***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Krugman been letting the yoppa sing for years regarding Ryan. He routinely calls him a charlatan :lol:

But Krugman got no times for the GOP's economics lies.

The AARP deserves this nonsense. They have always been half stepping, cozying up to the GOP. Traditionally the GOP would be quick to hurt young people to help older folk and the AARP loved it, they liked Trump because he promised not to touch Social Security and Medicare. Now Paul Ryan coming for that *** they want to cry bloody murderm and Trump has sold them out.

Paul Ryan isn't done, he is coming for Social Security and Medicare next.
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Bruh how has it only been 50 ****** days :rofl:

R.I.P. all of us

It's exhausting. I hardly remember Obama being in the news during 8 years of presidency other than when he was addressing the nation or when he was attending some type of overseas meeting/conference. This clown Trump is in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm not going to give up reading up on what nonsense he's up to because I want to stay informed, but hopefully he's not tiring people to death and causing them to ignore what he's doing.
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Can someone school me on what the hell is Paul Ryan's end game. This dude wants to cut everything. Where does it end? He's been upfront about cutting medicare, social security, other entitlements, and of course ACA. Like is he expecting old, sick, and poor folks to just fall off and die. Let's say him and his F boys legislations and changes go through. Of course rich folks gonna get their extra change but where else would our tax revenue go? I work in social services and even in the bay area, there's a lot of needy and sick folks out here, it'll be extra tough for them if the ninja turtle and Satan's son Paul get their way. But there's a lot more poorer folks across the country, can only imagine what they'll be facing when the storm arrives.
Bradd Jaffy‏Verified account  @BraddJaffy 28m28 minutes ago

Q: Trump's called jobs reports phony...

Spicer, quoting what Trump told him: “They may have been phony in the past, but it's very real now”pic.twitter.com/CZGS9nvXSZ
Of course rich folks gonna get their extra change but where else would our tax revenue go? I work in social services and even in the bay area, there's a lot of needy and sick folks out here, it'll be extra tough for them if the ninja turtle and Satan's son Paul get their way. But there's a lot more poorer folks across the country, can only imagine what they'll be facing when the storm arrives.

Tax revenue would go to National Security/Military obviously.

Yeah I feel you on needy and sick people. Medi-CAL expanded thanks primary to Obamacare. If those funds go, then we're talking about mass amounts of people without coverage. I am worried about the mentally ill people whom require that Govt funded anti-psychotic drugs, and health facilities to care for em. Once the mentally ill demographic people can't get those prescriptions, then they will just turn to street drugs. So I am expecting a large spike in crime, homelessness and prison population.


I read earlier about some of the IP address of WikiLeaks being traced back to hosts registered in Russia...:nerd:


It was last modified days before the Podesta leaks apparently,nothing fishy there
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Of course rich folks gonna get their extra change but where else would our tax revenue go? I work in social services and even in the bay area, there's a lot of needy and sick folks out here, it'll be extra tough for them if the ninja turtle and Satan's son Paul get their way. But there's a lot more poorer folks across the country, can only imagine what they'll be facing when the storm arrives.

Tax revenue would go to National Security/Military obviously.

Yeah I feel you on needy and sick people. Medi-CAL expanded thanks primary to Obamacare. If those funds go, then we're talking about mass amounts of people without coverage. I am worried about the mentally ill people whom require that Govt funded anti-psychotic drugs, and health facilities to care for em. Once the mentally ill demographic people can't get those prescriptions, then they will just turn to street drugs. So I am expecting a large spike in crime, homelessness and prison population.

Turn to street drugs and coppin da musket legally.

But any and every excess money in this country goes to military, that's just the way they do things.
Nigel Farrage and Julian Assange had a meeting at the Ecuadorian embassy. I guess they needed to coordinate what to getting Papi Vlad for his b-day :lol:
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This is really a nightmare come true.

The way it's always worked is that there is a separation between working professionals and the general public. The news acts as a medium to give the public an idea of what the professionals are doing. This is especially important in politics. But I always know in the back of my mind that we're only getting a glimpse of the inner workings of government. Which is fine. I'm not an elected official and I'm not paid to know everything. And what we are told or what we see is designed for our public consumption. People on the inside only care about it as it reflects public opinion and for the occasional investigative journalism, but it stops there.

However, now we have a president who is using the media -- this glimpse of the truth -- to run the country. It's amazing in a way, actually.

Imagine your doctor choosing your treatment plan based on an article he read on Yahoo News instead of knowing the textbooks and the latest clinical guidelines. Or imagine your lawyer defending you based on what he read in an op-ed the other day about the legal challenge to the travel ban. And so on.

It's real-life satire.
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^ Ya and to think people WANTED someone like that to run our country



Srsly, in all of history, is there record of a 70 year old wealthy man changing any of his ways?
Trump is using Twitter as a distraction from all the scandals.. The media are idiots to fall for it. I wish the media would stop being polite and stop having respect for the office of the Presidency and get nasty. Stop talking about his twits and start grilling em on the issues/facts at hand.


When the media coverage, or the congressional pressure, gets too tough, a simple tweet is enough to send the press stampeding in the other direction.
Can they just admit they hated to see a black man hold the title of President of the United States??? Jesus
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