***Official Political Discussion Thread***


For my Spanish Brethren....watch this, this is Venezuela saying ENOUGH to a corrupt government and leader, I wonder if it'll ever get to this point here...Donnie not built for that life...scary stuff down there

This is not Venezuela, this is a violent, fascist, racist and bourgeoisie faction within the country doing this.  They have lynched Chavistas, and burned them alive. 

If this movement was truly by the people the majority of these protests wouldn't be taking place in mostly white upper class neighborhoods.  

The Black, Red, and poor mestizo communities are still very much pro government. 

No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
The fascists..... oh christ...anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin is a fascist to you guys. 
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No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Country > Party

Republicans response ........
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
The fascists..... oh christ...anyone the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin is a fascist to you guys. 
The opposition in Venezuela is far-right, these aren't simply center-leftist who want to privatize the oil. 

 if you think they are going to any better IRT to the Guyanese border conflict than the Chavez regime. 
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.

Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  

I would agree, that is why all the Chavistas doing buffoonery need to get out the paint as well.

Left wing corruption and Right wing corruption are both vile.
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
I would agree, that is why all the Chavistas doing buffoonery need to get out the paint as well.

Left wing corruption and Right wing corruption are both vile
No disagreement there. 
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
The fascists..... oh christ...anyone the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin is a fascist to you guys. 
The opposition in Venezuela is far-right, these aren't simply center-leftist who want to privatize the oil. 

 if you think they are going to any better IRT to the Guyanese border conflict than the Chavez regime. 
The Venezuelan left were the ones who broke the 1899 border agreement in the first place. Democratic Action (the party in power in 1962) were much more left at that time than they are now. It was the Venezuelan left who backed the Rupununi Uprising. Maduro is the one whipping up the controversy and not adhereing in good faith the UN brokered peace process. So spare me the Saint. Chavez bull.

The Venezuelan center and right are much more concerned about growing the economy...and they know war and invasion is bad for business (not to mention they've more or less dropped the subject). Only the left brings up the border issue to stir nationalism and distract from their failures.
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No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
The fascists..... oh christ...anyone the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin is a fascist to you guys. 
The opposition in Venezuela is far-right, these aren't simply center-leftist who want to privatize the oil. 

 if you think they are going to any better IRT to the Guyanese border conflict than the Chavez regime. 
The Venezuelan left were the ones who broke the 1899 border agreement in the first place. Democratic Action (the party in power in 1962) were much more left at that time than they are now. It was the Venezuelan left who backed the Rupununi Uprising. Maduro is the one whipping up the controversy and not adhereing in good faith the UN brokered peace process. So spare me the Saint. Chavez bull.

The Venezuelan center and right are much more concerned about growing the economy...and they know war and invasion is bad for business (not to mention they've more or less dropped the subject). Only the left brings up the border issue to stir nationalism and distract from their failures.
So they're just going to ignore those oil reserves in disputed territory against a country that is 4 times smaller and has not even half of its population? 
No one should be condoning violence or murder. Especially when it involves ******* lynching

But, Venezuela is a damn mess because of the decisions of Chavez and his homeboy. The robbed the country for years, we're corrupt as hell, implemented bad policies bases on poor assumptions, and let us face it the country is a dictatorship.

If you ignore all the corruption, graft, poor policy, and medaling in elections just because someone happens to have the same political as you, then you are not only interlectually bankrupt, you are morally bankrupt as well.

The country needs new leadership.
Sure, but I think you would agree that the fascists are not the ones to lead it.  
The fascists..... oh christ...anyone the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin is a fascist to you guys. 
The opposition in Venezuela is far-right, these aren't simply center-leftist who want to privatize the oil. 

 if you think they are going to any better IRT to the Guyanese border conflict than the Chavez regime. 
The Venezuelan left were the ones who broke the 1899 border agreement in the first place. Democratic Action (the party in power in 1962) were much more left at that time than they are now. It was the Venezuelan left who backed the Rupununi Uprising. Maduro is the one whipping up the controversy and not adhereing in good faith the UN brokered peace process. So spare me the Saint. Chavez bull.

The Venezuelan center and right are much more concerned about growing the economy...and they know war and invasion is bad for business (not to mention they've more or less dropped the subject). Only the left brings up the border issue to stir nationalism and distract from their failures.
So they're just going to ignore those oil reserves in disputed territory against a country that is 4 times smaller and has not even half of its population? 
Yep. The economic and political cost to capture the territory would make it not worth it. They'd have to invade, and hold Guyanese land against American, British, and Brazilian troops.
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More general comment....

Socialist, social Democrats and even progressives should tread lightly when it comes to defending regimes like the Castro or Chavez regime.

When you defend these people and their failings you open the door for the center and right wing to conflate socialism and left wing economics with bad governance. Especially bad authoritative governance.

Whenever you want to say look at Norway, look at Sweden; they can dismiss you by saying look at Venezuela, look at Cuba.

Socialism and corruption don't go hand in hand. But when the corruption get excused, it makes it look that way, especially to those that need convincing that the best cure for an capitalist economy is often more socialism
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[h1]Top Dem wants FBI to investigate fake net neutrality comments[/h1]
The top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee wants the Department of Justice and the FBI to look into fake comments being filed to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about net neutrality.

