***Official Political Discussion Thread***


real and not hilarious
This seems like too stupid to be true even for him. Then again I've said that a whole lot of times to myself. :lol:
I like how low the bar is for being an elite.

just gotta be middle income range, know what a latte is, and not be racist. boom! elite.

Among Republicans, they define elites in a way that has nothing to do with money. For them it is all cultural. For Republicans, you can be a recent college grad who is volunteering for someone's election campaign or a school teacher who organizes undocumented communities on weekends. In Republican World, billionaire hedge fund mangers and are seen as authentic Americans as long as they show proper deference to white supremacy and other toxic, conservative ideas.

Now, for me, personally, I'd define the Democrats core constituency, its peerage, as people who make 200k a year or more and the Republican's core constituency, those who actually matter, are those who collect 200k a year or more in passive income.

Every other group: minorities, poor people, college students, retires, angry white people, evangelicals, blue collar workers, public sector workers and small business owners are just vassals unless they meet the wealth and income requirements of the major parties.

A good, newsy example of this is the fact that the Democratic Gubernatorial candidate, in the midst of close election with a reactionary white supremacists, though it would be a perfect time to echo the debunked myth of the "skills gap." It is as if the democratic Party is playing chicken with the left, in this case, organized labor and workers in general. The Democrats popular general election strategy is to antagonize their own, natural constituencies and then dare us to not vote and allow a GOP racist to win.
We all know how much faith you can put in a (republican) politician's word but still:
Ryan: Congress will not interfere with Mueller investigation
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said on Sunday that Congress would not interfere in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian 2016 election meddling, despite legislation introduced by GOP members of the House to oust Mueller.

"We're not going to interfere with his investigation. The investigation will take its course, and we will let it take its course," Ryan told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

"We’re also doing our own investigations here in the House – and the Senate has one as well – into Russia and into Russia’s meddling in our campaign," he continued.

"So these Russian investigations will take their course. We need to find out exactly what they did to our country, how and why they did it, and then how do we prevent them from doing it in the future. And let these career professionals at DOJ just do their jobs and finish their job, and that’s what we’re going to do. Let them do that," he said.
Ryan's comments come after three GOP congressman introduced legislation to remove Mueller as special counsel because he was FBI director during an Obama-era Uranium One deal.

Mueller's case appears to be moving rapidly and closing in on some of President Trump's associates.

Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates were charged with conspiracy against the United States and money laundering on Monday.

Mueller also revealed on Monday that former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos had pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators about his contact with Russian actors during the campaign.

NBC reported on Sunday that the special counsel's now has enough evidence to charge Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and his son Michael G. Flynn as a part of the investigation.

I saw another flyer similar to this one that called for the deportation of candidates of east asian and indian backgrounds in Edison, NJ.

The possibility of it being the product of Russian propaganda can't be dismissed considering that they were behind the famous protests AND counter-protests surrounding the small islamic center in Texas. Also consider that as the main geopolitical force in the Balkans, they have had years of perfecting this kind of propaganda (where you pit diverse groups against one another to destabilize the target society). They already landed the first punch of the 1-2 combo (radicalizing the GOP), and considering the discussion and the participants lean left here, we should be careful not to believe the obvious stuff that is said to come from the right. Of course, I am not discounting the tendency of the GOP to appeal to white supremacy and fear of the non-WASP; they just don't make it this obvious.

The row has erupted after a key polar satellite broke down a few days ago, leaving the US with only three ageing ones, each operating long past their shelf lives, to measure the Arctic’s dwindling ice cap. Scientists say there is no chance a new one can now be launched until 2023 or later. None of the current satellites will still be in operation then.

The crisis has been worsened because the US Congress this year insisted that a backup sea-ice probe had to be dismantled because it did not want to provide funds to keep it in storage. Congress is currently under the control of Republicans, who are antagonistic to climate science and the study of global warming.

See what happens when you try to give these fools a little bit of benefit of the doubt?
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