***Official Political Discussion Thread***

tenor - 2020-10-03T105746.535.gif

Fam posted the jobs report and dipped
That was not even his best work. He dropped this banger before work picked up...
If he survives it, it would probably be used to bolster his argument re: severity.

The vaccine angle is interesting.

They throwing the kitchen sink at ole boy to keep him alive, has a team of doctors, in the hospital; but if he does survive, it might bolster Trump argument that the virus ain't that bad.

Bruh :rofl:

Trump finna be trying to explain to the public Covid that ain't **** like...
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Of course Pence is still trying to have the debate in person. If I'm Kamala, I'm demanding they put plexiglass between their two stands and keep the 12 foot rule in application. In a sane world, this wouldn't even happen, and they'd do the townhall format virtually. America is in a race to the bottom in stupidity, man. Smh. Ideally, I'd prefer Biden/Harris to go into a bubble and avoid these reckless buffoons until the coast is clear (although I doubt it will, 2 weeks of quarantine puts us into mid/late Oct, and at that point the campaigns are pretty much near done).

On another note though, this feels like a very Game of Thrones-ish story development/conclusion in the GOP's malicious ignorance.

RBG = Lady Olenna?
Of course Pence is still trying to have the debate in person. If I'm Kamala, I'm demanding they put plexiglass between their two stands and keep the 12 foot rule in application. In a sane world, this wouldn't even happen, and they'd do the townhall format virtually. America is in a race to the bottom in stupidity, man. Smh. Ideally, I'd prefer Biden/Harris to go into a bubble and avoid these reckless buffoons until the coast is clear (although I doubt it will, 2 weeks of quarantine puts us into mid/late Oct, and at that point the campaigns are pretty much near done).

On another note though, this feels like a very Game of Thrones-ish story development/conclusion in the GOP's malicious ignorance.

RBG = Lady Olenna?

yup.. kamala should demand they essentially split the room.. can’t trust anyone on the GOP to be considerate for others, inclusive of the family members of those people
Trump's symptoms and condition GOTTA be rough. No way he just had a light cough and da sniffles and the people around him ready to stop showing up to work right before election day. The conservatives in the government have been saying "if I get it I get it. It's just a stronger flu" for months and now after their leader has a slight fever they're ready to run and hide? Not logical. He def was looking real bad for them to react this way.
At his age and condition, with all they've had to give him, and who knows what meds he was already on, his chances not really looking too good.
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