***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Over/Under on when the U.S. invades Iran? It's definitely gonna happen under The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji].
Is that ironic because they can't have babies or because they'll never have sex?
- My favorite scripture? Hmmm that a good question Michael'

- My name is David

- Okay Steven.

- sighs, Mr Trump what is your favorite scripture? Which one do you relate to the most?

-Hmmm..I mean, there are so many...There's a lot of Books in the Bible right? Like 8 or 9? Something like that? It's Uuuuge.'

- Sir..

- I suppose if I had to choose...and I'm just spit balling here, I don't quite remember it verbatim..but..something like...'

'Tho thy skin be orange and thy hands be small, let thy mouth be wide and voice be loud, for all of the pillars and all of the lands, hear thy bellows and recognize thee as the one true head guy'

- I think thats in the Book of Nordstrom, Verse 3, line 1-10

- Uhmmm..I'm not sure that's..

- I love the Bible, it's so great. My favorite movie series. The way Charleton Heston saved the Jewz

- Right..wait..what?
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Gotta love the way it's hardly ever any of the folks who would actually be using PP, as in women, who are the most vocal speaking out against it :lol: :rolleyes
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And the women who do are usually those who only use their personal lives as evidence that it's not necessary
read this:

Nieto had to fire the one dude in his administration who had connections with trump after trump visited mexico.. after trump won, they brought dude back on the staff

and then obviously more shht went down
Thanks for the read bro just went through it and it just confirms how I feel. Really terrible situation all around man


My dude signed the executive order for the wall the same day the Mexican delegation was in white house, without even meeting him.

Y'all need to include a 30-day return amendment in the constitution. This fool is malfunctioning and he's about to burn the house.
- My favorite scripture? Hmmm that a good question Michael'

- My name is David

- Okay Steven.

- sighs, Mr Trump what is your favorite scripture? Which one do you relate to the most?

-Hmmm..I mean, there are so many...There's a lot of Books in the Bible right? Like 8 or 9? Something like that? It's Uuuuge.'

- Sir..

- I suppose if I had to choose...and I'm just spit balling here, I don't quite remember it verbatim..but..something like...'

'Tho thy skin be orange and thy hands be small, let thy mouth be wide and voice be loud, for all of the pillars and all of the lands, hear thy bellows and recognize thee as the one true head guy'

- I think thats in the Book of Nordstrom, Verse 3, line 1-10

- Uhmmm..I'm not sure that's..

- I love the Bible, it's so great. My favorite movie series. The way Charleton Heston saved the Jewz

- Right..
you cut that off short (like god with trump's hands and ...)

- It was a tremendous victory. He had the best people, the best words. We need victories like that again. Like my victory parade last week.

- You mean the presidential inauguration?

- So dishonest. You are such a liar. The media is always twisting the truth. I despise you. What are you, ABC News? I came up with a nickname for you. It's "Faux News."

- I believe people already use that term to refer to Fox News.

- Tremendous crowds at my parade. There must've been, what, 3 billion people there. Such an amazing time.

- Sir.. how many people are in this room with us right now?

- Eleventeen.

- That's not a number, and there's only 5 people here.
Over/Under on when the U.S. invades Iran? It's definitely gonna happen under The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji].

Naaa he would be strongly advised not to by everybody. Iran has the strongest military in the region and their people hate the us. It would be Vietnam in the desert with iran's military and local civilians attacking our men. All that said The us would win but then we would have to rebuilding Iran with a new regime and the rebuilding part is where we just flat out suck and it cost us the tax payer money. Nope
Can they have a compilation of Barson's lies to that beat? He would absolutely murder the beat both literally and figuratively.
EVERYTIME I hear trumps mouth I wanna dive through my screen and drop kick him in his ridiculous ***** face.
I'm just saying that when we say "religion" in this context, we're not talking about belief but about practice. And there's a fundamental difference between East and West with respect to religious identity (at least the limited notion of Middle East vs. America), but we can save that discussion for another day.

From a legal standpoint, I think you'd have to prove that your religious identity is visible enough for you to be persecuted for it. You can't be a blonde named Keith McSmith and go to church every day and all your friends think you're Christian and then go tell immigration that you're secretly a Muslim and you pray to the Muslim god in your head. You'd have to visibly Muslim enough that others would go after you for it. Or if you pray on the rosary in public every day and go to mass on Sundays but you don't really believe in god, you'd still be a Christian for refugee purposes.

Again, I don't know how this is verified in practice and I have no faith that trump's people would do it fairly or reasonably.