"I am deeply concerned that the sheer number of these potentially false comments suggest a coordinated attempt to materially mislead the FCC, and therefore a coordinated attempt to break federal law," Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) wrote in a letter  to Attorney General Jeff Sessions  and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

"I urge you to take swift action to investigate who may be behind these comments and, if appropriate under applicable federal law and regulations, prosecute the people behind these fraudulent comments," he added.

The FCC declined to comment on the letter.
Reports have found that potentially hundreds of thousands of false comments have been filed to the FCC both in support of and against net neutrality measures. Some of the comments have impersonated the identities of real people  who say that they filed no such comments to the FCC.
The fake comments come amid a period for the public to weigh in on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to roll back Obama-era net neutrality rules aimed at maintaining a level playing field for companies on the internet.

Fight for the Future, a pro-net neutrality advocacy group that has called attention to the fake comments before, praised Pallone’s letter Wednesday.

“The FCC under Ajit Pai’s leadership has repeatedly refused to meaningfully address the very serious issue of fake anti-net neutrality comments submitted into its docket using stolen names and addresses,” the group said. “The public needs to know who has been attempting to distort the record with these fraudulent comments.”

Pai’s “Restoring Internet Freedom” proposal has endured significant criticism from liberals and consumer advocacy groups who supported former Chairman Tom Wheeler’s Open Internet Order of 2015, which instituted the net neutrality rules. Telecommunications companies that say Wheeler’s rules have stifled broadband investment have fiercely backed Pai’s proposal.

A press release announcing Pallone’s letter mentioned it among other letters from Democrats that have been sent to the FCC raising questions about the agency’s cybersecurity.

The FCC has had to field questions in recent weeks over a distributed denial of service attack that it claims occurred during a John Oliver segment on net neutrality, causing a spike in users filing comments on the site.

You can use this link to see if any fraudulent comments have been made in your name.

I randomly typed in Flynn's name and this comment is exactly like what other people have been reporting.
The unprecedented regulatory power the Obama Administration imposed on the internet is smothering innovation, damaging the American economy and obstructing job creation. I urge the Federal Communications Commission to end the bureaucratic regulatory overreach of the internet known as Title II and restore the bipartisan light-touch regulatory consensus that enabled the internet to flourish for more than 20 years. The plan currently under consideration at the FCC to repeal Obama's Title II power grab is a positive step forward and will help to promote a truly free and open internet for everyone.
Socialism and corruption don't go hand in hand. 

 Especially bad authoritative governance.

Let me make one thing clear

If all you have is ******** memes to debate economics with me, you are gonna have a bad time. Memes can't cover ignorance

Socialism is an economic system, nothing in the theory of the system says it needs to be undemocratic rule

There are plenty of failures of free market capitalism I can use, hell America provides plenty. And there are tons to far left successes for me to use as well.

So pick a lane, you wanna act like a troll or not. So I know exactly what type of energy to return

By the way, you seem to not even comprehend your trolling. Because your second meme is insulting socialism under anarchy. Not under a powerful state. If your gonna troll, do better.
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Socialism and corruption don't go hand in hand. 
 Especially bad authoritative governance.
Let me make one thing clear

If all you have is ******** memes to debate economics with me, you are gonna have a bad time. Memes can't cover ignorance

Socialism is an economic system, nothing in the theory system it needs to be undemocratic rule

There are plenty of failures of free market capitalism I can us, America provides plenty. And there are tons to far left successes for me to use as well.

So pick a lane, you wanna act like a troll or not. So I know exactly what type of energy to return
Bring it down. Just havin a laugh.

I'm not an AnCap or even a Libertarian. I'm a Classical Liberal (big up JS Mills, Adam Smith, and F.A. Hayek one time) so inherently I think the state has some legitimate function in regulating the economy and providing some services. I don't have a hard on for "muh free market capitalism". Most people who are 100% free market capitalist are ignorant of capitalism's short comings (or are just cold hearted children born out of wedlock).

As for my qualms with socialism...well first I should find out what you mean by socialism. For every Socialist I meet I seem to get a different take on the ideas. But my criticisms that I think work against all variants of socialism are mainly concerning the vagueness between definitions of personal and private property, what happens to people who do not want to participate in the socialist economy, and the fact that it is impossible to eliminate markets.
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There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost

@Maximus Meridius.....wake up champ.
Dude please, you were trying to have a laugh at my expense and I just did let the corniess slide

Second, I will respond when I get off work.
There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost

@Maximus Meridius.....wake up champ.

Please don't involve me in your beef wit dude :lol:
There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost

@Maximus Meridius.....wake up champ.

Please don't involve me in your beef wit dude :lol:

LOL......no doubt. No beef with dude. Just want him to recognize the importance of voting. I don't want him to get caught slippin watching Hidden Colors instead of casting a ballot on voting day like he did last time.
I found this slightly interesting

There will always be a fight over voting because if we as a country started encouraging voting universally and make it a quick painless process, then black people would vote more. Dems would sweep into power, they would have the leeway to push Civil Rights harder and the GOP would be forced to roll back the white Supremacy

Anything that makes our system more representative empowers the black vote, so white supremacists must fight it at all cost


Great article on this subject.

I found it interesting that conservatives want to reduce women's role in voting but unlike with students, people of color and poor folk, it is much harder to create rules that would target women's ability to vote by way of proxies like new ID requirements and reductions in the number of voting locations.
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