***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Telling of the times when his comment barely registered/made waves given the avalanche of depressing news and actions we've grown accustomed to on a daily basis :lol::smh:
the DNC has no effective means to stop or "knife" bernie. This isn't a movie. :lol:

Learn to talk to black people and the nomination will be Bernies, barring some unforseen challenger.
18 hours of politics a day and he still doesn't get that. Not a Fox News talking point.
It's a sad day when George Bush is now the authority on what it takes to be the President of the United States.

trump has ruined us.

Don't rob the American people of its agency like the apologists for Bush are doing right now. Little will be learned if we all try to find a way to put everything on Trump as if he were the cause and not a symptom of the American malaise.

The worst part of this is, people are still eating, so they don't give a **** whether we live in a democracy or an oligarchy. They will find out - too late - the importance of being able to be heard (free press, due process, fair elections, etc...) when things eventually go awry.
Funny enough, Gillespie is now leading in polls the eve of the election :lol:

When will these people learn that they can't get by trying to be Republican lites races against Republicans. The folks you're pandering to will always choose the genuine article over the half stepper and you turn off your own base in the process :lol::smh:

In lighter news


Sr voted for Hillary :lol:
Graham seeks 9/11-style commission on social media vulnerabilities
'It's got to be about the exposure we have as a nation. Because it’s the Russians today — it could be somebody else tomorrow.'
Sen. Lindsey Graham is courting Democratic support for a proposal to set up an independent commission that would recommend new rules for reining in the social-media presence of foreign entities in response to Russian electoral meddling.

Graham said Thursday his still-nascent independent commission proposal would be modeled after the bipartisan panel created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and would convene "experts in national security and technology to sit down and advise Congress: What kind of legal infrastructure do we need that balances privacy and national security interests? Because I think it's going to be really hard for us to come up with a consensus."

The South Carolina Republican's comments come after a Tuesday hearing of the Judiciary Committee subpanel he chairs at which representatives from Google, Facebook and Twitter testified that Russian-backed ad buyers continued their disruptive online efforts after President Donald Trump's election.

Graham said Thursday that "we’re going to need legislation" in response to the Kremlin's disruption of the 2016 election, but he stopped short of endorsing a bipartisan bill from Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), and John McCain (R-Ariz.) that would set requirements for more disclosure of online political advertising, which he called "just the tip of the iceberg."

Graham added that he already has reached out to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) about the idea.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said in an interview that he also has talked to Graham and would be receptive to the commission proposal. Electoral cybersecurity is best tackled separately from a strictly social-media-focused commission looking at the impact of foreign and extremist entities, he said.

"It can’t be just about the Russian hacking," Graham told reporters. "It's got to be about the exposure we have as a nation. Because it’s the Russians today — it could be somebody else tomorrow."

Gillibrand's office did not immediately return a request for comment on whether the senator is considering backing the commission idea.


When are democrat politicians going to stop republicans from establishing talking points?

This is just ridiculous...

This is a widespread problem among Democrats of all kinds. It goes beyond being "Republican Lites" too. I mean progressive want Pelosi to retire because the GOP attacks her a lot. Hillary corrupt story took off this week because Bernie Bros wanted to feel vindicated, even though the main reason people think Clinton is so corrupt is because the right has said for decades. The identity politics ******** after the election.

Nothing Dems of all favors love more that letting right wing talking points shape their view.

-But people will miss another aspect at play here regarding the flip flop. That Gillespie's nonsense was working on white voters, ones open to voting Dem. And in the primary the Dem populist lost because he didn't want to address minority issues directly. So if Northam loses it is gonna be fuel to the civil war

I just wish Dems could have these wars after they get into power, or before and election starts. Not the damn week before it happens.
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Donna Brazile clearly out here looking to sell books now that she's persona non grata after that tipping off debate question nonsense.

but who's dumber...Donna for comming up with stupid scheme, or the Bernie bros who get gassed up by it?
Bernie Bros, easily.

