***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm still waiting for a Romney supporter to give me ONE single reason they are voting for Romney other than that he's not Obama. It's ridiculous. They can't tell me about any of his policies or what he's campaigning for or anything. I work at best buy and some old white lady came in today looking for that dvd bashing Obama and trying to tell me to watch it and she wanted copies for all her friends.
Here's an idea, instead of just bashing on the president, tell me one reason Romney is SOOOO much better. :smh:
My girl is the worst... sometimes I just want to slap her in the face. She supports Romney basically cuz her stupid rich family does. She's a weed smoker and I was like "you realize Romney is completely against the legalization of marijuana, even for medical purposes." She just was like "WHAT?!?!?!" If you aren't educated or informed on what the candidates stand for... please do not even vote.

I completely disagree. It shouldn't matter what the reasons are for supporting a candidate. Sure you may sound ignorant, and dumb repeating the propaganda MSNBC and FOX News spews but if an African American wants to vote for Obama solely on his skin color so be it. Same thing if a KKK member wants to vote for Romney. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for voting for any candidate, it's YOUR REASON and YOUR REASON ALONE. You can't expect an average American to be completely educated and informed about every issue or fact check every reason. You're lucky Americans know when or where to vote for crying out loud. In this day and age, Americans need to just go out there and vote PERIOD!
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Are there really that many Swedes in MN?
A lot of Swedes settled in the Midwest. Minnesota had a sizable Swedish population.
I'm still waiting for a Romney supporter to give me ONE single reason they are voting for Romney other than that he's not Obama. It's ridiculous. They can't tell me about any of his policies or what he's campaigning for or anything. I work at best buy and some old white lady came in today looking for that dvd bashing Obama and trying to tell me to watch it and she wanted copies for all her friends.
Here's an idea, instead of just bashing on the president, tell me one reason Romney is SOOOO much better.

My girl is the worst... sometimes I just want to slap her in the face. She supports Romney basically cuz her stupid rich family does. She's a weed smoker and I was like "you realize Romney is completely against the legalization of marijuana, even for medical purposes." She just was like "WHAT?!?!?!" If you aren't educated or informed on what the candidates stand for... please do not even vote.
I completely disagree. It shouldn't matter what the reasons are for supporting a candidate. Sure you may sound ignorant, and dumb repeating the propaganda MSNBC and FOX News spews but if an African American wants to vote for Obama solely on his skin color so be it. Same thing if a KKK member wants to vote for Romney. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for voting for any candidate, it's YOUR REASON and YOUR REASON ALONE. You can't expect an average American to be completely educated and informed about every issue or fact check every reason. You're lucky Americans know when or where to vote for crying out loud. In this day and age, Americans need to just go out there and vote PERIOD!

Ya'll forgot how poll taxes used to be held. They'd hold reading tests for different races and say that you were unqualified to vote if you couldn't read past a certain level. Its entirely subjective to its very core.

You don't have to be a policy wonk to know what you want out of a candidate. 

Remember, the same standard you hold others to can be held against you when you're not the one who has to come up with the standards. 

Ya'll forgot how poll taxes used to be held. They'd hold reading tests for different races and say that you were unqualified to vote if you couldn't read past a certain level. Its entirely subjective to its very core.

You don't have to be a policy wonk to know what you want out of a candidate. 

Remember, the same standard you hold others to can be held against you when you're not the one who has to come up with the standards. 

:smh: This was all because the majority were so afraid of the poor and colored people voting.

The 24th Amendment Ended the Poll Tax
January 23, 1964
Imagine that you are finally old enough to vote in your first election. But, do you have enough money? Money, to vote? Not long ago, citizens in some states had to pay a fee to vote in a national election. This fee was called a poll tax. On January 23, 1964, the United States ratified the 24th Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting any poll tax in elections for federal officials.

