***Official Political Discussion Thread***

As I've said many times, I have the privilege of being able to earn from home. I will continue to do that. I think many in this thread enjoy that same luxury.

If I didn't have that privilege, and I needed to leave from home to earn/sustain, then I probably would. I imagine that is the same for most people.
Spare me with struggle attempt to deflect, you have shown not to give a **** about the economic standing of the middle class, generally and during this pandemic.

Work is not the only time you leave your house, isn't it? So you can work from home and then go outside for other activities where you don't social distance.

By this response it seems what although you like to run your mouth and lecture about privilege, and the need to reopen for the sake of other people, your *** gonna hide inside to make sure you don't get infected because you know that reopening dangerous.

I am just waiting for how big of an *** you make yourself look when the death numbers flare up again. But I am sure things gonna get busy at work again right around that time.
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Spare me with struggle attempt to deflect. You have shown not to give a **** about the economic standing of the middle class, generally and during this pandemic.

Work is not the only time you leave your house. So you can work from home and then go outside for other activities where you don't social distance.

By this response it seems what although you like to run your mouth and lecture about privilege, and the need to reopen for the sake of other people, your *** gonna hide inside to make sure you don't get infected because you know this reopening dangerous.

I am just waiting for how big of an *** you make yourself look when the death numbers flare up again. But I am sure things gonna get busy at work again right around that time.

I'm saying that there are interests beyond my own. Just because I don't have to leave to earn doesn't mean others don't.

People already leave to go to the grocery store and buy other household items. Other people have to work at these grocery stores and other stores, already. I don't have to work at a grocery store and can get things delivered. Just because I can doesn't mean there aren't tons of Americans who can't.

If you don't care to consider them, that's your choice.

But no, I won't be out and about because I have that luxury.

There are barbers, hair stylists, etc. that are not able to earn. And it isn't easy for them to get unemployment because they were self-employed. What is your solution for these folks to pay their bills without leaving home?
I'm saying that there are interests beyond my own. Just because I don't have to leave to earn doesn't mean others don't.

People already leave to go to the grocery store and buy other household items. Other people have to work at these grocery stores and other stores, already. I don't have to work at a grocery store and can get things delivered. Just because I can doesn't mean there aren't tons of Americans who can't.

If you don't care to consider them, that's your choice.

But no, I won't be out and about because I have that luxury.

There are barbers, hair stylists, etc. that are not able to earn. And it isn't easy for them to get unemployment because they were self-employed. What is your solution for these folks to pay their bills without leaving home?
Again, we establish your *** is not gonna go outside. And if you want to talk morals, applying your logic, I guess you are not considering all the extra people that will die if a second wave happens, right?

My solution

-To send these people monthly payments while we are in lockdown. Like many Dems suggested, and economist back them up

-For there to be a temporary freeze on rent and other debts payments during this lockdown. Like many progressives suggested, and economist back them up

-To bailout workers and small business first instead of prioritizing large corps. And making sure if large corps tkae bailout it comes with the requirement to make usual payroll.

-To expand who can file for unemployment, which Dems pushed for and the GOP pushed back against

-Stop trying to find petty was of denying people their stimulus check like Trump is doing right now

-For states, especially red states, not to sabotage their unemployment website

-Have a functioning Federal government that takes the necessary steps to install a massive testing and tracking infrastructural. The other countries that are reopening responsibly are doing this. The article that set conservatives off about having to reopen, was actually advocating for massive testing to be in place first. The right wing media left that out.

-My style of politics and economics would have hand America way more ready to fight this thing and give financial security to millions during a lockdown. Your struggle libertarian economics is what is making people have to chose between work or death.

BTW, if you are so concerned about people not being able to work, were is the anger at Trump for dropping the ball so early. You rather kiss his *** than hold his accountable for his actions

While you unprincipled self is concern about forming talking points to help Trump, I have been reading about what economist and other health experts have been saying about how we can get things reopened without the extra lost of life.

So while your privileged troll *** in hiding inside, try to grow some morals and read what the experts are saying inside of brainstorming new ******** to defend Trump with.

