***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Under what "logic" did Biden not win the debate? Surely not following the same "logic" that Romney won the debate with...
Under what "logic" did Biden not win the debate? Surely not following the same "logic" that Romney won the debate with...
I don't really care how biden positioned himself because the arguments themselves matter and they speak for themselves. I err on the side of reading the transcripts and determining who had the better argument, but since theres no winner, you're on your own. 

But I'm just still laughing at how wild this dude was. 

Yo...."those" people are HILARIOUS. 
I don't really care how biden positioned himself because the arguments themselves matter and they speak for themselves. I err on the side of reading the transcripts and determining who had the better argument, but since theres no winner, you're on your own. 

But I'm just still laughing at how wild this dude was. 

No, I agree wholeheartedly. One side was coming with actual facts and plans, in the first presidential debate as well as this vice presidential debate, but people were saying Romney won because he was "aggressive" or whatever, despite the fact that he was switching all of the plans that he campaigned on and was making things up as he went along.

These same people are saying Biden DIDN'T win, despite him being the aggressor AND refuting completely incorrect statements made by Ryan.

I just don't see how you can praise one and down the other for doing pretty much the same thing (minus the making **** up).

I'm looking forward to the next two presidential debates.

Just watched the communist video :lol: it's hilarious man
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I don't really care how biden positioned himself because the arguments themselves matter and they speak for themselves. I err on the side of reading the transcripts and determining who had the better argument, but since theres no winner, you're on your own. 

But I'm just still laughing at how wild this dude was. 
No, I agree wholeheartedly. One side was coming with actual facts and plans, in the first presidential debate as well as this vice presidential debate, but people were saying Romney won because he was "aggressive" or whatever, despite the fact that he was switching all of the plans that he campaigned on and was making things up as he went along.

These same people are saying Biden DIDN'T win, despite him being the aggressor AND refuting completely incorrect statements made by Ryan.

I just don't see how you can praise one and down the other for doing pretty much the same thing (minus the making **** up).

I'm looking forward to the next two presidential debates.

Just watched the communist video
it's hilarious man
Completely agree.

Romney is agressive but lies his *** off and everyone calls him on it but somehow he "wins"

Ryan makes crap up and still gets his tail handed to him...still the winner?! 

Man ya'll can have it. 

I watched parts of the debate over again...Biden wasn't even that disrespectful honestly. He interjected a few times overly forcefully, but its not as bad as ya'll are making it sound. 
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It's generally a pointless exercise to argue about who "won" or "lost" a debate, but it's even more so in the case of a Veep debate.
Both sides lie, each has significant faults and will not deliver on their promises. They'll present these ideals that do not work when implemented.
That being said, whether you believed in winning a debate or not, that argument is tired, but Biden's performance is in stark contrast to that of Obama. He was stronger in his presentation, rebuttals and demeanor. It's a stage, appearance matters too.
At the same time, I personally think that aside from the idea of him sonning Ryan, Biden's repeated laughs and exaggerated facial expressions were a little much and won't sit well with some people. It may have been part of his planned approach but it came off as a little condescending and smug.
Overall, this one was clear that at first glance, Biden was much stronger just as Romney was.

I pretty much agree with this.

If I'm a Republican I wouldn't like his attitude, and that's why they're trying to distract the American people by complaining about Biden's mannerisms instead of the substance of the debate.

That's Joe Bidden though. In the debate versus Palin, he had to tone it down, because she was a female.
Joe Biden has looked like he's a second from cracking up this entire debate :lol:

I thought it was hilarious.

I didnt buy what future said about the media pushing the perception that obama lost the last debate, but i saw brokaw and others saying this was a tie. WHAT?! Biden beat his ***

And fo course i keep having to hear about biden having bad body language. Hes laughing because he has no respect for romney and ryan
You guys were exaggerating earlier, but Biden is really destroying him at this point. Mitt's going to smack Ryan in the back of the head after this performance. He's making Ryan look like some schmuck college kid who is in over his head.

Verh funny u posted this i turned to a friend yesterday and said it looks like biden wants to smack him in the head ha
I can't understand how anybody can honestly say Ryan won the debate. Even the moderator got in his **** about not providing facts or details. Maybe Biden's laughing was over the top, but how can you not laugh at somebody who's presenting these grandiose plans yet has no facts or details on how said plans are actually going to work.

Also, I think it's a known fact that 99% of politicians lie. However, like my mother used to tell me "if you're going to lie at least make it good. Telling a bad lie is like a insult to my intelligence thinking I would believe that B.S." that's the problem with the Romney campaign it's not that they're lying any more than any other politician, it's that the lies are so BAD, without any type of evidence to back them up.
I can't understand how anybody can honestly say Ryan won the debate. Even the moderator got in his **** about not providing facts or details. Maybe Biden's laughing was over the top, but how can you not laugh at somebody who's presenting these grandiose plans yet has no facts or details on how said plans are actually going to work.
Also, I think it's a known fact that 99% of politicians lie. However, like my mother used to tell me "if you're going to lie at least make it good. Telling a bad lie is like a insult to my intelligence thinking I would believe that B.S." that's the problem with the Romney campaign it's not that they're lying any more than any other politician, it's that the lies are so BAD, without any type of evidence to back them up.

Agree with you to the millionth power.
Like I said there are more homers in here ar than people in a city rooting for their favorite sports team. I gave the debate to Biden but people in here acting as if Ryan just got worked. Well the cnn poll suggests otherwise
Many experts are calling it a draw with some even killing Biden for his unprofessional and immature behavior last night. Some polls have Ryan winning the debate.
Beyond being a Democrat, I would say Biden won because of the amount of times and even the moderation kept pressing Ryan for details and Ryan kept stalling, redirecting, deflecting, and drinking water. You can't keep saying, the current plan is not working, I'm going to get rid of it and replace it with a better one," and then when asked for details have nothing. I don't care about Biden's "conduct" since nobody chastised Mitt for the same thing last week. Everybody said he was "charged up." Allegedly though, Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times according to a Republican strategist.

And I'm beyond tired of the, "I was in Ohio and a lady come up to me and said she's been out of work for 2 yrs and asked me can I help her," anecdotes.
As I watched the debate last night I kept wondering to myself 'where have I seen Paul Ryan before?' Then it dawned on me.

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