Many Southern states adopted a poll tax in the late 1800s. This meant that even though the 15th Amendment gave former slaves the right to vote, many poor people, both blacks and whites, did not have enough money to vote.
"Do you know I've never voted in my life, never been able to exercise my right as a citizen because of the poll tax?"
"Mr. Trout" to Mr. Pike, interviewer, Atlanta, Georgia. American Life Histories, 1936 - 1940.

More than 20 years after "Mr. Trout" spoke those words, the poll tax was abolished. At the ceremony in 1964 formalizing the 24th Amendment, President Lyndon Johnson noted that: "There can be no one too poor to vote." Thanks to the 24th Amendment, the right of all U.S. citizens to freely cast their votes has been secured.
Hopefully Obama's got this in the bag after owning Mitt the other night.
I really can't believe the sheer HATRED white people have towards Barrack. Not just rednecks, but Jack Welsch, Trump, and other "respected" businessmen.
few things:

Obama doesn't have ANYTHING in the bag. People aren't going to be basing their decision on foreign policy. They will in fact be voting on who they feel will turn this economy around.

Also, in respect to Trump, the guy is a jester only looking to sell is own brand. 
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I'm still waiting for a Romney supporter to give me ONE single reason they are voting for Romney other than that he's not Obama. 
Lower marginal tax rates

Lower Corporate tax rates

Reduction in Foreign Aid

Offshore drilling, Keystone Pipeline 

just to name a few. 

don't agree with him on most social issues, including: abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, affirmative action, war on drugs...
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^ You really think he will deliver though ?

That's my question. Especially after that foreign policy debate


In the first 10 mins of the Daily show you can see how much the republicans and Romney were bashing Obama and his foreign policies, then on debate night, Mitt couldn't agree more with Obama and his admin?

That lack of consistency to me invalidates anything Romney says or does, I can't trust him, in addition to the fact that is NOT a quality of a president of the USA to me. To me it just seems like he's saying what people want to hear, and hes banking on the fact that people are dumb enough to either not fact check him or won't actually do some self research to look back to what he's been preaching over the last 4 years.

Do we need change? Maybe, but I don't think Romney is the one who can provide that in a constructive manner. Obama was handed the keys to a sinking ship and I think like any other plan or policy in place, things take time, especially with the country as big and complex as ours, lets not loose sight of that. So i agree that we should be moving FORWARD

I heard someone say how important this election was in terms of Romney's success. Because if Mitt does lose a close race or even win, then going forward the name of the political/campaign game is to lie your *** off and tell people what they want to hear because they're dumb and take every word at face value.

I'm republican btw FWIW. And I'm lightweight frightened at the possibilities of Mitt running the show.
Lower marginal tax rates

Lower Corporate tax rates

Reduction in Foreign Aid

Offshore drilling, Keystone Pipeline 

just to name a few. 

don't agree with him on most social issues, including: abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, affirmative action, war on drugs...


-He hasn't said how he is gonna pay for those cuts. So you're cooling with blindly trusting him? And he has said that people will still end up paying the same. So why even cut the taxes in the first place.

-What's to keep corporations from just pocketing the money instead of creating jobs.....Oh yeah, nothing

-Doubt he will follow through on this. But hey, fair point.

-You want more drilling or more oil? Permits are down put production is up

-The fact he wants to spend money on the army that they haven't even asked for doesn't bother you?

And you disagree with the man on social issues. So you cool with him potentially screwing those people over?

I'm not trying to start an argument with you but you really think those things are for the betterment of the country? And you trust Mitt to follow through on them?
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-He hasn't said how he is gonna pay for those cuts. So you're cooling with blindly trusting him? And he has said that people will still end up paying the same. So why even cut the taxes in the first place.
-What's to keep corporations from just pocketing the money instead of creating jobs.....Oh yeah, nothing
-Doubt he will follow through on this. But hey, fair point.
-You want more drilling or more oil? Permits are down put production is up
-The fact he wants to spend money on the army that they haven't even asked for doesn't bother you?
And you disagree with the man on social issues. So you cool with him potentially screwing those people over?
I'm not trying to start an argument with you but you really think those things are for the betterment of the country? And you trust Mitt to follow through on them?
-obama wants to raise taxes across the board, so the alternative wins by default.

