***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Free thinkers not bound by the zeitgeist. People will support who they feel satisfies their best interest, and if their interests isn't perceived to be in lockstep with their respective communities, who gives a ****?

yea a man who blankets mexican refugees as murderers, rapists, and drug dealers will ultimately serve their best interest. we don't call these people free thinkers, we call them uninformed and colonized
Washington Post: In response to a public records request made by The Washington Post, the Presidio County Sheriff’s Office released an incident report from the sheriff’s investigation of Scalia’s death at the Cibolo Creek Ranch on Feb. 13. The report stated that the justice’s body was found in bed with a pillowcase covering his eyes. A breathing apparatus was on the table next to the bed, but it was switched off. Scalia was lying on three pillows “stacked up to elevate his head.”

Scalia’s sheets and pillows “were still in the creased position from that day’s room service, indicating that there was no struggle involved,” the report said. The top pillowcase “appeared to have shifted at some point in the night due to the weight of his pillow, causing the pillow case to slide down and cover his eyes.”

The sheriff noted that the position of the pillow “did not seem to have inhibited Scalia’s breathing.”

Feb. 13: Cibolo Creek Ranch owner John Poindexter initially told the press that the Supreme Court justice was invited to the ranch with a sports group at the suggestion of a mutual friend. He would only identify the other guests as "very substantial business people," who are not involved in politics. "It was strictly a group of friends sympathetic to the justice's views," he told the L.A. Times.

It appears he omitted some interesting details. According to the Washington Post, the other 35 guests were "high-ranking members of an exclusive fraternity for hunters called the International Order of St. Hubertus, an Austrian society that dates back to the 1600s." It offers everything one could want in a high-powered secret society. Per the Post:

Members of the worldwide, male-only society wear dark-green robes emblazoned with a large cross and the motto “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes,” which means “Honoring God by honoring His creatures,” according to the group’s website. Some hold titles, such as Grand Master, Prior and Knight Grand Officer. The Order’s name is in honor of Hubert, the patron saint of hunters and fishermen.

Other important things to know about the society: it was founded in Bohemia in 1695 by Count Franz Anton von Sporck, its current Grand Master is "His Imperial Highness Istvan von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria," and several years ago members gathered at Cibolo Creek Ranch for a three-day hunting getaway that that involved some members dressing in "traditional European shooting attire for the boxed bird shoot competition."

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Trump has 0 chance of beating Hillary or Bernie so I hope he actually gets the nomination. He will be exposed as a buffoon to those who haven't figured it out already. He has no substance nor plans behind that big mouth.

Got some bad news fam, your average American is stupid. He's already been exposed as a bafooon. Fake quotes, racism, flip flopping, not giving detials on anything, and he's still leading the GOP. He should've been done months ago, tbh.

Let me make this clear, I have NO interest in him being President. None, zero, zip, nada. But I honestly think there are enough idiots in this country and closet racists to elect him as President over Hillary. Unless she gets unheard of voter turnout from women, she's gonna take quite an L.

Yea, there's a bunch of people in construction who like him because he's not politically correct and he is a good businessman. :lol:
I mean.... I'm sorta that way too... I 99% detest him, 1% love him... His buying of Jebbush.com was absolutely amazing :lol:... I would never ever vote for him and I'd move to Canadia if elected, but I can't completely hate the man :lol:...

Elderly American Baquer Namazi Reportedly Arrested in Iran

I must share the shocking and sad news that Baquer was arrested in Tehran late evening of 22 February 2016 and as far as I have been told by those who took him taken to Evin prison," she wrote. "Now both my innocent son Siamak and my Baquer are in prison for no reason. This is a nightmare I can't describe."

Color me shocked. iran realized that taking anericans can lead to wonderful benefits. Who would have thought they would continue the same ****
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Didn't know Trump was alcohol free, I was talking more about the low standard for some Americans when it comes to picking a candidate
Yea, there's a bunch of people in construction who like him because he's not politically correct and he is a good businessman. :lol:

Excellent, sounds like the bush years when people said. "Want a president I can have a beer with"

Sounds good until a plane flies into a tower and the President is still sitting in a classroom reading My Pet Goat for another 20 minutes.
Excellent, sounds like the bush years when people said. "Want a president I can have a beer with"

Oh spare us that Bush years nonsense. That question has come up in a myriad of election cycles, prior to W. and during Obamas. It's just a superficial age old question to judge a candidate's or President ability to connect with average American.
Man I still find it so crazy and surreal how far Trump has come :wow:. Here I was thinking it was all just a publicity stunt when he first had that over the top press conference and now here we are in the thick of primary season and he's looking like the presumptive GOP nominee...My god :rofl: :rofl:
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Oh spare us that Bush years nonsense. That question has come up in a myriad of election cycles, prior to W. and during Obamas. It's just a superficial age old question to judge a candidate's or President ability to connect with average American.

Yeah, we know the bush years never happened.
If Hillary didn't have the entire DNC behind her i bet bernie would be flourishing. The fact that trump and bern are so popular shows you how pissed off and afraid americans are.

You may not like seeing them in the same sentence, but they are both presenting themselves as outsiders with populist tendencies and many people love it
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If Hillary didn't have the entire DNC behind her i bet bernie would be flourishing. The fact that trump and bern are so popular shows you how pissed off and afraid americans are.

You may not like seeing them in the same sentence, but they are both presenting themselves as outsiders with populist tendencies and many people love it

You're making too much sense right now. I made this same point a few pages back. I was damn near crucified.
I agree, people are tired if the same ol crap. This why the extremes on both side are so popular. However, I'll say the Trump supports are way more afraid. GOP has been pounding the fear drum since '08, Trump has captured that wave and the big talk has worked. He's most definitely the GOP creation, whether they want to admit it or not.
Man I still find it so crazy and surreal how far Trump has come
. Here I was thinking it was all just a publicity stunt when he first had that over the top press conference and now here we are in the thick of primary season and he's looking like the presumptive GOP nominee...My god
When I first heard about it I assumed it was a joke and that he just announced himself as a candidate to troll people and promote his business.

I didn't see this current situation coming at all. It's pretty scary how far he has come.
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