***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Don T Care 

Apparently he Director of the Census quit today. Census data is what is used for redistricting.

If Liberals don't vote in 2018, then don't expect a shot at the House until 2032.
Theres gotta be a very strong scandal brewing drumps admin. Something that will drop him to the point of impeachment.
Only matter of time....not even 6 mo. in
Trump gonna skip all these lackeys who are getting themselves caught up and go straight to the man himself
Wonder when these trump defenders in government realize that they are all expendable

If you aren't related by blood (except for Tiffany) or marriage you can/will get thrown under the bus.
Marco Rubio "surprised" by Comey's firing, "but it's a decision the president's made and we'll go from here." https://t.co/PGVFL9o6DK pic.twitter.com/HWVS4DWLsR
— ABC News (@ABC) May 10, 2017
Why are all of these Republicans so scurred to cross El Cheeto[emoji]174[/emoji]? 
They are that desperate to stay in power. It's very short term thinking and spineless from them.
That scumbag really believes that the rest of us are as gullible as his cult of followers :lol:

Really expecting folks to buy that he actually gave a damn about how Hillary was treated when fromm all accounts,he had grand dragon session coming up with reasons to fire Comey for over a week

Of course it's the Dems fault though,they were mad at Comey!

(No regard for how most Dems hadn't called for his job since the election ended and the Russia investigation started)

What stunning arrogance to believe that folks would actually think the man who called for hacks against her and made the "lock her up" chants famous wanted to do Hillary a solid :lol: :lol: :rolleyes

I'm seeing it reported today that the real reason was that Comey wouldn't publicly lie for dude and say that Trumputin isn't under investigation for alleged Russia ties.

This idiot really thought firing the man in charge of that would be a smart move and make things go away? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Like I said yeterday, dude is a remedial Frank Underwood. He's capable of machiavellan machinations but in his case,they're almost never planned and thought out and instead are just about always reactionary snap judgements coming from a place of emotion.
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Apparently Giuliani is in DC to interview for the job...


Was dude not under federal investigation recently?!
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@TIME: White House spokesperson says it's time to "move on" from Russia probe https://t.co/BoApPG7Q4h


WSJ: Trump associates frustrated Comey “wouldn’t publicly tamp down questions about possible collusion” with Russia



This is some blatant and sick **** :x

Reeks to the high heavens of a cover up in plain sight

I already see how they're trying to push the narrative of Comey being obsessed with Russia...
This is how facist regimes are set in stone people 
 this has to be stopped but Republicans have shown time and time again they care more about their party and power than the values of the country they claim to wish to uphold.
Wouldn't be the first time he's lied...

@CNN: Sen. Richard Blumenthal: "What we have now is really a looming constitutional crisis that is deadly serious."

@thehill: Franken: Sessions' involvement in Comey firing a "complete betrayal" after he recused himself from Russia probe http://hill.cm/0M1HghR

100% correct

If Trumputin actually gave a crap about folks doing their jobs well like he claims,grand dragon sessions would be next on the chopping block for completely lying and misleading congress + the public on 2 separate occasions
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