-Sorry to be harsh, but you're being delusional.
-Obama was supported by "the establishment" (funny how this is a dirty word for Sanders supporters
) , and he took money from Wall Street.
But go read up on some of the things Obama tried to do, but couldn't.
Even in this first two years he had Blue Dogs to deal with. He wanted a pubic option, he wanted to unleash Elizabeth Warren on Wall Street, he want a infrastructure bill, he passed a stimulus, he wants a jobs bill, he wanted to reform students loans, he nominated liberal Supreme court justices, and he has been pushing for a infrastructure bill.
Most of the more liberal things he wanted to do have been blocked by conservatives.
Being business friendly, or hawkish, or even supporting the TPP doesn't just make someone not a liberal, not even in a economic sense.
If you think that Obama has tried and just have people "more of the same" after Bush and Clinton. Then I don't what to tell you.
Because that is plain and simple not true. Period
I already gave Obama props for some social change (DADT,AHCA,gay marriage)
He claimed this was going to be the most transparent administration, but that was a lie. Actually had a website dedicated to it, but he was shortly taken down
He claimed he would stop the wars and pull out, that was a lie. Actually stepped up the droning and extended the troops.
He claimed that whistleblowers will have a place and shouldn't fear prosecution but that was a lie.
Obama has deported more people than any other president, after he campaigned on immigration reform. (Yes he needs congress, but he can defintley stop deportations)
He failed to prosecute the bankers who caused the collapsed, even had a whole BS speech on 'moving forward'
While I'm not saying Obama doesn't have a hard time with congress, he ran as liberal and these were his promises, and this stuff he doesn't need congress. Only when he gets in, NONE of that changes. He only moves more to the center and gets more hawkish.
I already know you bought into the HRC Corp[emoji]8482[/emoji], and that's fine, but I'm far from delusional. I can see it for what it is, and HIllary will be the same, I don't care how many times she does the nae nae, or how liberal she claims to be today. When I say 'more of the same', I mean business as usual and that's what we basically got with Obama IMO.