***Official Political Discussion Thread***

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford @dacomeup
Not OD’ing though :lol: As if I give any damns who the woman decided to marry. Bernie bro’s 2.0 in here.
He posted that pick after you made your comment

Besides people encountering this sentiment in the real world, in case your forgot, in this very thread people were critical of her being married to a white man. So it not someone folk are making up.
Because I have said numerous times there are legitimate things to criticize her on, but a lot of people move past good faiths criticisms into other nonsense.

I have said nothing to downplay people issues with here record, I am directly attacking the bad faith arguments.

But for some reason, you seem to have an issue with that.

Gotta say, this sounds a lot like my posts about a certain other candidate :lol:
Gotta say, this sounds a lot like my posts about a certain other candidate :lol:
No it doesn't

I don't make up all kinds of idiotic comments to defend Kamala Harris from good faith attacks

I was actually one of the first people in here to take issue with her record as a prosecutor and AG. You have come nowhere close to calling out past bad acts by Trump. In fact you excuse them with asinine arguments.

Hell you excuse racist remarks Trump made as recently as last month. Do you see me doing anything close to that with Harris?

Of course not, so spare me.
Harris’ record on criminal justice is bad, no one is sugar coating that, but it’s a fact that Trump’s record on criminal justice (before he was President) is somehow worse despite Trump having never been a cop or a DA.

Wait I skip most of the Delkversation, but does this mean he votes for Biden/Harris?

Biden still has to come out in support of reparations, and Trump needs to be caught on tape saying the n-word.

Then Delk will consider hovering his finger over Joey's name both eventually voting for Trump.

After that, he gonna walk out the polls holding on of these...
Kamala turning black folks off, is the finesse I’m weary of.

A lot of us (especially black men) are misinformed on her to a great degree. It’s sad for real.

Sad to say but some black men can't be trusted. We ain't immune to sexism. I hope that won't be the case though this time. Black women been the backbone of the democratic party for decades now. Harris does have appeal with white suburban women though which will be what decides this election.
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This will satisfy the Black women who've held up the Democratic Party these past three and a half years, but I still feel that there could have been a better pick. However, I can see Harris telling both Trump and Pence to kiss her *** when Trump gets ornery. I want to see someone to tell them to shut up, both of them, just to see what happens.
not a fan of kamala harris, but she's been saying more and more of the right things lately. hopefully it sticks and isn't just for the microphones in front of her. also, she'll wipe the floor with the opposition's meager offerings. they ain't built like that

this doesn't make or break my vote and neither should it for anyone else looking to get rid of the pig in the white house. once that's over we can get to work for actual progress than rely on these two middle of the road sticks in the mud vying for democrat votes

Biden still has to come out in support of reparations, and Trump needs to be caught on tape saying the n-word.

Then Delk will consider hovering his finger over Joey's name both eventually voting for Trump.

After that, he gonna walk out the polls holding on of these...
Sounds like he's Chappelle in R Kelly jury selection.
Sad to say but some black men can't be trusted. We ain't immune to sexism. Black women been the backbone of the democratic party for decades now. I don't think that'll be the case though. She does have appeal to white suburban women though which will be what decides this election.
Man, that right there? Truth.

I absolute despise what I hear coming from many Black men, when it comes to Black women in leadership roles. If she is to be in charge? She needs to be nice., respectful of the Black male ego.
Harris’ record on criminal justice is bad, no one is sugar coating that, but it’s a fact that Trump’s record on criminal justice (before he was President) is somehow worse despite Trump having never been a cop or a DA.


And not like he’s grown from it either :lol:. He’s gotten worse. Cherry Picks ardent racist Jeff Sessions as AG....who pushes for more incarceration. And when sessions isn’t corrupt enough, Trump fires him...and brings Bill Barr out of retirement to be the Attorney General...the same guy who literally wrote the case for MORE incarceration. And is actively using a police force against citizens. The same guy that is using the fbi to label black liberation as “Black Identity Extremist”....

while refusing to act on white terrorism. THE formost threat to America. It’s astonishing to me, just how willfully misinformed some people are. And it’s because they don’t want to do the research, or have something counter a narrative they’ve dug into. **** is frustrating.

Biden still has to come out in support of reparations, and Trump needs to be caught on tape saying the n-word.

Then Delk will consider hovering his finger over Joey's name both eventually voting for Trump.

After that, he gonna walk out the polls holding on of these...

No tape needs to release. If Biden comes out and supports reparations for black descendants of slaves in America, he and Harris will have my vote.
As a black man that has been thoroughly cross examined by a sista hundreds of times, Pence ain't ready for that smoke.

I swear, when a black woman got you dead to rights, ain't nothing you can do. She gonna be three steps ahead in the argument.

"Oh you were with Trevor?....that is weird because he is out of town this weekend for his cousin's graduation. And you guys couldn't have been at Naked Pizza, because they are closed for renovations until the 13th of October"

I know Mother might not allow it, but Mike Pence gonna have to add the phrase "Baby, listen" to debating repertoire, and practice his cheat mouth.
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As a black man that has been thoroughly cross examined by a sista hundreds of times, Pence ain't ready for that smoke.

I swear, when a black woman got you dead to rights, ain't nothing you can do. She gonna be three steps ahead in the argument.

"Oh you were with Trevor?....that weird because he is out of town this weekend for his cousin's graduation. And you guys couldn't have been at Naked Pizza, because they are closed for renovations until the 13th of October"

I know Mother might not allow it, but Mike Pence gonna have to add the phrase "Baby, listen" to debating repertoire

Look how Karen Bass and Kamala was cooking ole Jeff Sessions :lol:

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