Clown **** as usual from you
-To send these people monthly payments while we are in lockdown. Like many Dems suggested, and economist back them up

-For there to be a temporary freeze on rent and other debts payments during this lockdown. Like many progressives suggested, and economist back them up

-To bailout workers and small business first instead of prioritizing large corps. And making sure if large corps tkae bailout it comes with the requirement to make usual payroll.

-To expand who can file for unemployment, which Dems pushed for and the GOP pushed back against

-Stop trying to find petty was of denying people their stimulus check like Trump is doing right now

-For states, especially red states, not to sabotage their unemployment website

-Have a functioning Federal government that takes the necessary steps to install a massive testing and tracking infrastructural. The other countries that are reopening responsibly are doing this. The article that set conservatives off about having to reopen, was actually advocating for massive testing to be in place first. The right wing media left that out.

-My style of politics and economics would have hand America way more ready to fight this thing and give financial security to millions during a lockdown. Your struggle libertarian economics is what is making people have to chose between work or death.

BTW, if you are so concerned about people not being able to work, were is the anger at Trump for dropping the ball so early. You rather kiss his *** than hold his accountable for his actions

While you unprincipled self is concern about forming talking points to help Trump, I have been reading about what economist and other health experts have been saying about how we can get things reopened without the extra lost of life.

So while your privileged troll *** in hiding inside, try to grow some morals and read what the experts are saying.


How is Trump denying people their stimulus checks?

Further, much of what you are talking about has not been passed by either chamber of Congress.

Somehow, I don't think that does much for people that are struggling right now.

You can place blame wherever you like, but that still doesn't address the issue.

As it stands, it's between waiting on several acts of congress or letting people earn while still trying to responsibly adhere to social distancing guidelines.

I respect your opinion. But it comes from a place of not having to make that difficult decision. Sure, waiting for Congress to get its act together is easy when the delay doesn't impact you directly.

I'm fine waiting. Others aren't. That's the issue.
How is Trump denying people their stimulus checks?

Further, much of what you are talking about has not been passed by either chamber of Congress.

Somehow, I don't think that does much for people that are struggling right now.

You can place blame wherever you like, but that still doesn't address the issue.

As it stands, it's between waiting on several acts of congress or letting people earn while still trying to responsibly adhere to social distancing guidelines.

I respect your opinion. But it comes from a place of not having to make that difficult decision. Sure, waiting for Congress to get its act together is easy when the delay doesn't impact you directly.

I'm fine waiting. Others aren't. That's the issue.
Trump gave banks the go ahead to seize stimulus payments for outstanding debts people have, instead of letting people decide how the money is spent. Just this morning, if an American citizen has an immigrant spouse without a SSN number, they won't get a check. That affects millions

You *** ask me what my solution was, I gave a solution, and then you talking about what Congresses has passed already. If Congress passes what I said, and Trump would act quickly and responsibly, many of those those things can be put in place by the time the phase one reopening was scheduled to happen. Trump dropping the ball constantly is hurting testing. So spare me this deflection.

And ************ my mother is out of work because of this. Both my girl's parents are out of work because of this because they work in casinos. My sister is out of work back on the island because of this. Me and my girl have had to come out our pockets thousands to help our families. So don't try to ******* act like you know how this situation affects me.

Always whining about people making assumption about you, always clutching your pearls. Now look at your hypocritical troll ***.
I'm saying that there are interests beyond my own. Just because I don't have to leave to earn doesn't mean others don't.
Baiting people into having a discussion based on false premises.
Are you an actual disinformation agent? Like, are you currently training on NT to conduct psy ops for some government somewhere?
Because this is the biggest pile of cow manure you've come up with so far.

People are not advocating staying at home because they have the privilege to work from home. They are advocating work from home BECAUSE IT IS SAFER. It is up to the federal government to take measures to ensure that every one who can't work from home meets their financial obligations because THE JOB OF GOVERNMENT IN ANY HUMAN SOCIETY HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL ALWAYS BE TO PROTECT THE STABILITY OF SAID SOCIETY. A SOCIETY THAT RELIES ON ITS MEMBERS TO CONSUME (PAY FOR AMENITIES AND ESSENTIALS) REQUIRES THAT GOVERNMENT STEPS UP TO THE PLATE WHEN THAT ABILITY IS CURTAILED BY EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS.

