***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Keep dreaming famb, Bernie went full **** boy and said it is on Hillary to convince his supporters herself.

This going all the way to the convention.
He really said that? :smh:
I expected better of him. I think he'll come around eventually. The biggest threat is Trump having a chance to become president. I'm sure he'll come to realize uniting the democratic vote is the right thing to do in order to stop Trump.
Dividing the democratic voters is the last thing we need.

After denial comes acceptance. I'm glad to see that you moved to the next step champ. That was fast. Young Rusty making the turn, I like it.

Bernie isn't a democrat, why do you think he's gonna fall in line for the party? He speaks for a revolution. What part of the revolution is getting in line? He doesn't give a **** about the party and hillary doesn't have much to lure him with.

She would need him involved in her presidency like a hole in the head
Hillary is the next best option, and is not the huge downgrade

Interested to hear how Hillary isn't a huge downgrade considering;

Neo-Conservative foreign policy
Supports Patriot Act
Supports War on Drugs
Does not support legalizing Mary Jane
Supports Death Penalty and 3 Strikes Laws
Pro Wall Street (Chelsea married a hedge fund manager)
Flip Floped on gay marriage, TPP, immigration issues.
I just finished voting today. Hopefully the results from tonight put Bernie Sanders and his supporters in a position where they have no choice but to abandon ship, humble themselves and collectively fall in line. Can't wait!!

Or, or, now hear me out. Bernie Supporters can vote for a third party, write in Bernie, not vote at all or vote for Trump. Well off white guys will do just fine under a GOP Presidency, others, not so much.

You should be thrilled at the prospect of a Trump Presidency, He's everything you love about Hillary but even more so. Hillary is pro war, thinks young black men are born criminals, she boasts about her ability to make, deals, she is very rich, she has lots of friends on Wall Street and she thinks poor people are losers. With Trump you get all of that and more.
With the Senate up for grabs I doubt Warren accepts the VP invite if offered. If things are close in the Senate she won't want a Republican governor choosing her replacement.
is like saying

Pro Racism (I heard once that Bernie's uncle referenced African Americans as "You People")

Marc Mezvinsky is an investment banker who has a net worth of $15 million. Marc Mezvinsky earned his net worth as an investment banker at the New York-based firm Goldman Sachs and while working at the New York hedge fund company, 3G Capital.

Nah you're right Hillary has no ties to Wall St. :rolleyes

Wedding cost


Our next President and second to Tupac, TRUMP! Dude is cool and funny as hell, and speaks his mind like many of us.
Keep dreaming famb, Bernie went full **** boy and said it is on Hillary to convince his supporters herself.

This going all the way to the convention.
He really said that? :smh:
I expected better of him. I think he'll come around eventually. The biggest threat is Trump having a chance to become president. I'm sure he'll come to realize uniting the democratic vote is the right thing to do in order to stop Trump.
Dividing the democratic voters is the last thing we need.

I'd say the biggest threat is Cruz.
Hillary is the next best option, and is not the huge downgrade

Interested to hear how Hillary isn't a huge downgrade considering;

Neo-Conservative foreign policy
Supports Patriot Act
Supports War on Drugs
Does not support legalizing Mary Jane
Supports Death Penalty and 3 Strikes Laws
Pro Wall Street (Chelsea married a hedge fund manager)
Flip Floped on gay marriage, TPP, immigration issues.

Famb I'm not going to have a back and forth with you when I know you just take this opportunity to have Hillary hatefest and not address my comment as a Bernie supporter in the context of how I stated them.

And I was referring to my previous comments in this thread and others telling folk that Hillary is not a DINO or centrist.

And I'm not going to go back and forth over the historic context of all of Hillary's political moves, I didn't right the comment to defend her.

Her and Bernie's platform on social issues is damb near the same, and the economic plans are the closest to Bernie. I have also said in that I consider all recent US president complete **** on foreign policy, to different degrees.

-The Supreme Court potentially flipping progressive is enough for me to be first in line on election day to give her my vote.

So you can go on hating her, and I can go on not. And lets just leave it at that
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We can pray that she puts in a progressive. Obama has already tried putting a moderate into the Supreme Court as his last appointee. I think our chances of getting real progressive policies put forth lie with the midterm elections. My fear is that those elections are even more screwed up than the primaries, due in part to redisticting.

I agree that if Bernie is elected the best choice is Hillary, I just don't agree that their policies are similar.
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We can pray that she puts in a progressive. Obama has already tried putting a moderate into the Supreme Court as his last appointee. I think our chances of getting real progressive policies put forth lie with the midterm elections. My fear is that those elections are even more screwed up than the primaries, due in part to redisticting.

Obama nominated a "moderate" as a political move.

Last two picks were Kagan and Sotomayor, the two most liberal justices on the court.

Hillary is probably picking a liberal unless the Senate in red. Then mostly likely she will stick with Merrick Garland
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Obama nominated a "moderate" as a political move.

Last two picks were Kagan and Sotomayor, the two most liberal justices on the court.

Hillary is probably picking a liberal unless the Senate in red. Then mostly likely she will stick with Merrick Garland
I realize that it could be seen as a political move but that's the stuff that pisses people off. He wanted to make conservatives look bad as obstructionists but it's more than likely we end up with another moderate.
It's like the ACA being a republican bill. No one cares that it was a republican bill to begin with. It's Obamacare now lol.
Making conservatives look crazy doesn't seem like a good political strategy anymore. Look who's leading the polls lol.

Sotomayor and Kagan picks were dope moves on his part though. Maybe he shouldnt be allowed to appoint another Supreme Court justice, especially if it's merrick garland.
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Obama nominated a "moderate" as a political move.

Last two picks were Kagan and Sotomayor, the two most liberal justices on the court.

Hillary is probably picking a liberal unless the Senate in red. Then mostly likely she will stick with Merrick Garland
I realize that it could be seen as a political move but that's the stuff that pisses people off. He wanted to make conservatives look bad as obstructionists but it's more than likely we end up with another moderate.
It's like the ACA being a republican bill. No one cares that it was a republican bill to begin with. It's Obamacare now lol.
Making conservatives look crazy doesn't seem like a good political strategy anymore. Look who's leading the polls lol.

-The ACA was not and is not republican bill, yes part of it was based on what Romney did in MA, and even in that situation Roomney had to negotiate with Dems.

But no Republican if in Obama's position at the time would have proposed a bill like Obama's OG proposal, or even what got eventually passed. I wish "progressives" would stop saying or implying this. It is just not true

McCain had a healthcare proposal I suggest you look into that to see what potential Republican healthcare reform would have looked like

And other reason that talking point took hold is because same economist that is the chief architect of Romneycare, was the chief architect of Obamacare, and btw was the chief consultant on Vermont's abandoned single paper system. And to my knowledge is a liberal

-Maybe I shouldn't have said political move. Because Obama probably sincerely wants Garland appointed. But with a red Senate Obama has to be pragmatic. Garland is probably the best pick he could make, and give the Senate no compelling reason to rage against.
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So is Bernie finished or is he done?

Basically done. I feel a bit bad for the guy, he's been trying to find corruption for some time. Hell, he probably would have benefited me if he was elected with the free healthcare. But his socialism, his proposed free handouts, I think bit him in the a**. And he just realized and said that he made a mistake because he tried to cater to the poor people, but poor people don't vote. All this social media support, but social support won't win you. Also people think Hilary has the best chance to go against Trump, and that others think it's a Woman's time to be President. All probably came down to a Bernie loss. I don't like the 1 vs 1 finalist. Prefer the final four.
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