***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I wish I could meet a KKK member in person. I really have no idea what goes through their head.

I'd just ask them, "Why?"
Trump should be able to galvanize the Democratic Party to heavily support whomever the nominee is (most likely Hillary)

She has to get Bernie a pretty significant position in the cabinet.. Get bill and Obama out there heavily on the road stumping for her, Biden too

Get the heavy players of the women set with a better prepared message.. And obviously have responses prepared to attack trump when he hits out at controversial issues.. Capitalize on his attacks
Trump should be able to galvanize the Democratic Party to heavily support whomever the nominee is (most likely Hillary)

She has to get Bernie a pretty significant position in the cabinet.. Get bill and Obama out there heavily on the road stumping for her, Biden too

Get the heavy players of the women set with a better prepared message.. And obviously have responses prepared to attack trump when he hits out at controversial issues.. Capitalize on his attacks
please man just stop.. She's a liar that has sacrificed american lives & lied to our people on numerous occasions about her faults. She will be brutalized by trump in the debates & deserves a criminal indictment 
Trump should be able to galvanize the Democratic Party to heavily support whomever the nominee is (most likely Hillary)

She has to get Bernie a pretty significant position in the cabinet.. Get bill and Obama out there heavily on the road stumping for her, Biden too

Get the heavy players of the women set with a better prepared message.. And obviously have responses prepared to attack trump when he hits out at controversial issues.. Capitalize on his attacks

please man just stop.. She's a liar that has sacrificed american lives & lied to our people on numerous occasions about her faults. She will be brutalized by trump in the debates & deserves a criminal indictment 
:rofl: :rofl:

And you want people to take you seriously
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please man just stop.. She's a liar that has sacrificed american lives & lied to our people on numerous occasions about her faults. She will be brutalized by trump in the debates & deserves a criminal indictment 

And trump hasn't lied?

What's his economic plan going to be, file for chapter 11?
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Trump is going to look like a damn fool in debates against Clinton.

Personal attacks and dragging her name through the mud will only get him so far. Sure, it'll be good for some laughs and "ooh damn" moments at first, but it'll wear thin. People don't want a circus. They want someone who can articulate a plan for the country outside of "we're going to win so much" and "we're going to be great again".

Regardless of how Clinton is perceived, I think the majority of Americans will see she's clearly the better choice between the two once they go head to head. Could Trump win? Sure....this is the same country that re-elected George W. I just don't think it's likely.
And trump hasn't lied?

What's his economic plan going to be, file for chapter 11?
Not even close to the extent Hillary has.. a few large scandals in a recent time period... don't feel like talking about Libya/benghazi and the emails again. 

I'm sure your miseducated on operating multiple business ventures at one time in this country, so having a complete understanding of filing business not personal bankruptcy is not something familiar to you if your calling that out as a negative thing. Plus.. who in atlantic city wasn't tanking at the time? 
And trump hasn't lied?

What's his economic plan going to be, file for chapter 11?

Not even close to the extent Hillary has.. a few large scandals in a recent time period... don't feel like talking about Libya/benghazi and the emails again. 

I'm sure your miseducated on operating multiple business ventures at one time in this country, so having a complete understanding of filing business not personal bankruptcy is not something familiar to you if your calling that out as a negative thing. Plus.. who in atlantic city wasn't tanking at the time? 

You don't know when to use 'you're' and you're calling someone miseducated

And I'm a lawyer that practices company law involving a number of corporations either based in the US or having a presence there (so we work with a ton of American attorneys on these sort of matters).. Studied law in England, which was the basis for and still has impact on your laws today (see how the 'your' and 'you're' thing works')

And I studied economics at UM with a minor in accounting (also did boarding school over there)..

I think I got an idea of how businesses work in your country and the filing of chapter 11
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You don't know when to use 'you're' and you're calling someone miseducated

And I'm a lawyer that practices company law involving a number of corporations either based in the US or having a presence there (so we work with a ton of American attorneys on these sort of matters).. Studied law in England, which was the basis for and still has impact on your laws today (see how the 'your' and 'you're' thing works')

And I studied economics at UM with a minor in accounting (also did boarding school over there)..

I think I got an idea of how businesses work in your country and the filing of chapter 11
wow, so considering all the legal issues Hillary might be facing... She's still your choice? Thats kinda funny. The left shall side with the left
wow, so considering all the legal issues Hillary might be facing... She's still your choice? Thats kinda funny. The left shall side with the left

Please.. Pretty please, quote where I said she was my choice
I don't watch fox news.. but hey.. the CNN link i just posted had a great article and poll about racial divide.. you should check it out. 

Who do lefty's always feel the need to spend money when we don't have any?! Do you not understand we're almost 20 trillion in debt?! and the first thing your worried about is raise the minimum wage?! I want to see americans get paid.. are you kidding me? But timing is everything my brother. 

Some of you guys need to upgrade your mindset to become owners instead of being o.k. being the average american worker... If your so worried about paying people better.. start your own business and write the checks yourself... If it doesn't fail because of over-regulation / taxation that is.. You'd be doing your community due diligence instead of waiting around for the government to do it for you.

That u dame?
I just want to understand how the Republican party has gone from a fairly reasonable and intelligent person like Romney to a yelling, racist idiot like Trump in only 4 years
I just want to understand how the Republican party has gone from a fairly reasonable and intelligent person like Romney to a yelling, racist idiot like Trump in only 4 years

Remember though, the Romney-Ryan ticket was just as radical and maybe even moreso than Donald Trump. Romney had much more decorum but he wanted Latinos to "self deport," Paul Ryan wanted to base the budget on Ayn Rand's novels, Romney said that corporations are people and both of them wanted to give away additional hundreds of billions to Wall Street and the defense industry and both of them were anti-abortion and marriage equality.
Trump will need to win Florida in order to beat Clinton, and no way he's winning a state with such a large latino community after all the stuff he said about latinos.
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Yeah should be interesting to see what happens down here. While I do see some support for Bernie as of late, I see way more Trump signs and stickers than I care to see.

I live in South Florida, so it's way more liberal than the Central and Northern part. The I-4, I-75 corridor plays a huge part too. I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP takes it.
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