***Official Political Discussion Thread***

House Intel Republicans repeatedly shut down minority motions to subpoena Stone's communications. The prosecutor now confirms that this lack of action resulted in the permanent disappearance of some of Stone's communications.
"Some evidence of Stone's activities are gone forever, including text messages he sent in 2017."
Whether by automatic or deliberate deletion, Congress and the prosecutors were unable to review that evidence. As the report mentions, multiple Trump associates deleted relevant communications. It is now confirmed that Stone was one of them. Steve Bannon and Erik Prince also deleted communications. Both gave contradictory statements to prosecutors about whether or not Bannon had advance knowledge of Prince's Seychelles meetings with George Nader and the head of a Russian sovereign investment fund.
Some messages around the time of those meetings were missing from both of their devices, and neither were able to explain why they were missing. Thus Mueller was unable to prove which one was lying. Prince was the one who said Bannon had advance knowledge so Bannon was the obvious liar in that situation.
Feds’ closing argument: Roger Stone made the House Russia report ‘not accurate’
Prosecutors also implied that Stone’s misdirection caused special counsel Robert Mueller to potentially lose out on key evidence.




Have these fools dancing like Ginuwine.

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I would never vote for a billionaire in the Dem primary but if Mike Bloomberg interrupted the next Dem debate like this, I might have a change of heart...

Because my top three criteria for a candidate is:

1. Commitment to Civil Rights enforcement and expansion

2. Socially Democratic economic policies

3. Hip fluidity
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I would never vote for a billionaire in the Dem primary but if Mike Bloomberg interrupted the next Dem debate like this, I might have a changed of heart...

Best my top three criteria for a candidate is:

1. Commitment to Civil Rights enforcement and expansion

2. Socially Democratic economic policies

3. Hip fluency

I would too but he would he would have to have the hype man say "Time to get our freak ONNNNNNNN" Bloomy 2020.
The guys are breaking my brain. Thinking of becoming the type of liberal who actually likes Bloomberg.

Likes: Private equity (Dad works in it), talking about bodies and spaces (incorrectly), rapping musicals (which can't actually rhyme), the New School (so much personal growth there), cheap lithium (for the planet), Tesla (Elon is a genius), civility (especially on Twitter), bipartisanship (remember John McCain), deal dash (bodies delivering food to my 1,500 square foot midtown spaces)

Dislikes: Orange President who shall not be named (he's like Voldemort, get it), divisiveness (if you got nothing nice to say, log off), taking away health insurance from 100 million people (M4A takes away choice, my dad worked hard so I can shop for private plans), mediocre white men (which my dad, grand dad and my future great grand sons ,who don't have to ever have a real job, most certainly are not)
dwalk31 dwalk31 the word “boring” keeps getting thrown around a lot by certain folks..

thought it was the lefties with the echo chamber, bud

dwalk31 dwalk31 the word “boring” keeps getting thrown around a lot by certain folks..
Oh my gosh YESSS! Exactly. Dims are SOOOOO Boring. Like what is it with their WEIRD FASCINATION to uphold these arcane rules form this ancient document written by a bunch of out-of-touch old guys back when we rode horses and and uses fax machines?

Those old men were NOT handsome. They were so OLD that they had to wear WIGS! HAHAHHAHAHA. They were not young, dapper, and cool like our current President Elect. He understands that rules are meant to be broken! Dims just don't have any clue, they don't understand politics or how to keep the crowd entertained. They are just BORING BORING BORING.
Seems we’re done with the Mueller Report and all that impeachment talk and now we’re on to the completely unrelated phone call...


Likelihood he gets impeached and removed from office?
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