***Official Political Discussion Thread***

WASHINGTON -- The Obama-supporting super PAC Priorities USA Action is going back to Bain in a campaign-closing television ad campaign that attacks GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney for his time in private equity.

The group, which just reported raising $15.2 million in September, is re-releasing its most effective ad from the summer in key swing states. The spot features an employee at a Bain-controlled company discussing how he had to build a stage for a company announcement, only to find out that the announcement was that workers had been fired.

Titled "Stage," the ad proved remarkably provocative in Ohio in particular, where scars from years of jobs being shipped overseas still linger. According to a Priorities USA memo, announcing the campaign, it will be one of several spots focusing on Romney's private equity record.

"New ads to be released in coming days featuring stories of people who represent the thousands of middle class workers who lost their jobs, their pensions and their health benefits after Romney and his firm broke promises and bankrupted companies," the memo reads.

There is no immediate word on how much money is behind the new campaign, though officials say it will "complement" the $30 million television ad effort they currently are running. Stage –- which likely will have to be cut down to a 30-second version in order to be aired widely -- will run in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin, the memo reads. The list notably excludes a swing state that looks increasingly out of President Barack Obama's grasp: North Carolina.

It's worth remembering that, for a brief period of time, some Democrats (mainly those with ties to Wall Street) questioned the notion of using Romney's private equity career against him, but the attacks proved effective over the course of the summer. And to the extent that Romney's been able to improve his standing in the polls it seems largely because he's managed to dispel the image (pushed by Priorities USA) that he's an out-of-touch plutocrat.

If its so effective why won't Obama go hard after Bain in a debate? Maybe he has big ties to outsourcing too
Apparently polls are tied up now. America is destined for the ****** quite honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could vote for Mitt Romney, I'm looking at this race and it's like this is one huge joke. Lowkey I'm hoping the GOP gets what it wants so people can really be ****** with no lube and see the consequences of their political choices.
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Apparently polls are tied up now. America is destined for the ****** quite honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could vote for Mitt Romney, I'm looking at this race and it's like this is one huge joke. Lowkey I'm hoping the GOP gets what it wants so people can really be ****** with no lube and see the consequences of their political choices.
From what I read today, only ONE poll (NBC/Wall Street Journal) shows a tie at 47% (ironically) for both Obama and Romney. 

Don't let headlines fool you.  There's a reason that media outlets only mention this one poll--because it shows it as a tie, which makes for better headlines.  

Take a look at this website for a more technical approach to poll predicting:  http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com
Apparently polls are tied up now. America is destined for the ****** quite honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could vote for Mitt Romney, I'm looking at this race and it's like this is one huge joke. Lowkey I'm hoping the GOP gets what it wants so people can really be ****** with no lube and see the consequences of their political choices.
From what I read today, only ONE poll (NBC/Wall Street Journal) shows a tie at 47% (ironically) for both Obama and Romney. 

Don't let headlines fool you.  There's a reason that media outlets only mention this one poll--because it shows it as a tie, which makes for better headlines.  

Take a look at this website for a more technical approach to poll predicting:  http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com

Looks like a tie on most polls that I'm seeing, give or take a percent. It'll change after the debate anyway.
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Apparently polls are tied up now. America is destined for the ****** quite honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could vote for Mitt Romney, I'm looking at this race and it's like this is one huge joke. Lowkey I'm hoping the GOP gets what it wants so people can really be ****** with no lube and see the consequences of their political choices.

From what I read today, only ONE poll (NBC/Wall Street Journal) shows a tie at 47% (ironically) for both Obama and Romney. 

Don't let headlines fool you.  There's a reason that media outlets only mention this one poll--because it shows it as a tie, which makes for better headlines.  

Take a look at this website for a more technical approach to poll predicting:  http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com

Looks like a tie on most polls that I'm seeing, give or take a percent. It'll change after the debate anyway.


More important, though, are Silver's forecasts in the right-hand column. He employs a pretty complex weighting model to produce these predictions, see here: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/methodology/.

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Apparently polls are tied up now. America is destined for the ****** quite honestly, I'm not sure how anyone could vote for Mitt Romney, I'm looking at this race and it's like this is one huge joke. Lowkey I'm hoping the GOP gets what it wants so people can really be ****** with no lube and see the consequences of their political choices.
From what I read today, only ONE poll (NBC/Wall Street Journal) shows a tie at 47% (ironically) for both Obama and Romney. 

