***Official Political Discussion Thread***

While I do not care personally about Kim Jong-Un (I never met him), I am very relieved and happy for Donald and Dennis tonight.

They underwent quite a scare due to the fake news media. The worry over your friend being sick is something I cannot fathom. Imagine someone you love being in the hospital and you're unable to go see them, so you have to sit at home waiting to hear news about whether they're going to make it. All the while, the only way to stop more loved ones from suffering the same fate is for the leader of your country to grow up and take responsibility and to tell people to stay the **** home. I can't imagine something so horrible and that is why I am beside myself with JOY and GLADNESS that Donald and Dennis will be able to see their friend Kim again.

This is a great day for Don and Den and really for all Americans but even more it is a great day for all the great people of the Koreas. It is time to celebrate because this dark period in human history is now behind us.


brown boogeyman at it again, gotta shut down the studio
the dude holding the Sweden sign is wearing a hoody for a porta potty company here that serves the boonies south of the metro. Red af out there and he sucks poop for a living probably. :lol:


imagine risking the death of friends and family to defend your right to...ahem--suck poop--so you can eat.

you skipped SO MANY THINGS on your way to get mad about not being like Sweden.

...¨suck poop¨ tho. :lol:

imagine risking the death of friends and family to defend your right to...ahem--suck poop--so you can eat.

you skipped SO MANY THINGS on your way to get mad about not being like Sweden.

...¨suck poop¨ tho. :lol:

the thing is he probably is working, either that or he doesn’t actually work there anymore. Dude is just protesting to protest if he actually works there because they are open :lol:

my job isn’t too far from them and we use them from time to time to clean up messes. Like if we have to pave a parking lot and it stormed and the sewer is backed up and poop water is everywhere we call them to clean it. :lol:
Burr throws cold water on the efforts by House Republicans and AG Barr's efforts to discredit and dismiss the finding that Russia sought to help Trump in addition to sowing general chaos.

Are you planning to go outside, stop social distancing, and attend large gatherings if your state goes along with Trump's plan?

As I've said many times, I have the privilege of being able to earn from home. I will continue to do that. I think many in this thread enjoy that same luxury.

If I didn't have that privilege, and I needed to leave from home to earn/sustain, then I probably would. I imagine that is the same for most people.
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