***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Federal investigators and computer scientists continue to examine whether there was a computer server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, sources close to the investigation tell CNN.

Questions about the possible connection were widely dismissed four months ago. But the FBI's investigation remains open, the sources said, and is in the hands of the FBI's counterintelligence team -- the same one looking into Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election.
One U.S. official said investigators find the server relationship "odd" and are not ignoring it. But the official said there is still more work for the FBI to do. Investigators have not yet determined whether a connection would be significant.
The server issue surfaced again this weekend, mentioned in a Breitbart article that, according to a White House official, sparked President Trump's series of tweets accusing investigators of tapping his phone.
CNN is told there was no Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on the server.
The FBI declined to comment. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.
In addition, companies involved have provided CNN with new explanations that at times conflict with each other and still don't fully explain what happened.
The story -- of a possible connection between computer servers -- is a strange tale because there are no specific allegations of wrongdoing and only vague technical evidence.
Internet data shows that last summer, a computer server owned by Russia-based Alfa Bank repeatedly looked up the contact information for a computer server being used by the Trump Organization -- far more than other companies did, representing 80% of all lookups to the Trump server.
It's unclear if the Trump Organization server itself did anything in return. No one has produced evidence that the servers actually communicated.
Guccifer 2.0 :lol: :lol:


Because it's not like there's an opioid epidemic or anything... and who cares about mental health?
I'm liking this Joe Kennedy guy.

Is there a downside? He's not part of some big political family or something, is he?


Jenny Beth Martin, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said on Thursday morning that she's not happy with the House Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, arguing that it will increase health insurance costs even further.

"If it passes the way it is presented right now, the hard working taxpayers of this country will be forgotten once again," Martin told CNN's "New Day" after saying that the House bill will prompt health insurance prices to "skyrocket."

The darkest corners in my heart want Republicare to pass just to watch this woman and her ilk suffer. :lol:

I can't say how much they disgust me. These people were instrumental in demonizing Obama and his policies. Now they're crying? ****, If I were Obama, I would appear on GMA to mock these mfers on some real petty ****.

There are more than 7,000 physicians working in the U.S. who trained in Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, the six countries in Trump’s new executive order, according to research from a group of doctors and economists at Harvard Medical School using data from Doximity, a professional network for physicians.1 The Association of American Medical Colleges, which represents all of the accredited medical schools in the U.S. and most teaching hospitals, calculated how many people were affected by the previous executive order covering seven countries, estimating that figure at more than 10,000. The organization says there are also 80 students from those seven countries currently enrolled in U.S. medical schools and about 1,000 people who have applied for residencies and fellowships.

In light of the revised ban, graduate students from Harvard and MIT used Doximity data to try to quantify the role those physicians play in the U.S. medical system and who they serve. They found that doctors from the countries subject to the ban are concentrated in Rust Belt states and Appalachia, and estimated that they account for more than 14 million patient visits a year.2 The doctors are more likely to work in underserved areas and more likely to practice in areas of medicine facing shortages, such as pediatrics and psychiatry, meaning that many likely play a vital role in vulnerable communities.

It’s unclear what effect the ban will have on these doctors, but Trump’s backlash against immigration already appears to be affecting other scientific fields. Graduate engineering programs have seen as much as a 30 percent decline in applications this year. And the earlier iteration of the ban resulted in physicians, residents and their families being denied entry to the U.S.

This administration is going to kill a lot of people.


Told you so...
but the decreased population in these states won't be reflected in the electoral system until the next census, right? so 2020 election or will it take another year or two after that?
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What did it say?


It summarizes Bannon alluding to a racist French novel where white supremacist in France plot to kill Indian immigrants and other ethnic minorities because they feel immigration is going to destroy white society.

-I **** on them a lot, but the Young Turk has a good summary video of the article.

I'm listening Terry Gross' show from earlier today right now. She's interviewing a NYT journalist who's been documenting Bannon's close ties to Sessions pre-election.

Those two devils are in this together. Castration of non-whites in America, before we inevitably become this country's majority, is their philosophical endgame.

This is scary stuff for all people of color in America.
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I just get enraged reading the news... I don't know how actual people in office can handle such BS put out by the GOP on a daily basis.

I try to take breaks.. every damn day it's just a mess.. just keeps coming and piling on

People thought I was being facetious when saying anything short WWIII would be an accomplishment

Has he had sufficient enough of a chance for those "give him a chance" folks?
Yeah she knows what shes doing.. playing that dumb bimbo roll, and especially when she puts out stupid crap like 'alternative facts' and the media goes crazy over it. Like it says in the end.. blame the dumb networks for requesting an interview with her over and over and over again.

'Wag the Dog' strategy to distract the public what's really going on, and just today.. .our marines in Syria!


that's the first thing i said when i saw one of her interviews

she literally ignores questions and just rambles on about whatever she wants

why are people giving her a platform?

she should be blacklisted from media interviews....by the media... LOL
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