Don't let headlines fool you.  There's a reason that media outlets only mention this one poll--because it shows it as a tie, which makes for better headlines.  

Take a look at this website for a more technical approach to poll predicting:  http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com

Looks like a tie on most polls that I'm seeing, give or take a percent. It'll change after the debate anyway.
Oh, I'm not denying that the race is very, very close and that it could go either way.  But a good number of other polls show Obama up very slightly.  And it looks like those small percents will count in this one.  And yeah, things will definitely change after tonight's debate.  I just hope the President brings his best tonight.  

I guess my point is what makes a better headline?  Poll A from a known entities (NBC/WSJ) shows a tied race, or poll B,C,D + E from lesser known groups show one candidate slightly ahead?  I'm not saying that the NBC/WSJ poll is faulty, but just relying on one poll to definitively state where the race is seems kind of illogical to me.  Especially when several other polls show different results (even though they also show a very tight race).  
obama is running HORRIBLE as a incumbent

son lucky he's a likable cat, cuz if not he would've gotten da heave-ho a LONG time ago.
Obamas campaign has been fine. It's just that one historically awful debate.

These poll numbers are worthless. It's all about swing states. People have literally already been voting.
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Obama's campaign is a god damn mess

First he no-showed the first debate, then Biden embarassed himself with all the overblown gestures and bully-like behavior he used on Ryan

Then Obama lied about his statement on Libya... Romney was just too dumb to capitalize on that, after he got cut off by that dumb moderator

Im not saying Romney/Ryan has been much better, but for someone defending his presidency with the type of money he has raised, Obama and his camp has ****** this campaign terribly

And they will still probably win, because this country has become so damn one sided its rediculous...or maybe the left is just so much more loud and annoying with their propaganda...All the right has is FOX.

Too bad we cant just fast forward to 2016 when we can see the likes of Hillary and Marco Rubio going at it... Jindal(spelling?) is intriguing as well... i dont know, i find myself agreeing more with conservative beliefs, but i dont like the extremes they go to....although their extremes are easier to swallow than liberal extremes...
Obama's campaign is a god damn mess

First he no-showed the first debate, then Biden embarassed himself with all the overblown gestures and bully-like behavior he used on Ryan

Then Obama lied about his statement on Libya... Romney was just too dumb to capitalize on that, after he got cut off by that dumb moderator

Im not saying Romney/Ryan has been much better, but for someone defending his presidency with the type of money he has raised, Obama and his camp has ****** this campaign terribly

And they will still probably win, because this country has become so damn one sided its rediculous...or maybe the left is just so much more loud and annoying with their propaganda...All the right has is FOX.

Too bad we cant just fast forward to 2016 when we can see the likes of Hillary and Marco Rubio going at it... Jindal(spelling?) is intriguing as well... i dont know, i find myself agreeing more with conservative beliefs, but i dont like the extremes they go to....although their extremes are easier to swallow than liberal extremes...

Strong username to post correlation.
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Obama's campaign is a god damn mess

First he no-showed the first debate, then Biden embarassed himself with all the overblown gestures and bully-like behavior he used on Ryan

Then Obama lied about his statement on Libya... Romney was just too dumb to capitalize on that, after he got cut off by that dumb moderator

Im not saying Romney/Ryan has been much better, but for someone defending his presidency with the type of money he has raised, Obama and his camp has ****** this campaign terribly

And they will still probably win, because this country has become so damn one sided its rediculous...or maybe the left is just so much more loud and annoying with their propaganda...All the right has is FOX.

Too bad we cant just fast forward to 2016 when we can see the likes of Hillary and Marco Rubio going at it... Jindal(spelling?) is intriguing as well... i dont know, i find myself agreeing more with conservative beliefs, but i dont like the extremes they go to....although their extremes are easier to swallow than liberal extremes...
Strong username to post correlation.
the lady admitted afterwards that she was wrong... Romney messed that up bad

September 12th: "Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe," he said. "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

September 13th: On September 13, at a campaign event in Las Vegas, Obama vowed to bring the killers to justice. He then added, "No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

On September 19, Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that the ambassador and three other Americans "were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy."

White House spokesman Jay Carney sought to clear up any confusion on September 20.

"It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

When the words act of terror =/= terrorism. :lol:

September 11th, 2001: George Bush said the words "an apparent terrorist attack."
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why for 2 weeks did his people decline questions pertaining to the attack then? They wouldnt call it a terrorist attack in any interview, or spontaneous question from the press..................
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