***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So Rudy just confirmed Trump did in fact fire Comey because of the investigation....well damn...lol
Also is really creepy how these cats so easily say they LOVE Trump....like do these cats even tell their wives “I love you” with such conviction?
yikes bikes and dikes at all you circle jerkers getting hysterical over Rudy the Raindear's comments. What roll did Donald even play in all this? He is just an innocent victim of libbie porn star conjecture and innuendo. Has anyone even been arrested??? No. The witch hunt must STOP. And please stop listening to the media lies where they show word-for-word quotes from Donald and Rudy. You CANNOT BELIEVE the media. You can only trust what god puts in your coal-blackened heart and lungs.

Trump is innocent and god-willing he will achieve the American dream and finally lock up Crooked H!!!! It's pretty clear to anyone who reads REAL NEWS 18-25 HOURS/DAY that the truth is that Crooked H was running a geriatric sex ring out of a chuckee cheese and that's how Stormy Daniels got involved. Crooked H herself paid the $130k in Iranian dollars. This conspiracy goes deeper than the deep state. Mueller must resign!

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The trickle down economics at work!


Investment Boom From Trump’s Tax Cut Has Yet to Appear


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said in a tweet on Friday that the G.D.P. report reflected “strong business investment” as companies responded to the tax overhaul.

Q1 #GDP surprises to the upside @BEA_News. Strong business investment and capital deepening as companies respond to #TaxReform.

— CEA (@WhiteHouseCEA) April 27, 2018
Representative Erik Paulsen, a Minnesota Republican who chairs the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, attributed the G.D.P. growth to the tax cuts. “Americans are better off today than they were 16 months ago,” he said in a statement on Friday. “Business investment is strong, wages are growing, and disposable income is climbing thanks to tax reform and pro-growth policies.”

Analysts were more cautious in drawing conclusions.

“Even regardless of the tax plan kicker, we would have seen a pickup in business investment,” said Keith Parker, head of United States equity strategy at UBS. Capital spending, he said, “typically follows profits with a lag.”

Scott Greenberg, a tax analyst at the conservative Tax Foundation, warned that it was “always difficult to identify an economic trend from just one quarter’s data.”


Boeing said it had bought back $3 billion worth of its stock in the first quarter. It expects to buy $15 billion over the next two years. CreditRandall Hill/Reuters
Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, told The Economist in remarks published last week that after the tax cuts passed, corporations “bought back shares, a few gave out bonuses; there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.” A spokeswoman said Monday that Mr. Rubio’s criticism was that the law could have done more to help working families while also stimulating corporate investment.

While overall business investment in the American economy was up 6.1 percent in the first quarter, business spending by the larger corporations included in the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index — as measured by their announcements of capital expenditures so far this earnings season — is up 23.5 percent from the first quarter of 2017, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. That would be the fastest pace since 2012.

Large tech companies are among some of the biggest spenders. Google’s parent, Alphabet, nearly tripled its first-quarter capital spending to $7.3 billion on real estate and computing capacity and data centers. Amazon increased investment by more than 40 percent to more than $3 billion as it builds out its network of fulfillment centers.

Our columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin and his Times colleagues help you make sense of major business and policy headlines — and the power-brokers who shape them.

But with roughly a quarter of the companies in the S.&P. 500 having reported first-quarter results, their spending on buybacks is even higher, up 43 percent from the first quarter of 2017, to $43 billion, according to data from Howard Silverblatt, an analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices.

Traditionally when companies have more cash than they think they can invest productively, they return it to shareholders either by paying them cash dividends or by going into the market and repurchasing shares. Those buybacks tend to push the price of a stock up, making shareholders wealthier, at least on paper.

Republicans, and some Democratic economists, say this can help the economy, if those shareholders sell their stock and then use their profits to make other investments. But critics argue that buybacks disproportionately benefit the wealthy — the richest 10 percent of Americans own 84 percent of all stock — and executives who are often compensated with shares.

Boeing said it had bought back $3 billion worth of its stock in the first quarter. (It expects to buy $15 billion over the next two years.) Facebook expanded its plans to buy back its shares to the tune of $9 billion. the appliance maker Whirlpool said it would sell its Brazilian refrigerator compressor business for roughly $1 billion, and then use that money to buy its own shares. The railroad operator CSX said it had bought back more than $800 million in shares in the first quarter, as part of plans to buy $5 billion in shares by the first quarter of next year.

As they anticipated a windfall from tax cuts, the nation’s banks increased their pace of buybacks by more than 50 percent last year, to $77.5 billion from $51 billion in 2016, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The 10 largest banks, led by JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup, accounted for 70 percent of those buybacks.

Bank Buybacks Surge
Banks in the United States have increasingly bought back shares of their own stock, a trend that accelerated in 2017 as the banks anticipated a windfall from President Trump’s tax cuts.

Amount spent each year on share buybacks by publicly traded banks.
$77.5 billion

By The New York Times | Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence
Republicans have highlighted the buybacks as a boost for the economy, saying they will put money in the hands of investors who will find productive and widespread ways to use it. Many Democrats say those buybacks undermine Republican claims about the tax law and prove the overhaul will reward only corporations and the wealthy.

“The whole theory was to lavish corporations and the already wealthy with tax cuts, and maybe the benefits will trickle down to everyone else,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, said in a floor speech in April. “We’re already seeing the balloon burst on that idea, as corporations dedicate an enormous percentage of the tax savings to stock buybacks, and only a sliver to worker compensation.”

A recent surge in oil and gas investment is largely a result of the recovery in oil and gas prices and easing of regulations over the last year, rather than incentives put in place by the tax overhaul. Economists believe those incentives — such as allowing companies to immediately and fully deduct the cost of capital spending in order to lower their taxes — could help stimulate investment for companies.

A survey by the National Association of Manufacturers in April found record-high expectations among members for capital investments this year. Historically, that survey is a strong predictor of future investments, though over the past two years actual investment has underperformed what the survey predicted. A survey by the National Association for Business Economics also finds capital spending expectations rising from a year ago — but two-thirds of respondents said the new tax law did not cause them to change hiring or investment plans. Morgan Stanley said Monday that its Capex Plans Index for future capital expenditures fell slightly in April, from what had been a record high.

Verizon, in its quarterly earnings report last week, said it had increased capital expenditures to $4.6 billion in the first quarter, up $1.5 billion from the same period in 2017. But the company plans to stick to its target of spending at most $17.8 billion on investment this year — a level that has not budged much for the past four years.

“I don’t see us having a massive acceleration in capex,” Verizon’s chief financial officer, Matt Ellis, told analysts on its post-earnings conference call.
If LIBS can't see the 3456D hot dog eating contest Don is playing then I don't know what to tell you. America's Mayor shutdown the stormy weather last night. By admitting the wire transfer existed, LIBS lost all arguments. Just saw the WHCD and that activity is a fantastic waste of time for LIBS. On a more positive note, I'm anxiously waiting for the long awaited summit between Dabo Luther King and Malcolm Kanye West. AMAZING. These men are the conservative civil rights leaders we need right now.
If LIBS can't see the 3456D hot dog eating contest Don is playing then I don't know what to tell you. America's Mayor shutdown the stormy weather last night. By admitting the wire transfer existed, LIBS lost all arguments. Just saw the WHCD and that activity is a fantastic waste of time for LIBS. On a more positive note, I'm anxiously waiting for the long awaited summit between Dabo Luther King and Malcolm Kanye West. AMAZING. These men are the conservative civil rights leaders we need right now.
all we need is our queen Correta Scott Owens to bring the trifecta together PREACH COMRADE
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