***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Eric Geller @ericgeller

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein just issued an unusual statement basically telling people not to believe leaks

Did Rosenstein lowkey just acknowledge the existence of those rumored tapes?
I'm still waiting for Ted Nugent to follow through on his "dead or in jail" promise he made if Obama got re-elected.
Rosenstein didn't say not to believe the leaks, he just said to read it with a grain of salt.

His wording of it will probably fool Trump though and make Trump think he's "safe".
Dude legit is trying to get ahead of a big leak like

The timing is pretty suspect after those Claude Taylor tweets from earlier today isn't it elpablo21 elpablo21 ? [emoji]128064[/emoji]
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^ a BIG leak, "leak" being the key word.


normally there's a summer lull between the NBA finals and the start of football season, but looks like summer 2017 will be covered thanks to Game of Thrones and the pee-pee tapes.
Dude legit is trying to get ahead of a big leak like

The timing is pretty suspect after those Claude Taylor tweets from earlier today isn't it elpablo21 elpablo21 ? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

John Schindler mentioned some tapes as well yesterday

now the mention of an identified country makes sense in that context
It would be an even stranger statement coming right out of the blue but in that context...bout to grab the popcorn :lol 8o
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 Daily News: Trump picks his son's wedding planner, who has no housing experience, to run NY federal housing programs
as glorious as it would be for capitalism to prevail, i really hope ninja doesn't get kicked out of his apartment if the rates go up to match the market value.
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It would be an even stranger statement coming right out of the blue but in that context...bout to grab the popcorn :lol 8o

I'll try to temper my expectations but that just sticks out like a sore thumb to me now :lol
i like how he says they can neither confirm nor deny. it's a cya statement. if it's really tapes, it won't matter where they came from.
The so called progressive left media (TYT, Intercepts, Jacobin, Jimmy Dore, Secular Talk) that love to delude themselves are is low key playing themselves. They keep picking these beefs and throwing shots a older black women.

Nate Silver and the New Republic both had recent articles and I tell my Berniebros friends this all the time, older black women make up a large part of the base of the Democratic Party. Bill Maher joked that if aliens came to Earth during the 2016 DNC convention, they would think the planet is ran by patriotic older black women.

The most loyal people to the Democratic party is older black women, only black men are targeted for disenfranchisement more yet black owmen routinely show up tot he ballot box and vote (D). If far left progressives, young people, and black men behaved more like black women, the Dems would be have much more power.

Not only that, the only election where they have the most power is the Democratic primary. Someone does not get the nomination unless they can win that demographic over. Obama knew this, Hillary knew this, Bill Clinton knew this. Bernie did not

And probably no group gets ******* on more in America. Yet they fight and on.

If the progressive left thinks any of their candidates is getting nominated for President without the support for this demographic they are deluding themselves.

Keep talking down to black women, keep the dog whistle racism and sexism, and keep asking them to fall in line. And watch how they tell you to **** off come primary time. Michelle Obama nor Barrack is gonna walk through that door to save your ***.
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^ a BIG leak, "leak" being the key word.


normally there's a summer lull between the NBA finals and the start of football season, but looks like summer 2017 will be covered thanks to Game of Thrones and the pee-pee tapes.

^ the pee tapes would be hilariously embarrassing. I mean, him in collusion with Russia he could play off as smart. Him talking about business ties to Russia could be viewed as good business... but how would he be able to spin the pee tapes. Especially if those statues that were in some us cities of a nude trump turn out to be... proportionate... honestly, I hope that stuff comes out well before any other shady business.
^ the pee tapes would be hilariously embarrassing. I mean, him in collusion with Russia he could play off as smart. Him talking about business ties to Russia could be viewed as good business... but how would he be able to spin the pee tapes. Especially if those statues that were in some us cities of a nude trump turn out to be... proportionate... honestly, I hope that stuff comes out well before any other shady business.

It's worse than this.

Rumors are that it involves underage girls.


Of course, it's all rumors, but if they're true....


but da deplorables would still not believe it. they'd be on some "Okay, I'd have to see a video of him saying "But her emails," two forms of government ID, a police officer there to verify the whole thing, four or five of my buddies and Neal taking notes, and don trump's grandma to confirm his identity."
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Can someone explain to my why Charles Murray can traipse around the country peddling race science about black inferiority and still gets written up as some benign "scholar" in the Washington post? :lol

I see little difference between him and a Dr. Umar Johnson...yet we have to take one seriously and the other we have to weep whrn he doesn't get to peddle his junk science at a small liberal arts college.

i wonder why? :rollin

-Not to defend Murray in anyway but he has degrees from Harvard and MIT, where as Umar Johnson just calls himself "Dr." and for some reason many black people seem willing to indulge the nonsense.

-Murray is also much more skilled in pedaling his nonsense. He knows enough to make his garbage sound reasonable and is a master of half truth. The fact he could weaponize the Normal Distribution in such a way is really a sight to behold.

-So while Umar Johnson is probably right more often than Murray, by a large margin, Johnson pulls a lot of talking points out his *** and in many ways morally bankrupt. His pseudoscience on homosexuality isn't package in the same masterful way Murray's nonsense is. So he sounds like an *** every time he starts talking about that.

But at the end of the day, you right. Murray being probably helps him. Sam Harris, Bill Maher and Joe Rogan will always tell liberals to listen to people like Murray, to consider an opposing viewpoint. They ain't bringing Umar around.

Also after giving it some thought, I think you are right about the inveitiablity of singel payer.

I didn't consider that if the Dems run and win on healthcare, they will have a mandate to do something, anything. The Barrack Obama's and Hillary Clinton of the world main objection to single payer is not the system in practive or principle, but that it is poltically unacheiveble. Partly because the blowback will be so great. However, that might not be the case very soon.

So while I stil don't beleive we will get a comprehensive singel payer program, we will probably have some sort of national program/pulbic option in the not so distant future. And land on either OG ACA or the Swiss Model.

White supreamacy was clouding folk judgment about the ACA. But they got a small enough taste to know they want the meal.

The GOP gonna pay for pulling away the plate
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