-you'd rather have the government tax corporations and spend that money irresponsibly? & it's not just corporations, but also small business (they employ half of workers in this country)

-yes. unfortunately, this country still runs on oil. i'd rather have us being less dependent on other countries for our oil, and in the process, become more independent while also creating jobs. 

-that does bother me, fair point.

-im not too concerned with other people. im mostly concerned with which president better represents my stance regarding our most pressing issues. the importance of current social issues pails in comparison to fiscal and defense responsibilities the president has. 
-obama wants to raise taxes across the board, so the alternative wins by default.

-you'd rather have the government tax corporations and spend that money irresponsibly? & it's not just corporations, but also small business (they employ half of workers in this country)

-yes. unfortunately, this country still runs on oil. i'd rather have us being less dependent on other countries for our oil, and in the process, become more independent while also creating jobs. 

-that does bother me, fair point.

-im not too concerned with other people. im mostly concerned with which president better represents my stance regarding our most pressing issues. the importance of current social issues pails in comparison to fiscal and defense responsibilities the president has. 
I like the avi/un btw, and yeah I agree with most of what you wrote, it's just tough, bc it's SUPER SUPER unpopular to say you agree with Romney or disagree with Obama. As a recent college grad, who is trying to pay off an enormous amount of debt... paying extra for Obamacare hurts.. (I HATE that terminology).

I also agree with the Oil statement, it's tough to win in this field, if you import it in, you're considered un-american for buying foreign energy. If you produce it, you're deemed too short-thinking and not worried about the future. But look, American Oil isn't such a bad short-term fix, it lower dependency AND produces American jobs!
^ You really think he will deliver though ?
That's my question. Especially after that foreign policy debate
In the first 10 mins of the Daily show you can see how much the republicans and Romney were bashing Obama and his foreign policies, then on debate night, Mitt couldn't agree more with Obama and his admin?
That lack of consistency to me invalidates anything Romney says or does, I can't trust him, in addition to the fact that is NOT a quality of a president of the USA to me. To me it just seems like he's saying what people want to hear, and hes banking on the fact that people are dumb enough to either not fact check him or won't actually do some self research to look back to what he's been preaching over the last 4 years.
Do we need change? Maybe, but I don't think Romney is the one who can provide that in a constructive manner. Obama was handed the keys to a sinking ship and I think like any other plan or policy in place, things take time, especially with the country as big and complex as ours, lets not loose sight of that. So i agree that we should be moving FORWARD
I heard someone say how important this election was in terms of Romney's success. Because if Mitt does lose a close race or even win, then going forward the name of the political/campaign game is to lie your *** off and tell people what they want to hear because they're dumb and take every word at face value.
I'm republican btw FWIW. And I'm lightweight frightened at the possibilities of Mitt running the show.

Best thing i've read in here. VERY well put. :smokin
-obama wants to raise taxes across the board, so the alternative wins by default.

-you'd rather have the government tax corporations and spend that money irresponsibly? & it's not just corporations, but also small business (they employ half of workers in this country)

-yes. unfortunately, this country still runs on oil. i'd rather have us being less dependent on other countries for our oil, and in the process, become more independent while also creating jobs. 

-that does bother me, fair point.

-I'm not too concerned with other people. I'm mostly concerned with which president better represents my stance regarding our most pressing issues. the importance of current social issues pails in comparison to fiscal and defense responsibilities the president has. 

-Obama wants to let a tax cut expire, Romney wants to cut taxes. Obama only wants to taxes to go up on the rich for now. Economist agree that the deficit can't be made up by just cuts to spending, taxes need to be raised. Obama's plan wins by making way more sense.

-Government spending money responsibly? That's changes from person to person. You gotta tell be what exactly you find irresponsible spending. I would say something like spending on 2 trillion on the army for no reason pretty irresponsible. By the way, a tax cut is an expense.

