1. You are putting a ton of energy to hand waving concerns about her. Like
@gry60 pointed out, and even Clinton was getting to was her potential third party run. People took so much issue with Clinton's word choice that became the focus.
2. No, I have said this a couple times before
3. How would I cause hell to break loose? By pushing back on a assertion I feel is unfair? How would I act any different that you have acted for the last couple pages. For that to be hell breaking loose and this not.
4. No one is ignoring fact about anything. I have many times called US foreign policy bipartisan ****. That no president is good on foreign policy, I even called Obama a **** boi for his drone war. Listen, like you said I post almost in here, and from past admissions you have not always kept up with all post made in here. So maybe just maybe whenever you want to throw an accusation about me believing something there might be evidence pointing to the contrary. But since I had to dig for my post from years already, I'm not in the mood to do it again. Because I am sure I will have to do it in the future.
So where did I push back on this? Because it didn't go "oh yeah you right, Gabbard ain't that bad compared to such and such". So because I focused of her being specifically bad on one issue, instead or being not so much worst than the average for American history that is ignoring it? I would love to apply this logic to other issues, but I don't want to open up that can or f worms.
I am not defending liberals in general or calling you irrational. I am pointing out it is hypocritical to make claims about liberals being unfair in this thread, while engaging in somewhat the same behavior. You seem to not care about people spreading the love or shade equally, you just have an issue when it comes from a specific side or is targeted at specific people. So your objections are partisan, not principled. Which is fine, everyone does it (myself included), but it is what is it.