***Official Political Discussion Thread***


CBO: 14 million uninsured next year; 24 million uninsured in 2026:https://t.co/OthBuc8b5M pic.twitter.com/P79onIPSmb
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) March 13, 2017
Where is the full document if anyone wants to read it. LINK

Watch, the GOP is gonna turn on the CBO hard and try to vilify them.

These pieces of **** know they just got exposed.
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BTW, apparently those CIA Wikileaks look like were a bunch of nothing.

Assange really going all in on this Russia propaganda shtick
Steve King says to hell with Dog Whistles, my man went full white supremacy on CNN this morning :lol: :smh:. Doubled down on that racist tweet.


Rep. Steve King:

-"I'd like to see an America that's just so homogenous that we look a lot the same"-

He's been a POS for the longest.

Why do people call the Republicans racists just cuz they keep saying racist things?

Like, why are we listening to their words and interpreting them on what they actually say?

Damn libs always listening and ****. :smh:
Steve king might as well wear that KKK hoodie whenever he go speaks out on CNN next time
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Why do people call the Republicans racists just cuz they keep saying racist things?

Like, why are we listening to their words and interpreting them on what they actually say?

Damn libs always listening and ****. :smh:

Is this sarcasm?
100% :lol:

Kushner, Trump and everyone else in his cabinet are fixing to come up huge financially off of this presidency :lol:
If calexit really becomes real, I want NY to join them....

Won't happen and I would vote against it no thank you. while NYC is liberal and most college towns upstate the rest of ny is red. Staten/ Long Island And parts of queens towards the east are red.

Lol but NY is liberal enough that it always goes to the Democrats
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The stupidity of folks against universal health care is just uncanny. What is more messed up are poor folks voting for politicians who are against universal health care.
The stupidity of folks against universal health care is just uncanny. What is more messed up are poor folks voting for politicians who are against universal health care.

Those politicians appeal to the selfishness of those people. That is the underlying idea that brings people towards conservatism in general and the GOP in particular. Somehow, they delude themselves enough to think that they will not be affected by the hurt they want to inflict on others.

On that note, where's Rico? That dude was soooo sure that supporting people who want to gut the federal government wouldn't have an impact on the community he lives in, even though it is full of government workers.

Short-sighted logic at its best.
Speaker Paul Ryan  (R-Wis.) on Monday said he was "encouraged" by a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that projected the number of uninsured people would grow by 14 million in 2018 under the Republican ObamaCare replacement bill.

"I think if you read this entire report, I'm pretty encouraged by it," Ryan said Monday on Fox News.

"And it actually exceeded my expectations."

The CBO report  found that 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026. The losses would largely be due to the proposed changes in Medicaid.
The GOP bill ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program.
Ryan on Monday pointed to the reason why the CBO projected so many more people would be uninsured.

"We're saying the government's not going to force people to buy something that they don't want to buy," he said.

"And if we end an ObamaCare mandate that says you must buy this government one-size-fits-all plan, guess what? People aren't going to buy that."

Ryan said "of course" the CBO is suggesting that if the government isn't going to "make people do something they don't want to do, they're not going to buy it."

"But at the same time, they're saying our reforms will kick in and lower premiums and make healthcare therefore more accessible," he said.

"This is just part one of a three-part plan, and that's why I'm excited. Just this, they say, lowers premiums, stabilizes the market, gives people more choice and freedom."

Ryan said ObamaCare is in the "middle of a collapse."

"This, compared to the status quo, is far better. I'm excited about this analysis," he said.

"And yeah, I think they sort of overestimated the uninsured number, just like they overestimated who would be insured by ObamaCare, but I do believe that if we're not going to force people to buy something they don't want to buy, they won't buy it, and that's kind of obvious."

He said the CBO report "gives us even more room to work on to make good fine tuning, finishing touches on this bill."
to think that they will not be affected by the hurt they want to inflict on others.

I guess so if you consider poor Republicans whom...

Don't want minimum wage

Don't want health insurance (Obamacare)

Don't want lifeline service (Obama phone)

Don't want protection of union rights

Don't want global warming restrictions

in order to gain;

Anti-Gay laws



Gun Rights

Support for Christianity

Tax cuts to the wealthy

Strong military

I am pretty sure lack of education and personal insecurities play a key part
at Sean Spicer backpedalling on Trumps wire tapping claims.

Says, "Trump didn't literally mean it. That's why he put it in quotes."

Homie even did the air quotes sign
As my grandpa used to say "if ____ walked in the house soaking wet and told me it was raining outside I wouldn't believe em"

We can put Spicy in that description for sure 
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