***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i should know not to say anything wrong about obama around here... he has no flaws according to people like essential, one of the biggets liberals on the board
LOL that should be quite entertaining...i cant wait to see the extremists on here back his swiss cheese explanation
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why for 2 weeks did his people decline questions pertaining to the attack then? They wouldnt call it a terrorist attack in any interview, or spontaneous question from the press..................

Do you remember the case that was erroneously made for Iraq's WMD? In light of that, I think there is a reluctance to act without knowing all of the facts.
Oh, you're one of those guys.
the lady admitted afterwards that she was wrong... Romney messed that up bad
Source for her admitting that she was wrong?  And wrong how?  For interjecting?  Because her FACTS weren't wrong at all.    

And I think you're getting confused.  During the debate, Romney didn't question why the administration wasn't forthcoming in the weeks following the attack.  He only focused on Obama calling it an act of terror, terrorist attack, etc.  The FACT is that he DID do that the day after, as noted in Essential1's post.  So during the debate, yes, the President was right, as was the moderator.  Mitt Romney was wrong.    

We all know there's more to the story, but please don't act like the issue during the debate was a lie on Obama's part.  Because it wasn't.  Was the whole truth about the entire situation divulged?  No.  But he wasn't asked to give that info by Romney.    

Honestly, I'm not even sure why people are still bringing up that moment from the last debate.  All one has to do is do like Obama says and "check the transcripts".  
why for 2 weeks did his people decline questions pertaining to the attack then? They wouldnt call it a terrorist attack in any interview, or spontaneous question from the press..................
Because it was a CIA operation that went foul and we're trying to cover up for it by making the State Department land on the grenade.
It's truly unfortunate that we lost American lives in the Benghazi attack, but does anyone actually think President Obama has a bad foreign policy record or that he is weak on terrorism??  It's been nothing but playing politics by Mitt Romney and Co. in regards to trying to make Obama look bad/weak on foreign policy.
This debate is being held at my University, tried hard to get tickets but of course they shafted the students.
It's truly unfortunate that we lost American lives in the Benghazi attack, but does anyone actually think President Obama has a bad foreign policy record or that he is weak on terrorism??  It's been nothing but playing politics by Mitt Romney and Co. in regards to trying to make Obama look bad/weak on foreign policy.
Its really just a hit job. Its pretty pathetic.

Honestly, watching Obama in office has curtailed my criticism of GWBush on some areas. I truly understand how little power a president has on some issues. 

Its like blaming the CEO of Walmart because someone got sold a bad apple. 
tonight will be the night, Obama is exploited for his fraudulent behavior over the past 4+ years...

I heard from a reliable source, that Romney has a vicious onslaught planned that noone es expecting, and that noone has even considered to this point....

game changer, NO............ game winner at the buzzer, YES.
tonight will be the night, Obama is exploited for his fraudulent behavior over the past 4+ years...

I heard from a reliable source, that Romney has a vicious onslaught planned that noone es expecting, and that noone has even considered to this point....

game changer, NO............ game winner at the buzzer, YES.
tonight will be the night, Obama is exploited for his fraudulent behavior over the past 4+ years...

I heard from a reliable source, that Romney has a vicious onslaught planned that noone es expecting, and that noone has even considered to this point....

game changer, NO............ game winner at the buzzer, YES.
tonight will be the night, Obama is exploited for his fraudulent behavior over the past 4+ years...

I heard from a reliable source, that Romney has a vicious onslaught planned that noone es expecting, and that noone has even considered to this point....

game changer, NO............ game winner at the buzzer, YES.
Who's your source, Sean Hannity?
I heard from a reliable source, that Romney has a vicious onslaught planned that noone es expecting, and that noone has even considered to this point....

I never knew that posting about politics on a shoe forum is such serious business that one cannot reveal his sources
I have multiple sources....one is in obamas camp...... you guys are gonna be jumping off roofs... at least give your hypebeast kicks to our yougn family members first....
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