Safety is the premise the discussion on stay-at-home orders should be based on, not professional "privilege."
How is Trump denying people their stimulus checks?

Further, much of what you are talking about has not been passed by either chamber of Congress.

Somehow, I don't think that does much for people that are struggling right now.

You can place blame wherever you like, but that still doesn't address the issue.

As it stands, it's between waiting on several acts of congress or letting people earn while still trying to responsibly adhere to social distancing guidelines.

I respect your opinion. But it comes from a place of not having to make that difficult decision. Sure, waiting for Congress to get its act together is easy when the delay doesn't impact you directly.

I'm fine waiting. Others aren't. That's the issue.

Yeah a lot of those stimulus checks werent sent to anyone who was claimed as a dependent on their parents tax returns so there are tons of college students that didn't qualify for the checks.

The checks also didn't go out to people who made more than 150K MFJ who have subsequently lost their jobs since 2018 or 2019 (depending on when they filed returns).

Physical checks were delayed so Trump could get his vanity signature on them.

As mentioned previously, Trump has given the ok for banks and debt collectors to garnish the wages.

Social Security number requirements so many legal citizens who work in the US and pay taxes but don't have a SS# didnt get it.

If you didnt file a tax return last year then the payments have been delayed and those individuals who did not and were not required to file returns had to file information with the IRS to get a payment.

People who had kids in 2020 did not get a stimulus for their kids because they were not a dependent on their 2018 and 2019 tax returns.

There have been countless clerical errors which sent returns to the wrong bank so those people are just **** out of luck.

That's just a small list of problems with the stimulus checks which were pointed out and ignored during the drafting process. A lot of this **** I pointed out on here prior to them passing the CARES act. Its not like these were small oversights that the average person would have missed.
Trump gave banks the go ahead to seize stimulus payments for outstanding debts people have, instead of letting people decide how the money is spent. Just this morning, if an American citizen has an immigrant spouse without a SSN number, they won't get a check. That affects millions

You *** ask me what my solution was, I gave a solution, and then you talking about what Congresses has passed already. If Congress passes what I said, and Trump would act quickly and responsibly, many of those those things can be put in place by the time the phase one reopening was scheduled to happen. Trump dropping the ball constantly is hurting testing. So spare me this deflection.

And mother****er my mother is out of work because of this. Both my girl's parents are out of work because of this because they work in casinos. My sister is out of work back on the island because of this. Me and my girl have had to come out our pockets thousands to help our families. So don't try to ****ing act like you know how this situation affects me.

Always whining about people making assumption about you, always clutching your pearls. Now look at your hypocritical troll ***.

Your solution for people struggling is that Congress acts swiftly. I respect that position.

Since it is not happening how you would like, I am saying that people are having to make tough choices in spite of congress.

I'm sorry that your family is facing these issues. It is good that you are able to spend thousands to help your family. Many do not have that luxury.

If you couldn't, would you leave home to work and provide for your family members if Congress didn't pass your suggestions?

That is the tough choice that I am talking about that you aren't having to make. I don't have to make them either. But others are having to make these decisions. And while it is easy for me to say I'm going to stay at home and ride it out, I understand it isn't as easy for many others.

And states slowly re-opening and allowing people to earn helps many faced with these difficult decisions.
Yeah a lot of those stimulus checks werent sent to anyone who was claimed as a dependent on their parents tax returns so there are tons of college students that didn't qualify for the checks.

The checks also didn't go out to people who made more than 150K MFJ who have subsequently lost their jobs since 2018 or 2019 (depending on when they filed returns).

Physical checks were delayed so Trump could get his vanity signature on them.

As mentioned previously, Trump has given the ok for banks and debt collectors to garnish the wages.

Social Security number requirements so many legal citizens who work in the US and pay taxes but don't have a SS# didnt get it.

If you didnt file a tax return last year then the payments have been delayed and those individuals who did not and were not required to file returns had to file information with the IRS to get a payment.

People who had kids in 2020 did not get a stimulus for their kids because they were not a dependent on their 2018 and 2019 tax returns.

There have been countless clerical errors which sent returns to the wrong bank so those people are just **** out of luck.

