***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You been hacked?
Also, that lady is still running for Congress. She’ll hop back in the race once she’s fulfilled her role in the presidential election.

If lady you mean Tulsi, she already said she won't seek reelection. There are deadlines for running for Congress. If she doesn't file the paperwork she can't run for reelection. Same thing happened to Hickenlooper. He dropped out in enough time to run for the Senate and get JOKEORY Garnder all the way OUTTA here. Tulsi is also getting washed by her primary opponent in raising money and other key metrics. She is going all in on this presidential campaign one way or another because the great people of Hawaii know she's a fraud and most want her gone anyway. She's like Ben Carson. You don't know how big of a buffoon they are until they run for office.
I saw she announced that as I was sitting on my couch deciding whether to go to work. I’m not convinced.
Tulsi just isn't well liked in her district. I recall reading up on a recent poll in which 60% of the respondents in her own district want her to abandon her White House run and 50% of the respondents want a primary challenge. Those are awful numbers if you want to get reelected.
And we know the Mustache has a few bones to pick due to his treatment in the WH and the circumstances of his resignation. Bolton was largely kept out of the Ukraine loop according to the other witnesses but he also strongly agreed with the concerns of Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, ...

doing more than obama ever did for hbcu's
see RustyShackleford RustyShackleford told ya
You are such an easy mark it is amazing

Obama, and the Dems request increase funding for the Department of Education and HBCUs every budget. The GOP dig the feet in and refuse, to cut a budget deal less money is given that Obama or the Dems would like. Trump in a play to look like he is helping "the blacks" eases up on the austerity in one area and demands it in another. So he can peedel the myth he is doing great things for HBCUs

Trump also request cuts to Pell Grants and Work Study, which students of HBCUs greatly need. Which HBCU presidents explicitly asked him not to do. He also is in favor of helping for profit predatory online colleges that prey on black people.

Please stop posting about **** you know don't know about, or seem like even care to learn about.

Presidents are not ******* Kings.

If you like this PR finesse so much, then vote for Trump in 2020.
1. His comments and response to race relations and his own police force.

2. Him accepting advice from Zuck. The same Zuck that refuses to accept responsibility for Facebook's role in the Russian Interference in 2016. The same Russian interference that helped put the Bafoon we have in office right now. Any candidate on our side doesn't need to be hanging out with Zuck.

3. His Justice Kennedy comments.

I have more to add but Mayor Pete ain't it for me.

I feel you. He has come off as tone deaf to racial issues and the class war going on in America. Something I'd expect from someone like Biden but not a 37 year old

Yeah... he and Zuck being boys is troubling. Both about the same age and Harvard grads iirc

I hadn't heard the Kennedy comment. I'd hope there's some other context that's being missed. Kennedy's positions don't align with a lot of the positions Pete has claimed. I like that he's spoken about de-politicizing and potentially expanding the supreme court.

I feel he's honest by politician standards and willing to listen. I don't think he's an inherently bad dude, just someone that's young and privileged.

I agree though, he aint it for me either. That's Warren G unless someone convinces me otherwise.
Was kinda taken aback by that too, but I’ve actually heard a black person say that Trump has done a lot for blacks. Once I realized he was serious, I just told him to stop believing the **** he saw on Facebook.
Look at this ****. Zero charisma.

Trump is not even enforcing our civil rights laws right now. And people want to act like he is looking out for black people :smh:
I have a black coworker who argues that there should be no civil rights laws and that increased rates of blacks in poverty has more to do with the welfare state making black people dependent.

Lost out here.
I have a black coworker who argues that there should be no civil rights laws and that increased rates of blacks in poverty has more to do with the welfare state making black people dependent.

Lost out here.
Ignoring the historically racial aspect of African-American poverty, ask him why strong social safety nets in foreign countries don't have the same rate of people wallowing in poverty
You are such an easy mark it is amazing

Obama, and the Dems request increase funding for the Department of Education and HBCUs every budget. The GOP dig the feet in and refuse, to cut a budget deal less money is given that Obama or the Dems would like. Trump in a play to look like he is helping "the blacks" eases up on the austerity in one area and demands it in another. So he can peedel the myth he is doing great things for HBCUs

Trump also request cuts to Pell Grants and Work Study, which students of HBCUs greatly need. Which HBCU presidents explicitly asked him not to do. He also is in favor of helping for profit predatory online colleges that prey on black people.

Please stop posting about **** you know don't know about, or seem like even care to learn about.

Presidents are not ****ing Kings.

If you like this PR finesse so much, then vote for Trump in 2020.
U typing all this
For my 10 word post
I was just joking
And then gonna preface it by saying I’m an easy mark
Ur the only one who took my post serious :lol:

The Council of Inspectors General has concluded that Barr's DOJ improperly ruled that the whistleblower complaint was not an urgent concern. The DOJ Office of Legal Counsel used that justification to block the complaint from going to Congress, as OLC opinions are binding to the executive branch. This forced DNI Maguire to withhold the complaint from Congress, in violation of the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act.
Barr was named in the complaint and Trump was the key subject so it's not hard to guess why DOJ wanted to prevent Acting DNI Maguire from having to comply with the law.
The OLC opinion also withheld any mention that the whistleblower complaint regarded a series of multiple acts. Their opinion to block the complaint from going to Congress focused solely on the July 25 call.

Barr's DOJ didn't stop there, they also swiftly shut down at least 2 criminal referrals about the Ukraine matter without opening any investigation. One of the referrals came from the CIA General Counsel, the other was signed by both the IC Inspector General and DNI Maguire. The IC Inspector General also separately sent one to the FBI but it's unclear what happened there, if anything.

This council is an independent entity comprised of all federal Inspectors General.

Letter excerpt:







(The letter contains dozens and dozens of additional signatures by Office of Inspector General personnel)
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Rudy is playing this like a ******* master to weasel his way out of his legal troubles. This guy is out here on camera with drinks in hand talking all sorts of wild mess, backtracking, going on tangents, looking lost and confused ALL the time. Tell me this, what are the chances he goes on trial, and his lawyers argue he's incompetent and not fit for trial? His actions this year are making him look insane, while Trump and his admin are out here covering up crimes trying to keep it together. Rude Rudy is out here singing so much you cant tell what's genuine and what crimes actually happened. The guy is burying everybody else to make sure his crazy *** skates on technicalities.
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