All of this is so sad and it makes me really angry. Our country has fumbled the pandemic from the very beginning and these GOP clowns could give a **** less about the American people. I’ve been fortunate to have been contracting overseas since February so I haven’t really had to deal with anything firsthand but just seeing what my fellow man has had to endure for the last 4 or 5 months with very little help from the government is absolutely maddening.
People are about to lose their homes and their livelihoods and the thugs of Capitol Hill don’t care at all. To act as if the American people, who were laid off, are lazy and to feel comfortable enough to espouse that rhetoric to the media... there are no words.
I know that people say Americans have short attention spans but I honestly hope that this is a moment that the American people will NEVER forget. The republicans have shown and proven that they’re a thing of the past. History will not and should not reflect kindly on them for the way they have continuously operated, especially in the times when people needed them the most.
I’d love nothing more than to see the whole party go up in flames and never be considered for any office or seat ever again. That “R” should be the new scarlet letter.