That's just a small list of problems with the stimulus checks which were pointed out and ignored during the drafting process.

I didn't say that the stimulus checks did not have problems. From what I have read, there have been issues--for sure. As there are with many government programs. No dispute from me there.

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford said that Trump was denying people their stimulus checks. That isn't the case. Delayed is not denied. And many of the problems you mention deal with the legislation.
I didn't say that the stimulus checks did not have problems. From what I have read, there have been issues--for sure. As there are with many government programs. No dispute from me there.

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford said that Trump was denying people their stimulus checks. That isn't the case. Delayed is not denied. And many of the problems you mention deal with the legislation.

Trump unilaterally used presidential orders to allow debt collectors to seize the payments. I'm not exactly sure what you would call that.

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How many times has this dude made incorrect assumptions about the lives of posters in this thread, yet whines about it coming his way? Textbook hypocrisy.
But the easier solution outside of increasing unemployment would be preloaded debit cards sent out to every adult that is reloaded each month along with temporarily funding the ACA so people have health insurance while unemployed.

The current unemployment plan increases weekly benefits by $600 a week so it is meant to replace up to $75K in wages.

The biggest issue is lack of health insurance because many are now without it due to being fired or furloughed which is ironic considering republicans are telling people that they need to go back to work to get health insurance to protect themselves from health concerns.
Trump unilaterally used presidential orders to allow debt collectors to seize the payments. I'm not exactly sure what you would call that.

If the debt collectors take the stimulus checks, I would call it the debt collectors taking the stimulus checks.

This would be from the same account that people received tax returns. The same banks could take the same from tax returns as well.

If you had direct deposit from your job and your account was overdrawn, then the bank could (and would) subtract what you owe from the direct deposit.

That isn't some new, wild concept.

The banks could choose to waive fees and not take it if they like.
If the debt collectors take the stimulus checks, I would call it the debt collectors taking the stimulus checks.

This would be from the same account that people received tax returns. The same banks could take the same from tax returns as well.

If you had direct deposit from your job and your account was overdrawn, then the bank could (and would) subtract what you owe from the direct deposit.

That isn't some new, wild concept.

The banks could choose to waive fees and not take it if they like.

so you complain about people needing to work to afford bills, but are okay with emergency payments being taken from people's accounts by debt collectors who would not normally have such a right to access said funds? Basically just **** these people is what you are saying?

But right now you are playing both sides of the fence, First it wasn't Trump is denying people payments, now when his treasury department allows collectors to take these checks from people it is fine? Which one is it?
so you complain about people needing to work to afford bills, but are okay with emergency payments being taken from people's accounts by debt collectors who would not normally have such a right to access said funds? Basically just **** these people is what you are saying?

But right now you are playing both sides of the fence, First it wasn't Trump is denying people payments, now when his treasury department allows collectors to take these checks from people it is fine? Which one is it?

That debt is a part of the bills. Those debt collectors would normally have rights to those funds.

Do you think if your bank account was overdrawn, and you got a normal direct deposit, that the amount you owe would not be subtracted?

Trump is not denying the payments. The banks could choose to not subtract that if they want. I didn't say anything was fine.
That debt is a part of the bills. Those debt collectors would normally have rights to those funds.

Do you think if your bank account was overdrawn, and you got a normal direct deposit, that the amount you owe would not be subtracted?

Trump is not denying the payments. The banks could choose to not subtract that if they want. I didn't say anything was fine.

Most debt collectors do not have direct access to bank accounts to withdraw funds from said bank account without a court levy. That is not what has been happening because of Treasury guidance.
That isn't an incorrect assumption about anyone in this thread.

He clearly stated it has affected him and his family.

And mother****er my mother is out of work because of this. Both my girl's parents are out of work because of this because they work in casinos. My sister is out of work back on the island because of this. Me and my girl have had to come out our pockets thousands to help our families. So don't try to ****ing act like you know how this situation affects me.

Methodical Management Methodical Management can we get this troll out of here now?
Most debt collectors do not have direct access to bank accounts to withdraw funds from said bank account without a court levy. That is not what has been happening because of Treasury guidance.

Most debt collectors don't have direct access to bank accounts to withdraw these funds either. Without a court levy.
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