-Fair point. Not going into it with you on this. But if production is up, wouldn't that still make us less dependent?

-I'm all for voting in your self interest. But I ain't down with deny people civilian rights and letting government run their lives. As a black man human being, I just can't get jiggy wit that. If everyone had the attitude you have, my *** would still be riding on the back of the bus. Gays immigrants, and women are in line to get ******, and Mitt is down to let that happen.

-All our allies would prefer Obama to be the president. His foreign policy record has been solid and the economy is recovering. And if you want to use history as a guide, Dems are usually much better for the economy. And tell the chick that has to give birth to her rapist baby if "the importance of current social issues pails in comparison to fiscal and defense responsibilities the president has" . If a President can't empathize with the struggles on common citizens, that's a huge deal
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when you say that your campaign wont be dictated by fact checkers, i cant rock with you.

i feel insulted when this guy blatantly lies and flip flops every other day on tv
Im sorry but any young person (under 35) supporting Romney is an idiot, I feel that any intelligent person that isnt fond of Obama is one that sees the 3rd party candidates as being better OR has no faith in the politic thing at all. Like call me bias or what ever, but you an idiot if you thought in 4 yrs things would get back to like they were in 97. Last 4 yrs for every one I know at least has been better than things were when Bush was in office. This whole thing about 50% of college grads cant get a job/under employed, idk about that I think it has to do with society not encouraging kids to look into Science,Technology, or picking up Trades, so you got kids with degrees that are dumb /zero demand.

This guy Romney is a bum, ever old person at my job who is voting for Romney when I over hear their convos, all they talk about is how Obama sucks (not giving reasons why), and not giving any response of what Romney stands for.
Im sorry but any young person (under 35) supporting Romney is an idiot, I feel that any intelligent person that isnt fond of Obama is one that sees the 3rd party candidates as being better OR has no faith in the politic thing at all. Like call me bias or what ever, but you an idiot if you thought in 4 yrs things would get back to like they were in 97. Last 4 yrs for every one I know at least has been better than things were when Bush was in office. This whole thing about 50% of college grads cant get a job/under employed, idk about that I think it has to do with society not encouraging kids to look into Science,Technology, or picking up Trades, so you got kids with degrees that are dumb /zero demand.
This guy Romney is a bum, ever old person at my job who is voting for Romney when I over hear their convos, all they talk about is how Obama sucks (not giving reasons why), and not giving any response of what Romney stands for.

I guess those 25,000 people at the Romney/Ryan rally in Colorado, and 50% of americans are idiots right? I suppose the chance of America getting down graded again isn't an issue to anyone... I agree with you on the college thing though, I don't see why kids take out massive loans, major in the Liberal Arts, and then complain about being unemployed.
I guess those 25,000 people at the Romney/Ryan rally in Colorado, and 50% of americans are idiots right? I suppose the chance of America getting down graded again isn't an issue to anyone... I agree with you on the college thing though, I don't see why kids take out massive loans, major in the Liberal Arts, and then complain about being unemployed.

Standard and Poors blamed the GOP for the credit down grade.

Why do people still think that the GOP is better at managing the economy than Dems? Why? History says otherwise, most economist say otherwise, the rest of the world screams at otherwise.

Stop thinking your vote for Romney is a vote to save the country from Obama ruining it. That's straight up nonsense.
I guess those 25,000 people at the Romney/Ryan rally in Colorado, and 50% of americans are idiots right? I suppose the chance of America getting down graded again isn't an issue to anyone... I agree with you on the college thing though, I don't see why kids take out massive loans, major in the Liberal Arts, and then complain about being unemployed.
Standard and Poors blamed the GOP for the credit down grade.

Why do people still think that the GOP is better at managing the economy than Dems? Why? History says otherwise, most economist say otherwise, the rest of the world screams at otherwise.

Stop thinking your vote for Romney is a vote to save the country from Obama ruining it. That's straight up nonsense.
The guy lives in Illinois. His vote doesn't matter.
-obama wants to raise taxes across the board, so the alternative wins by default.

