***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ok, so now that we are finally to the point where you are admitting that trump has said racist things on camera, have you withdrawn your support for him like you said here?


Or are these things that you say are racist just fodder for you to make yourself feel good inside when you vote for him again?

I gave examples of the types of things that would undoubtedly shift my vote if I heard him say them. I also stated that Biden choosing a black running mate and pursuing reparations for black people would likely get me to vote for Biden no matter what Trump does/says.

As it stands, there are two candidates with a history of saying racist things, right?

It seems that the majority in here are okay with voting for Biden despite this.

I am also interested to see how this Kanye candidacy develops. I think it has the potential to really shift the election.
I gave examples of the types of things that would undoubtedly shift my vote if I heard him say them. I also stated that Biden choosing a black running mate and pursuing reparations for black people would likely get me to vote for Biden no matter what Trump does/says.

As it stands, there are two candidates with a history of saying racist things, right?

It seems that the majority in here are okay with voting for Biden despite this.

I am also interested to see how this Kanye candidacy develops. I think it has the potential to really shift the election.

so this is the long winded way of saying that the stuff trump says is racist, but not quite racist enough for you, correct?

You magically typed a lot of words and didn’t answer the question again

It is a longwinded way of saying what I said.

You ignored the Biden question.

You said you would stop supporting trump if you heard him say something you found unequivocally racist on tape. You have then stated that multiple statements made by trump were unequivocally racist.

Are you still voting for him? Stop trying to deflect and answer the ******* question.
You magically typed a lot of words and didn’t answer the question again

I wouldn't call it magic, but I certainly answered your question.

I still will not likely vote for Biden as president unless he has a black running mate and pushes for reparations for black people.

And I still would not vote for Trump if something leaks of him saying things like I described in the post.

I thought that was clear from my prior post, but I hope this clarifies it.
Lets see... your example of Biden’s racist remark was 27 years ago. wavycrocket wavycrocket posted evidence of Trump saying something racist just yesterday.

But “history”, right?

Biden's comment that poor kids are just as smart as white kids was certainly not 27 years ago. It was during his current run for office. But don't take my word for it:

Biden in Iowa Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Smart as ‘White Kids’

I wouldn't call it magic, but I certainly answered your question.

I still will not likely vote for Biden as president unless he has a black running mate and pushes for reparations for black people.

And I still would not vote for Trump if something leaks of him saying things like I described in the post.

I thought that was clear from my prior post, but I hope this clarifies it.

so what you are saying is you are still voting for him despite acknowledging the many racist comments he made?

here is where you admitted he says racist **** and it was relatively recently


so what you are saying is, it’s racist, but not racist enough for you?
Biden's comment that poor kids are just as smart as white kids was certainly not 27 years ago. It was during his current run for office. But don't take my word for it:

Biden in Iowa Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Smart as ‘White Kids’

”We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented, as white kids.” He quickly added, “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

“We think how we’re going to dumb it down. They can do anything anybody else can do given a shot."

Are you really using that as your best example of recent history of Biden’s unequivocal racism? Thats on the same level as the things Trump has said?
You said you would stop supporting trump if you heard him say something you found unequivocally racist on tape. You have then stated that multiple statements made by trump were unequivocally racist.

Are you still voting for him? Stop trying to deflect and answer the ****ing question.

I gave examples to provide context to what you are now saying. Those examples have not happened yet.

So I am likely still voting for him but I don't know yet. As I said, many things could shift my vote. Including certain actions by Biden.
I addressed much of this in the post above. But I did not call the poster a racist. Just like I did not call Trump one. I have stated that Trump makes racist comments. And I said the same of the poster. Biden has made racist comments as well. But I have not labeled any of them racists.

Trump's statement re: the Central Park Five has been condemned by me repeatedly. He, like many in here, supported an erosion of due process. In fact, his horrible take illustrated the exact issue that I have with an erosion of due process--young black men being presumed guilty. If you recall, I said this erosion typically does not work out well for people that look like me. To act as if I showed support for Trump's statements on the Central Park Five is completely false.

