***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Look at this spineless coward ***** "Dr." Birx sitting there like a mute while a lunatic preaches to his millions of followers to poison themselves.

Don't be surprised though. This is the same "doctor" who said this about Trump in March:

He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data. And I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues. Because in the end, data is data and he understands the importance of the granularity.

Yeah, FDB
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I don't want to hear anything about how "Senile" Joe Biden is

Both of them aren't all there but at least Biden isn't telling people to drink bleach.

While we should know, by now, that no one gaffe or mishap or even outright admissions about crimes will sink Trump, it may also be the case that being known as the crazy bleach guy may harm him in insofar as the image of Trump the pitiful may cost him more votes than being Trump the criminal or Trump the rage provoking.

Trump's brand is, in the eyes of his base, about being in control and being able to own every ****, beta, soyboy and swamp creature who comes at him. While many small business owners and affluent retires will be cool with this, the least dependable part of his MAGA base may have second thoughts about showing up to vote for him.
Just when I thought Trump couldn't get any dumber, I woke up today and saw that he dropped the bar down a bottomless hole.

Sunlight. Injecting disinfectant. As he's bringing that up, he adds "I'm not a doctor but I have a 'you know what' (points to huge genius brain)"

Fam I just can't
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