***Official Political Discussion Thread***

All of those words/phrases are literally synonymous
A thirty-foot high thick cement wall that Mexico is gonna write us a check for

This also the same as...

A shorter steel fence that we will somehow be reimbursed for by a trade deal that is not even in effect

Which is also the same as...

Even shorter steel slats that the American taxpayers have to pay for, and have to be taken from money appropriated for other things

All of which literally can't be built on the border.

This troll stay thinking the dictionary saves his *** from looking silly :lol: :lol:
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A thirty foot high thick cement wall that Meixco is gonna write us a check for

This also the same as...

A shorter steel fence that we will some how be reimbursed for by a trade deal that is not even in affect

Which is also the same as...

Even shorter steel slats that the American tax payers ha e to pay for, and have to be taken from money appropriated for other things

This troll stay thinking the dictionary saves his *** from looking silly :lol: :lol:

Due process is what is called for at this time.
The former 'big **** toilet' salesman is gonna have some explaining to do.
House panel readies subpoena to compel Acting AG Whitaker's testimony
The top Democrat on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee said on Tuesday he plans to have a subpoena ready just in case Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker tries to dodge “uncomfortable questions” when he testifies before the panel on Friday.
“To be clear, I hope never to use this subpoena,” committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said, adding that Whitaker should arrive at the hearing on Friday prepared to answer questions about his communications with the White House and his refusal to recuse himself from overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“If he appears on time and ready to answer those questions, the subpoena will be entirely unnecessary,” he added.

A Justice Department spokeswoman could not be reached immediately for comment.

Nadler said the committee plans to meet on Thursday, the day before Whitaker is scheduled to testify, to draft and authorize the subpoena.

Friday will likely mark the only time that Whitaker will testify before Congress as Acting Attorney General.

President Donald Trump’s permanent attorney general nominee, William Barr, is expected to win Senate confirmation later this month. A vote on his nomination by the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled for Thursday.

Whitaker has faced criticism since Trump appointed him to the job in November after ousting Jeff Sessions.

Prior to joining the Justice Department, Whitaker made multiple negative comments about Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump’s campaign may have colluded with Russia.

After becoming Acting Attorney General, Whitaker was advised by career department ethics lawyers to recuse himself from overseeing the probe to prevent the appearance of a conflict, but he declined to do so.

Trump has denied colluding and repeatedly called the probe a witch hunt. Russia has also denied interfering in the 2016 election, though all of the U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded Russia did interfere in an effort to help Trump beat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Starting from around 31:00, and again in the following minutes, Whitaker is asked a number of questions about the Mueller investigation. What follows is significant sweating, a nervous look on his face, slight stuttering, greatly increased use of stop words compared to his answers about other topics, touching his face, hands in his pocket, ...
He also claims that the Mueller report is "close to being completed", which is cryptic in itself but also doesn't make a whole lot of sense as there are still numerous threads to investigate. Roger Stone has only just been indicted, Rick Gates' sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet, Sam Patten's sentencing has yet to be scheduled, the House Intel committee is voting tomorrow on transfering all the Russia probe transcripts to Mueller so he has the necessary requirements for further perjury indictments, the Middle East aspect of the inquiry is still very much ongoing, ...


There was also this rather odd email to a reporter from Whitaker's wife.
Acting attorney general's wife emails reporter that Mueller investigation is 'wrapping up'

Whitaker undoubtedly will also face questions about his decision to ignore DOJ ethics recommendation, as well as reports of the president lashing out at him over the actions of the SDNY prosecutors.
Trump lashed out at Whitaker after explosive Cohen revelations



https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli...ump-hillary-clinton-sessions-attorney-general November 8 2018
Exclusive: Trump loyalist Matthew Whitaker was counseling the White House on investigating Clinton
Whitaker advised the president on launching a new special counsel while working as chief of staff for Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Matthew Whitaker, whom President Donald Trump named as his acting attorney general on Wednesday, privately provided advice to the president last year on how the White House might be able to pressure the Justice Department to investigate the president’s political adversaries, Vox has learned.


When Sessions was pressured into resigning due to his recusal from the Mueller investigation etc, president Trump used the Vacancies Act to appoint Whitaker.
Trump then insisted he didn't know Whitaker, despite specifically overruling the DOJ line of succession to appoint him. It's unclear from the language in Vacancies Act if it can be used if the previous official was fired rather than resigned or died, hence pressuring Sessions to resign rather than just firing him.
The president has long bashed Sessions for following the ethics recommendation of the DOJ and thereby recusing from the Mueller investigation. Despite being very effective at carrying out the president's agenda at the DOJ, the recusal has come up again and again in attacks against Sessions by Trump.
President Trump also publicly bashed Sessions for jeopardizing the re-elections of 2 Republican congressmen after the DOJ indicted 2 of them in the months before the 2018 midterms.
He has also stated that Sessions should violate his recusal and shut the Mueller investigation down.
"Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further"
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Words matter......lol post their definitions and let's see how literally they same they are
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