***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It's interesting that when I googled just 5 minutes ago they put therapists nurses and doctors under the health care umbrella

But when I was in school I remember it clear as day that they wanted to create a distinction between health care and medical professionals

Ehh it's whatever, to me it's not that serious. I was just parroting something that was pounded in my head in school

its no biggie, I'm sure your teachers had their reason, I didn't go to nursing school so I'm in no position to say you are wrong.
we weren't fighting each other, seems like those of us that actually work in the field were just ******** on him for his ignorance....
you could substitute nursing with economist or whatever else and that ends up being a huge percentage of this thread content and not once have you guys changed his opinion on anything :lol: and yet people still keep trying.

on a side note, ninja references NPR quite a bit. that's all i listen to on the radio nowadays. story corps is badass. i love listening to that and downloaded an app on my phone for that today.
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So now they are going to take it to the SC?  These guys look like such fools with this mickey mouse ****, ******* amateur hour.
Well, they might not take it to the SC, from what I heard. They might, they just might take the L and create another executive order from scratch.
Physician's assistants have master degrees 
i think you are talking about medical assistants - those are 2 year programs
No I'm talking about PAs, my girl is applying this year. It requires a 4 year bachelors + a masters which can be up to 2 years. A lot of BS-RN go through 4 years of nursing school then apply to PA school.

PAs can run clinics by themselves or they can even operate under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor usually just starts it or may even only do the time out depending on the procedure. 

Where you girl live at?

I understand most PAs have to go the post-grad route. There are some schools that offer PA degrees as a 4 year undergrad degree. Crazy brutal though. Everything is condensed and my sister was getting tested 3 times a week once PA school started. :lol:

Ok. This is probably my last post about medical, health care anything. My bad.
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lol man....he got really thick skin. he be ok.
i vacillate between shaking my head at the slander thrown his way and chuckling because some of the insults are really funny. aside from all that though, i think that the personal attacks do more harm to the one throwing shade than the intended target.
Trump won't be seeing them in the SC? Sad!

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Russia is considering handing Edward Snowden over to U.S. to "curry favor," U.S. official says http://nbcnews.to/2lA1Sj9


Snowden thought he had found asylum in Russia,he wasn't gonna be anything more than a bargaining chip/piece for Putin further down the line :lol:
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Trump won't be seeing them in the SC? Sad!

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Russia is considering handing Edward Snowden over to U.S. to "curry favor," U.S. official says http://nbcnews.to/2lA1Sj9


Snowden thought he had found asylum in Russia,he wasn't gonna be anything more than a bargaining chip/piece for Putin further down the line :lol:

Should have taken Obama's offer. Say what you want about the US, we don't kill people in front of the WH in broad daylight nor do we poison journalists with radioactive material.

As far as education policy is concerned, I know a hell of a lot more than Betsy DeVos. With that said, I am still not an expert.

Broadly speaking, I would draw on the liberal idea of having well paid, well respected teachers and i would draw on the conservative belief in decentralization. I would create a sort of publicly funded guild of teachers, I would create districts and assign a certain number of these well paid, well respected professionals t that district and a proportional budget. From there they could have more flexibility and form schools and if a school isn't working out they could reform it. That would seem like a model that honors teachers' professionalism, gives parents (even very poor parents) some more options and avoids a cynical, private sector cash grab.

Sadly, current conservative plans are just such a cynical cash grab. Not only that, conservative voucher plans would impose further hardships on poor people (especially poor people of color), break the back of professional teaching (and thus destroy one of the few remaining clusters of secure and middle class jobs), make most American children less educated, empower abusive parents and enrich a few people at tax payer expense. In other words, vouchers are a means to an and with that end being the implementation of a number of right wing policy goals.

so much going on here.. look at the 2 sons faces in the back

man.. how some dudes sleep at night defending this fool i'll never get it

The one on the right though.

Dude said "ooohhh" :lol:

Trump won't be seeing them in the SC? Sad!

