottom 30, or 35, or 40, then your reaching crisis levels.

There will be no more tiny recessions too. When you economy is that structurally weak, and you have a government stupid enough to be practicing austerity, any recession will have a good chance of dooming people to a lifetime of poverty.
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Liberals need to wake up and band together quickly.

The GOP's end game is to hold onto power not matter what. They don't care about fair districts, or voting rights, or equal representation.

They want to rule, they won't care if it by hostile rule. So what

A GOP presidential candidate might not win the popular vote for the foreseeable future. But unless the Dems can flip NC, GA and AZ before PA, MI, or WI all turned solidly red, it won't matter. The conservative candidate no matter how repulsive, will have a shot

And PA is not looking good w/ the gubernatorial election coming up in 2018. GOP already controls the House and Senate, and a Dem governor at the helm during our last budget impasse that lasted 9mos didn't help his case either. Unless the Democrats look to replace him or make strong moves to secure a reelection, it's gon get ugly. Scott Wagner hates unions, but guarantee it be the schmucks in unions in the small towns that vote for him because he's a republican.
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Yep, if you're born in the bottom 25% of the this country, you're screwed. Add to that, i your parents aren't educated, you're ******.

It that starts to creep up to the bottom 30, or 35, or 40, then your reaching crisis levels.

There will be no more tiny recessions too. When you economy is that structurally weak, and you have a government stupid enough to be practicing austerity, any recession will have a good chance of dooming people to a lifetime of poverty.

yo rusty you be dropping a lot good info and opinions

how do you feel about that dude Stephen Bannon?
Yep, if you're born in the bottom 25% of the this country, you're screwed. Add to that, i your parents aren't educated, you're ******.

It that starts to creep up to the bottom 30, or 35, or 40, then your reaching crisis levels.

There will be no more tiny recessions too. When you economy is that structurally weak, and you have a government stupid enough to be practicing austerity, any recession will have a good chance of dooming people to a lifetime of poverty.

yo rusty you be dropping a lot good info and opinions

how do you feel about that dude Stephen Bannon?

Thoroughly disgusted by the man

I can't put into word how horrible I am that a person like that is going to influence the decision our president will be making.

Whatever god or force that created this universe, we need its help.
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Yep, if you're born in the bottom 25% of the this country, you're screwed. Add to that, i your parents aren't educated, you're ******.

It that starts to creep up to the bottom 30, or 35, or 40, then your reaching crisis levels.

There will be no more tiny recessions too. When you economy is that structurally weak, and you have a government stupid enough to be practicing austerity, any recession will have a good chance of dooming people to a lifetime of poverty.

yo rusty you be dropping a lot good info and opinions

how do you feel about that dude Stephen Bannon?

Bannon co-founded Breitbart, which has a news report section titled "Black Crime."

Should tell you all you need to know about where he stands.
This is one of my worst fears

Trump is right on calling out the the House GOP but he is probably playing good cop for the moment. He knows his fans will let him flip flop if he needs too.

Just wait until the CBO starts reporting on the deficits and people losing health insurance, when the BLS don't return good news on the job market and the FED continues to try to contract the economy at the same time, then see how friendly Trump is to independent and bipartisan government agencies.

Newt and the conservatives know that bipartisan groups like the BLS and especially the CBO will call them out on their bull ****. They can't claim the economy is adding job if the BLS says different, it can't say that catastrophic plans that cover lil too nothing is just as good as a bronze plan if the CBO says different.

Once the CBO says it would compare health care coverage apples for apples, I knew the far right would take that as fighting words.

-Janet Yellen better buckle up, Trump and the conservative right will set their eyes on her soon.
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This is a legit sketch comedy show
its IMPRESSIVELY bad at this point. and people are still all over twitter saying this dude was an excellent pick for the position lol. this means this tool lobbied to eradicate a department, without even knowing its function. and... this SAME tool accepted a job, without knowing the job description.
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"What no one seemed to notice," said a colleague of mine, a philologist, "was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing, to do with knowing one is governing.

"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it."