I'm not shielding Trump at all from the pandemic response. You sensationalized it, and I called you on it. I also said that it is undoubted that the response could have been much much better. Again, you ignore that fact. That isn't absolving him from responsibility.

When I bring up other issues, I do it as a way of comparison. Not to deflect. As I did in this post, I address everything you mention. I typically try to highlight hypocrisy if I feel it is glaring.
I think you're still confused because you seem to think if you just say the words everyone should ignore your overall behavior.

The reaction we saw from you towards Roy Moore being called a pedo is demonstrably different than the reaction we see when Trump says/does outrageous ****. With Roy Moore you repeatedly attacked people on NT for "eroding due process". Meanwhile, you have to be prompted for a reaction to the stupid **** Trump says/does on a daily basis (to be fair though, you occasionally let out a *sigh*).

lol you're so pro-life that you'll accuse me of sensationlizing when the people you support are directly responsible for tens of thousands of people dying. You seem to think if you just claim to be pro-life everyone will accept it as being true.

"When I bring up other issues..." is literally you deflecting. You want to bring up other issues because it takes the focus away from what I'm saying. You also want to try to misrepresent what I've said. Recall when you kept suggesting that I said if Trump wrote a mask fewer people would have died from COVID.
What percentage of “Rich Kids” are white?

When I heard Biden say this, I didn’t think it was racist, Nor was the intention. Donald Trump however I would say is intentionally racist. And the frequency of his racist remarks are daily.

Biden isn’t the best public speaker (neither is Trump) but Biden doesn’t push racist packs to the bigot fiends. That’s all I need to know. Emboldening racists to get a vote... is racist.
Admitting that Trump peddle racism is one thing, and a big step for Delk. But claiming that Biden has to propose a reparations plan for you to get his support is still comical. Being virulently racist just isn’t enough to withdraw your support.
Are you really using that as your best example of recent history of Biden’s unequivocal racism? Thats on the same level as the things Trump has said?

Just an example.

Are you unfamiliar with Biden's lengthy history of racially-charged rhetoric as a politician?

I certainly think that his rhetoric, given his history, is at the same level. If he didn't have the same history as a politician I would likely think differently.

But the general defense (in here at least) is to call it a "gaffe."
Admitting that Trump peddle racism is one thing, and a big step for Delk. But claiming that Biden has to propose a reparations plan for you to get his support is still comical. Being virulently racist just isn’t enough to withdraw your support.

You've admitted that Biden peddles racism.

Him doing that isn't enough for you to withdraw your support.

It is a shame that we have the option of two candidates that peddle racism.

Biden is getting 80-90% of the black vote and is running, in part, based on being the VP to the first black president. That is why him proposing a black-focused agenda is important to me.
What percentage of “Rich Kids” are white?

When I heard Biden say this, I didn’t think it was racist, Nor was the intention. Donald Trump however I would say is intentionally racist. And the frequency of his racist remarks are daily.

Biden isn’t the best public speaker (neither is Trump) but Biden doesn’t push racist packs to the bigot fiends. That’s all I need to know. Emboldening racists to get a vote... is racist.

To answer your first question:

A tape of Trump using the N word like the grab 'em tape leaking.

Or any other tape leaking of him saying something that I find unequivocally racist. Like as it relates to the rental properties some tape of him saying "we don't want to rent to black people," etc.

To answer your second question:

Biden picking a black VP
And Biden seriously pushing reparations for black people would make me consider him over Trump as well.

Let me bring in the full quote for you where you said you would pull support for him if he use the n word on tape OR said something you found unequivocally racist. Note the OR on there. You didn’t say it had to be that, just something you found unequivocally racist.

So now, you are basically saying you still support him and will vote for him despite previously saying you wouldn’t.

All you are saying is he frequently says racist **** but you don’t care as long as you get your tax cuts and stimulus money that was supposed to go to needy businesses. Just come out say that you don’t give a **** about the racist rhetoric he peddles daily. It would save you a lot of time pretending to care about black people.

If anything is abundantly clear, your word doesn’t mean jack **** and you will find some way to support trump no matter what he does because you are just as garbage of a human being as he is. Just save yourself the time and ******* admit it because watching you tap dance at this point is old and tiresome
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