***Official Political Discussion Thread***

sometimes I wonder if he is subconsciously trying to convince himself that he is right in his views as much as he is trying to convince others on here.

it's similar to debating people who believe in conspiracy theories. every fact is distorted to fit their view because acknowledging the truth would conflict with their image of themselves/self-worth.
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But the same can be said of the leftist community
No it can not?
I said a majority of racists identify themselves as pro-right so no you can't say the same of the pro-left community. That makes no sense.
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Trump is very likely to lose to clinton but you just never know. Everyone was laughing. Not so funny now is it.

She has her own baggage and as i have said a few times, if there is a terrorist attack close to the election he will win.

Having him be the nominee and lose is probably the best outcome for people who want to see the GOP fracture and rebuild. Or rebrand if a rebuild is not possible

I will say i assume it pisses of the GOP base to see mitt rommey go harder at trump than he ever did at obama. This whole thing will have ever lasting effects especially if they refuse him the right to be the nominee.

Oh Hillary. The epitome of "i guess we will take her"
Trump being president is exactly what the terrorists want. His rhetoric and policies would just breed even more anti-US hatred. "We need to take out their families as well"

Bringing back torture techniques, not seeming to give a damn about collateral damage, ...

He'd be breeding more future terrorists than he eliminates.
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sometimes I wonder if he is subconsciously trying to convince himself that he is right in his views as much as he is trying to convince others on here.

it's similar to debating people who believe in conspiracy theories. every fact is distorted to fit their view because acknowledging the truth would conflict with their image of themselves/self-worth.

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!1!!!1!
You do realize that link agrees with mine, and also disproves your claim that King was a Republican. :rofl:

No, the author is just siding with the leftists.. His family member said it on numerous occasions. You just won't admit it

Have you never heard of the Dixiecrats? Realignment of the political parties in the 60s? Jesus, you gotta be willfully ignorant at this point

You mean 1948

No it can not?
I said a majority of racists identify themselves as pro-right so no you can't say the same of the pro-left community. That makes no sense.

So no racist sides with the left?
Some of you guys are lost 

Trump being president is exactly what the terrorists want. His rhetoric and policies would just breed even more anti-US hatred. "We need to take out their families as well"
Bringing back torture techniques, not seeming to give a damn about collateral damage, ...
He'd be breeding more future terrorists than he eliminates.

So, you're saying it's going to continue business as usual then?

Sounds to me like the perfect president lol. He fits the suit perfectly.
I mean she's attached herself at the hip with Obama's legacy so far this campaign season so you're damn right it's gonna be business as usual under Clinton 2.0 :lol:
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No, the author is just siding with the leftists.. His family member said it on numerous occasions. You just won't admit it
You mean 1948
So no racist sides with the left?

No, I meant the realignment after the 1964 election
You do realize that link agrees with mine, and also disproves your claim that King was a Republican. :rofl:

No, the author is just siding with the leftists.. His family member said it on numerous occasions. You just won't admit it

Famb you posted a fact checking site that showed you where wrong, you it that, to yourself.

No you wanna talk about authors. :lol:
So no racist sides with the left?

He's talking about the majority of racists

The majority cannot possibly side with 2 different groups

Politics aside, it's pathetic that you don't understand such an elementary concept
So no racist sides with the left?
Can you actually read?

I will quote myself again for the third time. I have bolded the important parts.
In any given country, the right always has significantly more racists than the left.

Idk what this clown is even trying to argue.

The right isn't inherently racist but a majority of racists identify themselves as pro-right.
Could you please point out where I said that no racist sides with the left?

I said the majority of racists side with the right. Ofcourse there's pro-left racists, just a much smaller amount than the right.
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He's talking about the majority of racists

The majority cannot possibly side with 2 different groups

Politics aside, it's pathetic that you don't understand such an elementary concept

No, it's pathetic that you guys say racism only exists on the right [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I mean she's attached herself at the hip with Obama's legacy so far this campaign season so you're damn right it's gonna be business as usual under Clinton 2.0 :lol:

What could Bernie get done that Clinton wouldn't.

Please give specifics

What CAN he get done or what would he try to get done that Hillary can't/won't? What he can get done depends mostly on how congress shapes up in November but I have a good feeling that he'd actually give an honest effort towards achieving what he's advocated for on his platform like Wall Street regulation,cracking down on reckless big business behaviour,much less Hawkish foreign policy,universal healthcare and free post secondary public education etc since he's actually been advocating for all those for years and not just come election time.

I have a hard time believing that Hillary would go at some of her top donors in the same way...

Seriously doubt we'd see much of a change if any from Obama with Hillary,that's not who she is or who she wants to be.

Guess its cool if you're fine with the status quo.
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Can you actually read?
I will quote myself again for the third time. I have bolded the important parts.

Could you please point out where I said that no racist sides with the left?
I said the majority of racists side with the right. Ofcourse there's pro-left racists, just a much smaller amount than the right.

Speculation, not fact
Trump being president is exactly what the terrorists want. His rhetoric and policies would just breed even more anti-US hatred. "We need to take out their families as well"
Bringing back torture techniques, not seeming to give a damn about collateral damage, ...
He'd be breeding more future terrorists than he eliminates.

But "terrorists" are created here and will commit acts regardless of who is in charge because it's not based on who is in charge but about pushing agendas [emoji]128527[/emoji]

Y'all gotta know the script by now fam :smh:
-You leftists talk like increasing taxes are the answer, but you get increased tax revenue to the treasury whenever you cut taxes. WE ARE 20 TRILLION IN DEBT and the leftist agenda says spend and raise taxes... But you get MORE reported tax REVENUE when you CUT, so how do you articulate we balance the debt? Especially when you are over-regulating/taxing business and loosing even more tax because US companies are MOVING INTERNATIONAL because of LEFTIST policy. YOU MAKE NO SENSE.

-But why do you continue to point the finger at corporations, then over-regulate them and then cry a river when they move offshore because they can't afford to stay on the homeland? YOU MAKE NO SENSE

But if he can, why can't everyone else? Equality is everyone, no mater what race or religion... be treated fairly and governed under the same laws. So you believe black people need special treatment? Because that kind of sounds like what you are saying to me. No one held my hand on my road to success. And sorry fam, I'm taking a renowned neurosurgeon's opinion over yours any day. YOU MAKE NO SENSE

I would side with you if there were't any successful blacks in this country.. but saying that would be a complete and utter lie. Blacks are governed under the same laws as whites, latinos, asians and hispanics. YOU MAKE NO SENSE but are quick to claim victim like everyone's out to get you. You completely understood what the crack laws were. If you decide to sell it, pay the consequences. No one is sitting here forcing anyone to do anything. A white man sells crack, the same **** happens to him under those laws.... 

You should be ashamed raising your hand and saying things like that... helping persuade these young african-american men on this site that the white man won't let them do what they want in this country. If anything you are committing more harm then anyone else by helping supply the laziness to these young people because you didn't have the intellect to be that successful in this country. Get back to reality and start preaching positivity and actually do something about the issue instead of flapping your lips filled with non-sense. Start a business and employ people, if you can even stay above water when tax season comes and tell me how easy it is, because i go thru it every year. 

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