***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Retweeting Drudge. 
That's because he is calm and doesn't want to make mistakes. He does not rush to judgments or make quick decisions. In a position as critical as the president, I'm happy we have such a level headed commander in chief.

EXCELLENT POST. Da Don is measured, thoughtful and Dapper B. Not like what we had to endure with Obummer for 8 years.
I'm sure Comey is regretting coming forward about Clinton's emails just weeks before the election but for him being fired and not even knowing about it beforehand he got what he deserved. That's what he gets for helping out a white supremacist.

Just like I was happy to see the lady that was on 60 minutes this Sunday regretting voting for Trump as her husband was an illegal immigrant and was detained and deported out of this country. Thus leaving her to take care of their kids and the bills all by herself. She voted for Trump because she thought he would be good for the economy....lol. She got and is getting what she deserves right now as well. Love it.

If you're asking "how can things get worse" you're basically admitting you've never read a history book.

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@ABC: NEW: AG Sessions, Deputy AG Rosenstein interviewing candidates for FBI interim director; we can expect someone to be chosen in 24-48 hours.

So the man who supposedly recused himself from the issue,will have a direct hand in choosing who oversees the same investigation next?

Nothing to see here folks...
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U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Wednesday that a Russian missile deployment near the Baltic states was "destabilizing", and officials suggested the United States could deploy a Patriot missile battery in the region for NATO exercises in the summer.

U.S. allies are jittery ahead of war games by Russia and Belarus in September that could involve up to 100,000 troops and include nuclear weapons training -- the biggest such exercise since 2013.

The drills could see Russian troops near the borders of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Russia has also deployed Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad, its enclave on the Baltic Sea. It said the deployment was part of routine drills, but U.S. officials worry that it may represent a permanent upgrade.

Asked during a trip to Lithuania about the deployment, Mattis told a news conference: "Any kind of build-up like that is simply destabilizing."

The United States is ruling out any direct response to the Russian drills or the Iskander deployment.

But at the same time, U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, raised the possibility that a Patriot missile battery could be deployed briefly to the Baltic region during NATO exercises in July that focus on air defense, known as Tobruk Legacy.

The officials stressed that the Patriots, if deployed, would be withdrawn when the exercises were over. That would most likely happen before the Russian drills began, they said.

Mattis declined to comment directly on the possible Patriot deployment to reporters after talks in Vilnius.

"The specific systems that we bring are those that we determine necessary," Mattis said, saying that NATO capabilities in the region were purely defensive.


It was Mattis's first trip to the Baltic states, which fear Russia could attack them in the same way that it annexed Ukraine's Crimean peninsula in 2014. The states are concerned about their lack of air defenses and considering upgrading their military hardware.

Asked about Baltic air defenses on a visit to the Pabrade training ground, Mattis told reporters:

"We will talk to the leaders of each of the nations, and we will work this out in Brussels and we will work together if necessary.

"The reason for the deployment you see right now is the lack of respect for international law by a nation in the region, and so long as the nation shows respect, we would not have to deploy that," Mattis told reporters, standing in front of a German Leopard tank.

A German-led battalion was deployed to Lithuania this year as part of a NATO effort to deter any Russian aggression.

Asked about any future Patriot deployment, Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite, standing next to Mattis, said: "We need all necessary means for defense and for deterrence, and that's what we'll decide together."

The scale of this year's Russian "Zapad" ("West") maneuvers, which date from Soviet times, when they were first used to test new weapon systems, is one of NATO's most pressing concerns. Western diplomats say the exercises pose an unusual threat.

But Mattis told reporters: "It's a routine exercise. I trust it will stay routine."

Estonian Defence Minister Margus Tsahkna told Reuters last month that NATO governments had intelligence suggesting Moscow may leave Russian soldiers in Belarus once the Zapad 2017 exercises are over, also pointing to public data of Russian railway traffic to Belarus.

Moscow denies any plans to threaten NATO and says it is the U.S.-led alliance that is undermining stability in eastern Europe. It has not said how many troops will take part in Zapad 2017.
How blatant can this **** get b :rofl:

At this point why even bother lying? Just declare yourself king of the USA and have an iron throne built in the WH :lol:

Kelly Ann defending Trump once again on Cooper is straight up COMEDY.
here are the 10 "scandals"

1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.
2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).
3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban -- but didn't intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.
4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller's business and personal travel.
5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a "backdoor" that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America's biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey's questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist's phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a "crack" would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.
6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).
7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops.
8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son's radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.
9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen -- during which Mateen admitting lying to agents -- the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.
10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.
How do you ward off Nixon comparisons?

Have a photo-op with a former Nixon aide that's how!


Had to be Roger Stones idea :lol:

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Christopher Hayes‏Verified account @chrislhayes 14h14 hours ago
The President sent his personal body guard to fire the man overseeing the investigation of his campaign.
How blatant can this **** get b

At this point why even bother lying? Just declare yourself king of the USA and have an iron throne built in the WH

Kelly Ann defending Trump once again on Cooper is straight up COMEDY.
The scary thing is the amount of likes Trump is getting on his tweets still.

Trump could probably declare himself Satan and that hell is taking over and it won't move a needle among his loyal voters
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The scary thing is the amount of likes Trump is getting on his tweets still.

Trump could probably declare himself Satan and the hell has taken off and it won't move a needle among his loyal voters
Could be bots. Was listening to a radio interview yesterday or Monday with a computer scientist talking about how easy it is to set up a Twitter bot to do basic things, like retweet or like tweets based on who said it. Set up a thousand bots and you can sway more real people to follow like sheep.
The scary thing is the amount of likes Trump is getting on his tweets still.

Trump could probably declare himself Satan and the hell has taken off and it won't move a needle among his loyal voters

I could see them partying like the people in Little Nicky

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