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Russia is considering handing Edward Snowden over to U.S. to "curry favor," U.S. official says http://nbcnews.to/2lA1Sj9


Snowden thought he had found asylum in Russia,he wasn't gonna be anything more than a bargaining chip/piece for Putin further down the line :lol:

A+ gif :lol:

I hope Edward don't go out like that man.
Susan Hennessey‏ @Susan_Hennessey

Agree, but don't forget that Pence and Trump have had access to the primary source intel on this for weeks now.
Christina Wilkie‏ @christinawilkie
Trump Admin. is distancing itself from NSA Mike Flynn. I can’t see how he survives this. They're basically saying he lied to Pence. (link: ) twitter.com/gregpmiller/st…
11:22 PM · Feb 9, 2017

Louise Mensch‏ @LouiseMensch

Jeff Sessions is himself a suspect in any Trump-Russia inquiry. @SRuhle "recuse or lose"  #CarterPage

Eric Garland‏ @ericgarland

To give you an idea of how nuts/incompetent Flynn is, the guy RAN AN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY but didn't think he'd get caught for this.
10:37 PM · Feb 9, 2017

Louise Mensch‏ @LouiseMensch

Somebody in FBI counter-intelligence sent @JeffSessions a solid warning last night.
Don't even THINK about treading on our investigation.
Jimmy Rushmore‏ @JimmyRushmore
@LouiseMensch @EmmaKennedy Whilst I hope you're right, I'm sceptical as would amount to admission of wrongdoing, open up further questions
10:03 AM · Feb 10, 2017

Susan Hennessey‏ @Susan_Hennessey

Agree, but don't forget that Pence and Trump have had access to the primary source intel on this for weeks now.
Christina Wilkie‏ @christinawilkie
Trump Admin. is distancing itself from NSA Mike Flynn. I can’t see how he survives this. They're basically saying he lied to Pence. (link: ) twitter.com/gregpmiller/st…
11:22 PM · Feb 9, 2017

Louise Mensch‏ @LouiseMensch

Jeff Sessions is himself a suspect in any Trump-Russia inquiry. @SRuhle "recuse or lose"  #CarterPage

Eric Garland‏ @ericgarland

To give you an idea of how nuts/incompetent Flynn is, the guy RAN AN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY but didn't think he'd get caught for this.
10:37 PM · Feb 9, 2017

Louise Mensch‏ @LouiseMensch

Somebody in FBI counter-intelligence sent @JeffSessions a solid warning last night.
Don't even THINK about treading on our investigation.
Jimmy Rushmore‏ @JimmyRushmore
@LouiseMensch @EmmaKennedy Whilst I hope you're right, I'm sceptical as would amount to admission of wrongdoing, open up further questions
10:03 AM · Feb 10, 2017

Already a scandal :wow:
That was fast. Flynn on the chopping block after the GOP fought tooth and nail to get that piece of **** confirmed :lol:
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Meanwhile Putin has to be smiling from ear to ear while he watches the US destroy its standing in the world :smh:
If Le Pen wins in France that'll be another major W for him
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that's still facts thou :lol:

Which part are you calling a fact, though?

Do you know how much energy is lost is a combustion engine?

doesn't matter when...





On an equivalent energy basis, motor gasoline (which contains up to 10% ethanol) was estimated to account for 99% of light-duty vehicle fuel consumption in 2012. Over half of the remaining 1% was from diesel; all other fuels combined for less than half of 1%. The widespread use of these fuels is largely explained by their energy density and ease of onboard storage, as no other fuels provide more energy within a given unit of volume.

electric vehicles with fuel cells powered by hydrogen can double the fuel economy of a similarly sized gasoline vehicle, while battery-powered electric vehicles can achieve a quadrupling of fuel economy, but the costs of fuel cells, hydrogen storage, and batteries are prohibitively expensive to most consumers and the availability of refueling and charging facilities is extremely limited. In addition, the improvement in fuel economy of these vehicles does not compensate for the lower fuel densities of hydrogen and various battery types like lithium ion, lithium polymer, and nickel-metal hydride batteries that result in limited driving range relative to gasoline-powered vehicles.


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