***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Focus on getting your hands right instead of pocket watching, and doing your best millennial impression. Alex Jones might pull up on you any day now
Focus on getting your hands right instead of pocket watching, and doing your best millennial impression. Alex Jones might pull up on you any day now
Focus on getting your hands right instead of pocket watching, and doing your best millennial impression. Alex Jones might pull up on you any day now
Timid should consult his ancestors before he tries to lay the two piece on the water filter merchant
The so called progressive left media (TYT, Intercepts, Jacobin, Jimmy Dore, Secular Talk) that love to delude themselves are is low key playing themselves. They keep picking these beefs and throwing shots a older black women.

Nate Silver and the New Republic both had recent articles and I tell my Berniebros friends this all the time, they are the base of the Democratic Party. Bill Maher joked that if aliens came to Earth during the DNC convention, they would think the planet is ran by patriotic older black women.

The most loyal people to the Democratic party is older black women, only black men are targeted for disenfranchisement more yet black owmen routinely show up tot he ballot box and vote (D). If far left progressives, young people, and black men behaved more like black women, the Dems would be have much more power.

Not only that the only election where they have the most power, is the Democratic primary. Someone does not get the nomination unless they can win that demographic over. Obama knew this, Hillary knew this, Bill Clinton knew this. Bernie did not

And probably no group gets ******* on the most in America. Yet they fight and on.

If the progressive left thinks any of their candidates is getting nominated for President without the support for this demographic they are deluding themselves.

Keep talking down to black women, keep the dog whistle racism and sexism, and keep asking them to fall in line. And watch how they tell you to **** off come primary time. Michelle Obama nor Barrack is gonna walk through that door to save your ***.

I share your respect. Those women are voting in General elections and in primaries and it makes a difference, especially in low turn out primaries.

One of the biggest problems that the Democratic Party has is that its primary, especially its 2016 primary, played out almost exactly like one of our general elections. On election night, in a given State, the Demographics predicted who would win before the balloting even started. In the few close contests, it came down to which counties had not yet reported. The result was that both sides refused to acknowledge that the other had very real constituencies (and to be clear, the Bernie folks were worse but Clinton supporters were not totally innocent either).

In your view, do you think that a white, Northern, hard progressive could make any inroads with black women voters, especially black women voters in the South? Or is it the case that Cory Booker has those votes secured already. This is not a rhetorical question, I really do not know the mood among Democratic activists in heavily black areas.

I do not want to down play the damage that Trump could potentially inflict with his judicial appointments. At the same time, articles like these are incorrect in assuming that Trump's nominees would have the same amount of power now and the same amount of power 30 or 40 years from now.

While the US Supreme Court is established by the US Constitution and Supreme Court justices serve for life, there are many means available to future liberal governing coalitions that would allow them to dilute the influence of a Trump era nominee. I'm not saying that large and sustained liberal coalitions will come to pass but if they do, Trump's appointees could be reduced to little more than nuisance for some future liberal governing super majority.

Let's say it is 2040 and the United States has gone the way of California and Democrats consistently win super majorities in the Congress and they own the White House, that hypothetical super majority could simply pass legislation altering the size of the United States Supreme Court. If an elder Gorsuch along with two or three other Trump nominees consistently thwarted the will of a diverse and liberal nation, the Democrats could change the number of Court Justices to 21 and the Democratic President would get to pick all 12 of the new Justices.

There is also the Jacksonian approach, where a liberal legislature and executive could simply ignore a conservative Court. It is political norms that give Supreme Court rulings teeth. If it is 2050 and we are a majority-minority nation, we may just ignore a Court that was stacked b ya man who will be known to history as the last gasp of the white super majority of yesteryear. IN the mid 21st century, we may just look around and realize that the SCOTUS deserves the same legitimacy as a Boer appointed court would receive in South Africa.

The third and far less radical approach is for future liberal super majorities to have the ability to every so slightly tweak legislation that loses in Court. In the 1930's, FDR and the Democrats had big and sustained majorities and while the Conservative courts slowed his agenda, his Democratic allies passed similar legislation that then passed constitutional muster. If a future United States reaches a consensus where it wants to decriminalize all drugs, institute a Universal basic income and make healthcare into a universally accessible human right, we will get those outcomes and a Gorsuch lead court would be a speed bump on that path.
The so called progressive left media (TYT, Intercepts, Jacobin, Jimmy Dore, Secular Talk) that love to delude themselves are is low key playing themselves. They keep picking these beefs and throwing shots a older black women.

Nate Silver and the New Republic both had recent articles and I tell my Berniebros friends this all the time, they are the base of the Democratic Party. Bill Maher joked that if aliens came to Earth during the DNC convention, they would think the planet is ran by patriotic older black women.

The most loyal people to the Democratic party is older black women, only black men are targeted for disenfranchisement more yet black owmen routinely show up tot he ballot box and vote (D). If far left progressives, young people, and black men behaved more like black women, the Dems would be have much more power.

Not only that the only election where they have the most power, is the Democratic primary. Someone does not get the nomination unless they can win that demographic over. Obama knew this, Hillary knew this, Bill Clinton knew this. Bernie did not

And probably no group gets ******* on the most in America. Yet they fight and on.

