***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I was just reading aome breitbart comments, a guilty pleasure at times, and jesus christ are those people ******* sick.
How about hydrogen? Can make a car easily more powerful. Toyota is starting the movement but other manufacturers should join. Only biproduct is drinking water? Sign me up.
they're not gonna live to 60.

they're 40-year-old grandparents on disability and suffer from obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. they also smoke and do meth.

funny how the tables have turned.
Physics? Really?
:lol: The man can't even read and people are entertaining his arguments against physics.

I really wonder they are teaching this dude at his trade school. You would think that he would be familiar with things like the Carnot cycle but no! He is going to argue about that too.
that's the Chinese hoax/liberal lies you learn in hyperspecialized universities.
Yeah how is he perceptive to learning from his teacher when he really feels he knows it all about EVERYTHING...like there is not a single person he thinks is more knowledgable on any single topic here on NT.

Dudes mom really raised him to feel he's never wrong...dude is so childish he has yet to say he was wrong about the amount of years of school an NP needs....he rather just ignore it.
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In an op-ed published last week in National Geographic, a Melinda Gates birth control pledge was announced. The wife of tech magnate Bill Gates made a bold statement on birth control: She wants to provide contraceptive options to 120 million women around the globe by 2020.


bet you trump is jealous that a) he's never had that kind of money and b) even as president be doesn't have as much influence.
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Birth control is the best thing for everyone. Abortion makes me uneasy and the best compromise for me is to just stop chicks from getting pregnant in the first place.
Yeah how is he perceptive to learning from his teacher when he really feels he knows it all about EVERYTHING...like there is not a single person he thinks is more knowledgable on any single topic here on NT.

Dudes mom really raised him to feel he's never wrong...dude is so childish he has yet to say he was wrong about the amount of years of school an NP needs....he rather just ignore it.
It's the classic case of him fitting the evidence to what he wants to believe.
Yeah how is he perceptive to learning from his teacher when he really feels he knows it all about EVERYTHING...like there is not a single person he thinks is more knowledgable

sounds like someone we know
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On a lighter note, Trump is proof the country can run without a President :lol:. Dude has been an absolute joke since 1/20, and things are still running per usual (for the most part).
umm yeah you would because,

-you still can't pack da same amount of energy in storage to go anywhere far

-charging is still slow.

-battery weight to compares to a tank of gas of comparable energy is laughable right now.

Either you aren't reading or you don't understand what the words "energy" and "density" mean. 

This goes for you and your political views.

what part of "you can't pack da same amount of energy per volume in some batteries that gasoline currently enjoys" you don't understand? :lol:

there's a reason gasoline been da dominant energy source for centuries.
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FEC commissioner asks Trump for voter fraud evidence

A Federal Elections Commission commissioner called on President Donald Trump Friday to substantiate his claim of massive voter fraud in New Hampshire.

Trump alleged in a White House meeting earlier this week that illegal voters from Massachusetts successfully voted in New Hampshire en masse, three sources familiar with the meeting have told CNN.

The sources said Trump complained about thousands of people being bused from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire, a state he narrowly lost to Hillary Clinton.

In a statement calling the claim "astonishing," FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said, "The scheme the President of the United States alleges would constitute thousands of felony criminal offenses under New Hampshire law."

A message left with the White House seeking comment was not immediately returned Friday night.

Weintraub is a Democratic member of the six-member commission that is tasked with overseeing campaign finance rules and providing information on federal elections.
She said the President's reported comments constituted an "extraordinarily serious and specific charge" that could not be ignored.

"I therefore call upon President Trump to immediately share his evidence with the public," Weintraub said.

Since winning the election, Trump has repeatedly alleged -- without offering evidence -- widespread voter fraud in the election. He has said in public and behind closed doors that "millions" of votes were cast illegally and were responsible for him not winning the popular vote.

There is no evidence of voter fraud anywhere near the scale Trump has alleged.

Trump said he would organize a formal investigation and bring evidence to the public, but has yet to sign an executive order establishing such a probe.
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CIA freezes out top Flynn aide

The agency denied a security clearance for a key aide to the National Security Adviser — ratcheting up tensions between Flynn and the intel community.

While everyone was busy with the Muslim Ban ICE has raided cities that offered sanctuary from immigration interference in local police (Los Angeles, Austin, San Diego, etc)
umm yeah you would because,

-you still can't pack da same amount of energy in storage to go anywhere far

-charging is still slow.

-battery weight to compares to a tank of gas of comparable energy is laughable right now.

Either you aren't reading or you don't understand what the words "energy" and "density" mean. 

This goes for you and your political views.

what part of "you can't pack da same amount of energy per volume in some batteries that gasoline currently enjoys" you don't understand? :lol:

there's a reason gasoline been da dominant energy source for centuries.

Your persistence in being willfully ignorant is offensive.

Boris is right, you're wrong, and that's it.

How energy efficient are electric motors compared to combustion engines?
Using contemporary technology

Brian Feldman
Brian Feldman, visionary entrepreneur - innovation consultant and robotics specialist
Written Oct 25, 2014
To expand upon Nathan Kaemingk's answer and put some numbers to it from a vehicle perspective:

Consider the Tesla Model S, which has an available 85kWh battery and a 265 mile range.

Consider a similar gas-powered car, which gets 35 mpg.

Gasoline contains about 33kwh of energy per gallon.

The Tesla uses 320 Wh/mile of energy (85kWh/265 miles)

The gas powered car uses 940 Wh/mile of energy (33kWh/35 miles)

Once the energy is onboard (not counting the efficiency of the power generation, oil refining, or charging), the Tesla is using only about a third as much energy as the comparable gasoline-powered car.

On a per mile basis, the Tesla uses less energy than a gasoline car, therefore it doesn't need high energy density fuel. Why? Because the Tesla is more efficient

Deal with it.
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