***Official Political Discussion Thread***

At his age and condition, with all they've had to give him, and who knows what meds he was already on, his chances not really looking too good.

Facts, I’ve seen this show already, guaranteed that man is either on a bipap or on high flow oxygen with his SATs dipping under 90% they probably trying to hold off an intubation as long as they can....once tubed IS CURTAINS.

Fam posted the jobs report and dipped
I just wanna say that it was a great day for our president who can't currently breathe. I'm sure he would agree with me.

‘It’s a great day for [George Floyd].’ Pres. Trump paused his celebration over the stock market and jobs numbers long enough to wonder if George Floyd was looking down at the current state of the U.S. and saying, ‘This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’
:lol: They been riding with it and a part of downplaying it for months while other people died. Now it hit home they're upset? **** them.

Typical Republican mindset. Who cares about anyone else then whine when bad things happen to you. Where's all that personal responsibility and boot straps nonsense? Delk is cool with their racism but of they call him the N word he'd get mad..................at himself for not being deplorable enough.
I wonder who is tweeting for him. It can't be him, he said plaque and love in his tweets. If there's retweets of Biden's ear piece and being on drugs and saying law and order and threatening blue states with national guard, I'm not buying.
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