If the progressive left thinks any of their candidates is getting nominated for President without the support for this demographic they are deluding themselves.

Keep talking down to black women, keep the dog whistle racism and sexism, and keep asking them to fall in line. And watch how they tell you to **** off come primary time. Michelle Obama nor Barrack is gonna walk through that door to save your ***.

I share your respect. Those women are voting in General elections and in primaries and it makes a difference, especially in low turn out primaries.

One of the biggest problems that the Democratic Party has is that its primary, especially its 2016 primary, played out almost exactly like one of our general elections. On election night, in a given State, the Demographics predicted who would win before the balloting even started. In the few close contests, it came down to which counties had not yet reported. The result was that both sides refused to acknowledge that the other had very real constituencies (and to be clear, the Bernie folks were worse but Clinton supporters were not totally innocent either).

In your view, do you think that a white, Northern, hard progressive could make any inroads with black women voters, especially black women voters in the South? Or is it the case that Cory Booker has those votes secured already. This is not a rhetorical question, I really do not know the mood among Democratic activists in heavily black areas.

-I have to say that I do probably most of my Hillary Clinton defending on NT. Her base indulged in some of the same buffoonery the other side did and would have done more if Hillary went dirty in the primary. I know a couple YaasQueen clowns too. They are just as insufferable as any Bernie Bro.

-Now let me get straight to the point, Northern progressives are too focused on the general election lost and not focused enough on the primary loss of Bernie. Not only that they can learn a ton from Hillary Clinton.

In 2008 Hillary Clinton base was the white working class, the factory worker in the rust belt was with Hillary in the 2008 primary. Obama comes in and for many obvious reasons wins because the black vote floods to him. But the thing is that he did even better with African American than people expected. It was not only that he checked all the boxes of a great politician, but he spoke more truthfully about issues facing the community. He knew the issues, he may have sugar coated them because hey the world is listening, but he was the most direct person in the 2008 field.

Progressive worry about how many times Hillary spoken in front of Wall Street, but ole girl was in black churches, black events, talking to black people, especially black people a lot too during that time. When black dude got shot, Hillary Clinton kept it realer than Obama most times. I mean I was at time taken aback that the super predator lady understood the issues this well. Hell she launched her campaign talking about the issue.

Soall Northern progressive must:

a) Do what they didn't do during the Obama years and start defending his legacy more than talk about how it wasn't enough. No matter the disagreements, Obama been ******* on way too much for black folk comfort. Marketing progressive policies as a extension of things Obama got or wanted will help.

b) stop talking about how great things were in the good old days so much, nostalgia politics don't play well with the black voting base and for some it is a dog whistle

c) Start making yourself be known, and seen, not only around black people talking about traditional "black issues", but about the racial aspect of all issues facing America. Obama went to talk to folk in deep red districts, in states that he thought he could not win. Progressive might not beat a Cory Booker in the south, but with delegates being given out proportionately, breaking a monopoly will help. It is not just poor whites here, poor Latinos there, poor black over there, you have to fundamentally understand how things are different, put human faces to the data, and show that you understand the nuances in your rhetoric and policy,

d) The progressive political imagination needs to expand some more to include things that address issues the black community and black women care about. Childcare for example. Talk about universal Pre-k just as much as universal 4-year education. Market your social justice policies as new Civil Rights Acts.

e) Speaking honestly to white people about the ******** that they believe about black people, especially that has been fed to them by conservatives. Promising black people the world in room of black people is easy. Once again, Hillary Clinton was on national TV saying white people have to realize that their is systemic racism hurting black people. Even dudes I know that hate her guts paused for a moment and was like "well damb", she actually said that without mixing words. She told white people it that they have to so their part. Like I said, this is the super predator lady that was able to disabuse herself of a ton of ignorance. Progressives don't have the same distance to go.

-Cory Booker has those votes already unless there is another strong civil right candidate in the field to break up the vote. Believe me, I don't want Booker to be president. Unlike Barrack Obama who I believe is a bit naive and misguided, I have suspicion Booker might be a bit corrupt. Not only that he is even more naive that Obama. But black people trust him to fight for civil rights and not knowingly sell them out.

To beat Booker you have to speak more simply and directly than him. Bernie Sanders economic message no matter how loose he was on the details of actual policy resonated because it was more simple, more direct, more raw. He couldn't do anything with the black vote because Hillary spoke more directly and bluntly about black issues.

Black people, especially black women will vote the candidate they feel is on their side. Showing up three weeks before a primary talking about MLK won't do that. But making a constantly theme of you platform and message over a extended period of time will.
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But to be honest Trump is gonna make it real easy for a Progressive to run a very strong civil rights campaign in 2020

He is dismantling nearly every Civil Right division of the government, David Duke's approval rating will be higher than Jeff Session's is in 2020

Progressives need to get to slandering right now. Make this as big a deal as Russia, healthcare, and global warming
small win: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-...o-trump-administration-in-dakota-access-fight

small loss: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/15/trump-cuba-policy-239596

small man:
More like 4D tic tac toe :lol

President Fat Bastard will be his own undoing,his party has tried everything to protect him yet he manages to shoot himself in the foot time after time
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