Within 24hrs this story started falling apart, yet they are still running their mouth about it.
For me, politics is a means to an end. I want Americans politics to be accountable to everyone who lives within the jurisdiction or is subject to the power of the United States.

What I see right now is a Republican Party that is accountable to about two or three percent of the Country and a Democratic Party that is accountable to the most affluent tenth of the Nation. The former wins elections by appealing to white resentment politics. The latter uses people of color's justifiable fears of white supremacy married to state power to gain the bulk of their votes.

There is no way to spin or apologize for the fact that the Democratic party has failed the majority of workers, let alone failed to help those who are even more marginalized. No amount of comparisons to the GOP, can excuse the Democratic Party's decades of professional class bias in its economic policies.

I and millions of others want to change the dynamics of American politics and we see that the Democratic Party as the most viable vehicle for change. We supported Bernie Sanders' 2016 bid because he represented a challenge to the Democratic Party's brand of economic royalism. If Sanders had won the nomination, we would see the Democratic Party's relentless professional class bias weakened.

Obviously, that was not the case. Clinton cobbled together enough of a coalition by pitting economic justice against social justice (the negative consequences of running a scorched Earth wedge campaign in a primary keep manifesting themselves and may continue to do so for years or decades to come). Clinton is gone from the scene but the "third way" mentality that she represented remains and the centrist bigwigs seem hell bent on winning nominations, monetizing their political clout and antagonizing those who demand economic justice.

Clinton is gone. Sanders may very well not run in 2020 but the issues that defined 2016 and 2020 and beyond do not seem likely to go away any time soon. The left needs the Democratic Party to do well in future elections and the Democratic Party can do that by embracing the left. sadly, both groups are having a lot of trouble making it work.

Also, let me add that, these new revelations from Donna Brazile are not proof that the 2016 primary was rigged. There is absolutely no evidence that the DNC falsified vote totals for any of its 50 plus primaries and caucuses. What is more important about this news is that it confirms the fact that the Democratic Party will stop at nothing to preserve its status quo which is to work to improve the lives of America's managerial and bourgeois classes and no one else. The experience of 2016 was not the story of a rigged primary or caucus, it was confirmation that the Democratic Party is an effective bulwark, for the capitalists elites, against egalitarian leftism. On matters of economics, The Democratic Party does the dirty work of the Republican Party and that is the take away from 2016 primaries and the 2017 post mortems simply confirm that fact.

I wrote a much longer post, but after thinking about it, it wasn't worth it to post. I don't want to right an essay to sound like I am defending the Dems and Hillary again.

-The Democratic Party is not the party of the 10%. Leftist have this weird thing of if you don't think like them, you are a centrist. And I don't know how you can acknowledge that if Dems got all the policies they wanted through, that we would be living in an America much closer to Bernie's vision for America, yet say they are just the party of the 10%. And funny irony of all this is why you criticize them for not helping marginalized groups, you ignore that fact that whenever they do, middle and lower class whites make them pay politically.

And this is the same group, at the left will claim the Dems turned their backs on.

-Hillary Clinton, especially 2016 Clinton, is not a centrist third way Democrat.

-It was Bernie not Hillary that ran an entitled scorched earth campaign. Hillary didn't pit social justice against economic justice. Bernie was just so completely ignorant on social issues, and Hillary exposed his *** on that.

I gave money to this ****** campaign, I would hope they at least honestly face their failure for once. But nah, everything seems like a damn projection onto someone else.

-The last paragraph is just weird. News is coming out that the DNC offered Bernie a similar deal too. So DNC's crime is the matter in which they fund raise? I don't get your objection

Your post pretty a perfect example of why I will probably never consider myself a leftist.
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Rumor is that in her book Donna Brazile wrote she was so troubled by Seth Rich's murder, that she thought she was next and started closing her blinds so sniper wouldn't get her.

:rofl: :rofl:

I might pick up his book for the lulz. Ole girl writing some grade-A fan fiction.
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