The GOP, once again, is conceding that A) they never cared about governing in the first place, and B) they see Barrett as the only way they can maintain power. This is a risk they could've avoided (like Trump catching COVID) but like all their stupid risks, it will probably backfire. They rig this election and it's gonna get real bad, real fast. I think back to the summer and how hot it was getting, but now more folks have passed, a stimulus has been canned, and folks are definitely pissed with these clowns.
A quote comes to mind here, something like "if you take away a person's ability to hold politicians accountable with votes, they'll protest, and if you take away their ability to protest, then they'll be on your doorstep". I'm paraphrasing, but....yeah. Their internal calculus is obviously geared towards cheating to maintain power and using brute force against dissenters. So it seems.