-you'd rather have the government tax corporations and spend that money irresponsibly? & it's not just corporations, but also small business (they employ half of workers in this country)

-yes. unfortunately, this country still runs on oil. i'd rather have us being less dependent on other countries for our oil, and in the process, become more independent while also creating jobs. 

-that does bother me, fair point.

-im not too concerned with other people. im mostly concerned with which president better represents my stance regarding our most pressing issues. the importance of current social issues pails in comparison to fiscal and defense responsibilities the president has. 

Wrong..Absolutely wrong
Wrong 97% of small business will and have gotten a tax cut
You misunderstand that drilling for oil in the US has little to no effect
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Im sorry but any young person (under 35) supporting Romney is an idiot, I feel that any intelligent person that isnt fond of Obama is one that sees the 3rd party candidates as being better OR has no faith in the politic thing at all. Like call me bias or what ever, but you an idiot if you thought in 4 yrs things would get back to like they were in 97. Last 4 yrs for every one I know at least has been better than things were when Bush was in office. This whole thing about 50% of college grads cant get a job/under employed, idk about that I think it has to do with society not encouraging kids to look into Science,Technology, or picking up Trades, so you got kids with degrees that are dumb /zero demand.
This guy Romney is a bum, ever old person at my job who is voting for Romney when I over hear their convos, all they talk about is how Obama sucks (not giving reasons why), and not giving any response of what Romney stands for.
I actually disagree with you... I'm 24 a recent college grad, and from my perspective, the new healthcare plan puts a dent into my wallet... I'm going to be paying an extra $2,000 when it comes into effect. I'm already tight on a budget because I spend a lot paying back my student loans.

For me personally, I'm trying to get out my hole. Besides the new healthcare plan, I'm also working in the Aerospace industry. For job security, I obviously will vote for a candidate that supports the industry. Whether or not I agree/disagree with the defense budget, that's not important as me having a job trumps that concern.

You can disagree with me all you want, I'm not here to cause trouble and stir up issues or name-call. People should be voting according to their needs. It's a pretty simple concept. I, at this point in my life, need to get out of a massive college debt, and if you are a candidate that may make that more difficult for me, I can't support that.

At the end of the day, I believe that all the social issues are extremely important, they really are, but it's hard when you personally cannot afford it. Socially, I am very obviously a democrat. However, fiscally as someone who is trying to make it on their own, it's tough to support paying more for everyone else. Call me selfish, that's fine. But if you knew that I volunteer on a weekly basis with 3 youth basketball leagues by coaching/refereeing as well support my local homeless shelter, would you think otherwise?

I'm not against helping people, I'm against being forced to spend to help people.
I actually disagree with you... I'm 24 a recent college grad, and from my perspective, the new healthcare plan puts a dent into my wallet... I'm going to be paying an extra $2,000 when it comes into effect. I'm already tight on a budget because I spend a lot paying back my student loans.

For me personally, I'm trying to get out my hole. Besides the new healthcare plan, I'm also working in the Aerospace industry. For job security, I obviously will vote for a candidate that supports the industry. Whether or not I agree/disagree with the defense budget, that's not important as me having a job trumps that concern.

You can disagree with me all you want, I'm not here to cause trouble and stir up issues or name-call.
People should be voting according to their needs. It's a pretty simple concept. I, at this point in my life, need to get out of a massive college debt, and if you are a candidate that may make that more difficult for me, I can't support that.

At the end of the day, I believe that all the social issues are extremely important, they really are, but it's hard when you personally cannot afford it. Socially, I am very obviously a democrat. However, fiscally as someone who is trying to make it on their own, it's tough to support paying more for everyone else. Call me selfish, that's fine. But if you knew that I volunteer on a weekly basis with 3 youth basketball leagues by coaching/refereeing as well support my local homeless shelter, would you think otherwise?

I'm not against helping people, I'm against being forced to spend to help people.
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