Any of yall ever read They Though They Were Free?
its IMPRESSIVELY bad at this point. and people are still all over twitter saying this dude was an excellent pick for the position lol. this means this tool lobbied to eradicate a department, without even knowing its function. and... this SAME tool accepted a job, without knowing the job description.

While his now boss called him stupid.


At the Department of Justice, the blueprint calls for eliminating the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Violence Against Women Grants and the Legal Services Corporation and for reducing funding for its Civil Rights and its Environment and Natural Resources divisions.

At the Department of Energy, it would roll back funding for nuclear physics and advanced scientific computing research to 2008 levels, eliminate the Office of Electricity, eliminate the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and scrap the Office of Fossil Energy, which focuses on technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Under the State Department’s jurisdiction, funding for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are candidates for elimination.

Conservatives allied with fiscal hawks such as Pence, Paul and the Heritage Foundation say the time is long past due to get serious about cutting the federal deficit.

"What do we have to lose?"
Trump's is gonna try to cover his massive tax cuts with cutting government spending on services that protect the public to the ground.


-Massive tax cuts for the rich

-Austerity for the middle class and poor

-Cutting government services to the floor

Someone want to explain to me again how Trump is not your run of the mill far right winger?

Are his blatant lies (instead of half truths and misinformation) and open bigotry (instead of dog whistles) the only things that make him special?
Trump's is gonna try to cover his massive tax cuts with cutting government spending on services that protect the public to the ground.


-Massive tax cuts for the rich

-Austerity for the middle class and poor

-Cutting government services to the floor

Someone want to explain to me again how Trump is not your run of the mill far right winger?

Are his blatant lies (instead of half truths and misinformation) and open bigotry (instead of dog whistles) the only things that make him special?

Hold on Rust

We gotta wait until he's sworn in before we can ask/answer these questions. >D
Trump's is gonna try to cover his massive tax cuts with cutting government spending on services that protect the public to the ground.


-Massive tax cuts for the rich

-Austerity for the middle class and poor

-Cutting government services to the floor

Someone want to explain to me again how Trump is not your run of the mill far right winger?

Are his blatant lies (instead of half truths and misinformation) and open bigotry (instead of dog whistles) the only things that make him special?

Bu bu but the savings of the rich will trickle down to everyone else
Obeezy just commuted 330 more people today.

Mostly non violent drug offenders.

He has also been transferring people out of Gitmo like crazy
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In Steve we trust!


Hope his tickets to the inauguration didn't get lost in the mail.

We need our leader present for this historic event.

My thoughts exactly. Benjamin Franklin Carson, Steven Harvey and certain members of a sneaker forum need to show up for President Trump. All HAIL PRESIDENT TRUMP. BEN CARSON 2020
Obeezy just commuted 330 more people today.

Mostly non violent drug offenders.

He has also been transferring people out of Gitmo like crazy
 GOOD! something DOES need to be done about non violent minor drug offenders doing time while the drug that put them there is being sold in stores now. imagine being in jail for like, possession of marijuana and seeing your state start selling it stores. IMAGINE.
Obeezy just commuted 330 more people today.

Mostly non violent drug offenders.

He has also been transferring people out of Gitmo like crazy

 GOOD! something DOES need to be done about non violent minor drug offenders doing time while the drug that put them there is being sold in stores now. imagine being in jail for like, possession of marijuana and seeing your state start selling it stores. IMAGINE.

Famb I feel you completely

This is the ultimate insult.

I get that people are happy about being able to smoke freely, ok.

But so many don't stop and think about how many lives have been destroyed over silly non violent drug charges.

I always tell my friends, if you advocating about getting legal weed, also advocate for all the people that are locked up for minor weed charges to be released and the records wiped clean. But that argument involves an ugly racial component, so many would rather sick their heads in the sand about it.
 GOOD! something DOES need to be done about non violent minor drug offenders doing time while the drug that put them there is being sold in stores now. imagine being in jail for like, possession of marijuana and seeing your state start selling it stores. IMAGINE.
Didn't Oregon (and other states that legalized it) expunge weed arrests from peoples records, throw out all pending marijuana cases, and release people in jail for weed related offenses?  I am pretty sure they did the first two things, but cant remember if they released people in jail or not.
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