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It was difficult but I broke into my "da hemi" piggy bank and donated my savings of da past 15 years straight to da don. Some things in life are just too important. This witch hunt is one of them and if throwing money at it will make it go away, i am all in.

I truly believe my $67.92 will be enough to bring this to an end.

Stay dapper, don.

EXCELLENT contribution COMRADE. We have to FIGHT BACK ANY WAY WE CAN. LIBBIES aren't even human. What they are doing to DAPPER Don is UNPRESIDENTED B. LIES AND INNUENDO

If only Obama didn't radicalize the base with his extreme rhetoric.

Telling liberals that "maybe the 2nd amendment folks could stop their opponent" or that they should shoot at government instead of deer.

:x :smh:

This is the see devil who got on national television and said non-whites are "subgroups" of people.
Only trump I recognize served her jail time already


Also it ain't even a contest if we comparing her with that other person from Indiana
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 Trump nominated John K. Bush, a lawyer from Louisville, to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Like so many of us, Bush tried his hand at blogging on various TypePad and WordPress accounts in the aughts. He blogged as “G. Morris” on his wife’s blog, “Elephants in the Bluegrass.” Unlike many of us, he frequently espoused phony stories from paranoid right-wing Internet corners, including those that advanced the racist conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. He often quoted stories from WorldNetDaily, which is run by conspiracy crank Joseph Farah and helped lead the early birther charge.

 Somehow, Bush wasn’t the only problematic blogger-cum-jurist under review by the Senate this week. Damien Schiff, Trump’s nominee for the US Court of Federal Claims, also ran a blog called “Omnia Omnibus” on Typepad. In June 2007, he called Justice Anthony Kennedy a “judicial prostitute.” He also expressed extreme anti-gay views on several occasions; in 2009, he criticized a California school district for advancing the idea “not only that bullying of homosexuals qua homosexuals is wrong, but also that the homosexual lifestyle is a good, and that homosexual families are the moral equivalent of traditional heterosexual families.” According to a Lambda Legal Foundation analysis, Schiff adheres to the idea that “natural law” trumps constitutional rights—that morality matters above all. (Gay identities and relationships, in his view, would be unnatural.)

"What do you have to lose?"

"Both parties are the same."

"Trump is not anti-gay"

"Trump is not racist"

etc, etc...
Da liberal propaganda machines trying to spin da Don's values again 
 Sickening b

Did they not see this? When has Obummer ever done this b? The hypocrisy of the left 

Nobody respects the gays more than Trump, believe me.
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Da liberal propaganda machines trying to spin da Don's values again :smh:  Sickening b
Did they not see this? When has Obummer ever done this b? The hypocrisy of the left :smh:
Nobody respects the gays more than Trump, believe me.

Typical LIBBIE SNOWFLAKES B. Da Don is for everyone COMRADE. Obummer tried to tear us apart while Dap Don is bringing us together through Coal

Vice President Mike Pence’s home state of Indiana is paying $100,000 for extra lawyers to tackle a large backlog of records requests targeting government emails Pence sent through his private AOL account as governor.

Pence was governor of Indiana for four years before becoming Vice President of the United States in January. His successor Eric Holcomb has hired the law firm McNeely Stephenson to deal with an “unusually high” number of requests for Pence’s correspondence from his private and state government accounts, according to records obtained by the Associated Press.

Law firms, political parties, members of the public and media have filed more than 50 requests targeting Pence’s correspondence with staff and political groups.

The backlog is partly because Indiana doesn’t have access to Pence’s private AOL account. Instead Pence turned over 13 boxes of paper copies of emails from his private account to the governor’s office early this year.

Through his private email, Pence was in touch with top advisers on issues including terrorism and state security measures. In one email, the Indianapolis Star  reports, Indiana’s top homeland security adviser gave Pence an update from the FBI about several men who were arrested on federal terrorism charges.

A review is ongoing—it isn’t clear whether these are all the emails where Pence conducted government business from his private account.

Before he joined Trump’s campaign ticket last spring, Pence’s private AOL account was “hacked” after being targeted in a malicious phishing campaign, according to the Indianapolis Star  .

The emails of several other prominent Republicans were also hacked around the same time by Russian intelligence agencies, American intelligence agencies found late last year.

During his election campaign President Donald Trump repeatedly questioned whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was fit to be president because of her handling of government emails through a private server run out of her home.

Clinton’s emails were not hacked but the FBI established that several  of them were classified. During the campaign Pence accused Clinton of endangering U.S. national security at risk by making sensitive government correspondence vulnerable to hackers.

Pence’s spokesman Marc Lotter has said that accusations of hypocrisy over Pence’s use of a private email account to conduct government business are unfair because a distinction should be made between his correspondence as a state governor and emails handled by the secretary of state.
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