***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It appears another Mueller filing on Manafort is on its way.
Possibly providing more detail on Manafort's lying during his cooperation about matters that are core to the Special Counsel's investigation?
With Republicans going this hard on Cohen for his lies, strangely they haven't said a word about Trump's sworn written testimony to Mueller.
I guess they believe Trump lied on every single question then, based on the president conjuring up more lies in a week than Cohen could come up with in 10 years.

Trump is after all the man who told a blatant lie immediately after being sworn in, called for an investigation of his lie that he knew to be false, and that investigation then proved Trump was lying. Additionally, the investigation showed Trump was not just lying but he was engaging in the exact conduct he falsely accused the National Park Services of to spite him.

Immediately after the inauguration, Trump falsely accused the NPS of doctoring crowd size estimates to spite him and callled for an investigation.
An Inspector General investigation found no evidence to support Trump's lie, but did uncover evidence that the WH was instructing the NPS to crop crowd size photos to make the inauguration crowd seem bigger.

All Republicans in the hearing who tried to argue that Cohen was the first witness to testify to Congress after lying to Congress, were lying.
Even more ironic, Abrams is now the US Special Envoy to Venezuela. Pompeo recently hired him. Abrams was convicted in the Iran/Contra investigation and criminally withheld information from Congress in the Iran/Contra probe. Not one Republican has demanded Abrams' resignation.

Imagine feeling personally attacked by all this because you support/worship trump.... couldn’t be anyone not a ***** :pimp::pimp::pimp:
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