I agree with your larger point that in the Middle East, there are subtle markers like name and village of origin that could probably corroborate your religion. Which, as you said, is in contrast to how it is in the West.
EVERYTIME I hear trumps mouth I wanna dive through my screen and drop kick him in his ridiculous ***** face.
EVERYTIME I hear trumps mouth I wanna dive through my screen and drop kick him in his ridiculous ***** face.

blah blah blah. Why dont you really do something about it, instead of complaining about it?? That the problem with liberals and millennials. All you do is cry about it. Dont get mad at Trump because he is doing what he said he was going to do. Get mad at your leaders in the demorats party or the people that did not go vote. Willing Tryllary to the win. Hell, maybe even " the bern" might have beaten Trump in the election, but he decided against his crusty morals not to run as independent.

The beginning of the TRUMP ERA is here. You dont like it. Move out of the country like those celebrities did.. O wait..
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blah blah blah. Why dont you really do something about it, instead of complaining about it?? That the problem with liberals and millennials. All you do is cry about it. Dont get mad at Trump because he is doing what he said he was going to do. Get mad at your leaders in the demorats party or the people that did not go vote. Willing Tryllary to the win. Hell, maybe even " the bern" might have beaten Trump in the election, but he decided against his crusty morals not to run as independent.

The beginning of the TRUMP ERA is here. You dont like it. Move out of the country like those celebrities did.. O wait..
Post to avy ratio on 100000000
So I've been thinking about how conservatives message so effectively and how we on the left should counter them. I realized that the right wing has three big ways of dismissing things associated with the left.

One is to feminize school teachers, public employees, infrastructure, public transportation and anything else that buttresses the middle class and makes life easier for poor people. On that point, we need to flip the script and emphasize how those "feminine" things actually expand the menu of options for most people and rugged individualism actually constrains freedom of choice even if it might theoretically expand it.

The second tactic is to criminalize people, especially all people of color. I do think that the left does need to describe conservatives as criminal in nature. A scared electorate is an engaged electorate and unlike conservatives, the left wing coalition has good reason to be afraid of the opposition. In the future, I want Democrats to splash Republican faces next to Brock Turner and Dylann Roof. Talk about how Republicans are coming to take away your vote.

In 2006, Democrats aligned Larry Craig with Child Molestation and by extension the entire Republican Party. They also hammered away at the corruption in GOP Congress and they did very well in the midterms as a result. Also, one of the biggest reasons that Elizabeth Warren is so beloved is that she treated her interactions with financial bad actors like she is a prosecutor. It may be grand standing but it works for her.

Finally, we have the conservative tactic of otherizing. This is largely used against people and communities who they cannot criminalize so they use this most often against white liberals and LGBTQIA folks. They also use this to dismiss whole swaths of the Country like New York City and all of California. Now, I don't think that we should indulge in this all that often (we should be inclusive and have a 50 State strategy) but we should mix in a few more Russian jabs and few more allusions to Republicans being like confederates.

Perhaps the most important of these compassionate notes is the draft executive order’s sixth section, pertaining to the “establishment of safe zones to protect vulnerable Syrian populations.” To anyone who has paid attention to Syria for the last three years, the phrase “vulnerable Syrian populations” will sound like a sick joke: Most of the country has been a kill-zone for some time now, and the areas of superficial safety are safe only because President Bashar al-Assad has retaken them, mercilessly. The section goes on to direct the State Department to come up with a plan for “safe areas in Syria or the surrounding region” in which to kennel the millions of “vulnerable” people.

Safe zones need to be secured by force, or those within them become targets for mass killing: a turkey-shoot for genocidaires. So to establish them will require either unexpected generosity on the part of some unnamed regional government, or the establishment of an American protectorate in Syria.

If that is indeed the plan—invasion and administration of a portion of Syria—then the single paragraph devoted to the subject in this draft is a buried hint that the Trump administration is ready for an overseas military adventure beyond anything countenanced by the Obama administration, or by Trump himself. Either that, or it is a hint that the new administration has no idea how complicated Syria, refugee issues, and terrorism really are. Given the haphazardness of the rest of the new administration’s policies, and callous irrationality of the rest of this order, I find it hard to speculate on which interpretation is more likely right.
blah blah blah. Why dont you really do something about it, instead of complaining about it?? That the problem with liberals and millennials. All you do is cry about it. Dont get mad at Trump because he is doing what he said he was going to do. Get mad at your leaders in the demorats party or the people that did not go vote. Willing Tryllary to the win. Hell, maybe even " the bern" might have beaten Trump in the election, but he decided against his crusty morals not to run as independent.

The beginning of the TRUMP ERA is here. You dont like it. Move out of the country like those celebrities did.. O wait..

Translation: "Stop being mean to my daddy"
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