***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Glad to see some legit reasons and logic behind why people are voting Republican instead of the usual ignorant Ninjahood type rants.

I don't have anything against the Republican party, well. Those that are logical, my beef is with Romney. While this is irrelevant, considering all the flip-flopping he's done since the primaries and some of his recent comments why do y'all (Republicans ) feel that he's going to follow through on what he's saying?

And please skip the Obama bashing or just speaking about to Republican party in general, I want to know specifically why y'all think Romney is going to follow through.
Most politicians don't accomplish even half of what they campaign on. However, that doesn't mean one should disregard a candidate for what they might be able to accomplish. We can compile a laundry list on what our president said he was going to do but wasn't able to accomplish, yet that doesn't mean the man has done nothing. I'm voting for the ideology that best represents my own interest, and that so happens to be Romney's. 
Glad to see some legit reasons and logic behind why people are voting Republican instead of the usual ignorant Ninjahood type rants.

I don't have anything against the Republican party, well. Those that are logical, my beef is with Romney. While this is irrelevant, considering all the flip-flopping he's done since the primaries and some of his recent comments why do y'all (Republicans ) feel that he's going to follow through on what he's saying?

And please skip the Obama bashing or just speaking about to Republican party in general, I want to know specifically why y'all think Romney is going to follow through.
The ONLY legit points I think republicans will ever have are fiscal.

Social conservatives deserve to sleep with lions. 
The ONLY legit points I think republicans will ever have are fiscal.

Social conservatives deserve to sleep with lions. 
Pretty much, like I said, I agree with just about most of what the liberal views are socially, but I also agree with a lot of the republican fiscal view. And for me, at this point, fiscal > social.
The ONLY legit points I think republicans will ever have are fiscal.

Social conservatives deserve to sleep with lions. 
Pretty much, like I said, I agree with just about most of what the liberal views are socially, but I also agree with a lot of the republican fiscal view. And for me, at this point, fiscal > social.
So you're a libertarian?

accept that you may feel that way, but many people don't look at their rights and go "you know? I'd much rather seek legal protections later" 
Im not going to lie, but if the GOP loses this election, they have to reform their party:smh: Most Americans don't like seeing the far right.. Internet censorship, teachers needing to take oaths, and public prayers... comeon man.

For the flip flopping comment, every politician does it during primaries, but they never admit it. One of the advisors to Romney admitted it way back, which was a pretty stupid thing to do
Glad to see some legit reasons and logic behind why people are voting Republican instead of the usual ignorant Ninjahood type rants.
I don't have anything against the Republican party, well. Those that are logical, my beef is with Romney. While this is irrelevant, considering all the flip-flopping he's done since the primaries and some of his recent comments why do y'all (Republicans ) feel that he's going to follow through on what he's saying?
And please skip the Obama bashing or just speaking about to Republican party in general, I want to know specifically why y'all think Romney is going to follow through.
As for whether or not he's going to follow through is an interesting question, def. interesting. So let me see if I can try to explain my position.

If Romney and Obama are opposite (which isn't always the case), and I agree with what Romney is proposing, I'm going to vote Romney. Now your question is whether or not he will follow through with what he is proposing, and why I feel that he may (that's why I'm voting for him). I'm looking at this with the best case scenario/worst case scenario if Romney wins.

Best case - I vote Romney, he wins, he follows through, I'm happy.

Worst case - I vote Romney, he wins, he does NOT follow through, and changes his plan. Yes this is bad, but at this point there is ambiguity, because nobody knows the future. But at this point, I disagree with certainty on the Obama stance.

4 possibliities:

Romney wins - follow through - happy

Romney wins - doesn't follow through - not happy

Obama wins - follow through - not happy

Obama wins - doesn't follow through - happy

I see that there is a more likelihood that someone will follow through with what they promise, then the latter. So I'm going with Romney following through.
LOL @ not taxing corporations. The same corporations that lobby politicians against your interests daily and who's interest is quite frankly just $$$$ by any means. Again LOL.
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So you're a libertarian?

accept that you may feel that way, but many people don't look at their rights and go "you know? I'd much rather seek legal protections later" 
Honestly, I don't know if I can be classified as a libertarian either. My experience in life has been so wild. And it's hard to nail me down to a party. But thanks, I'm glad people aren't all over me for not going with what is seemingly, "more popular".
As for whether or not he's going to follow through is an interesting question, def. interesting. So let me see if I can try to explain my position.

If Romney and Obama are opposite (which isn't always the case), and I agree with what Romney is proposing, I'm going to vote Romney. Now your question is whether or not he will follow through with what he is proposing, and why I feel that he may (that's why I'm voting for him). I'm looking at this with the best case scenario/worst case scenario if Romney wins.

Best case - I vote Romney, he wins, he follows through, I'm happy.

Worst case - I vote Romney, he wins, he does NOT follow through, and changes his plan. Yes this is bad, but at this point there is ambiguity, because nobody knows the future. But at this point, I disagree with certainty on the Obama stance.

4 possibliities:

Romney wins - follow through - happy

Romney wins - doesn't follow through - not happy

Obama wins - follow through - not happy

Obama wins - doesn't follow through - happy

I see that there is a more likelihood that someone will follow through with what they promise, then the latter. So I'm going with Romney following through.
Romney following through with his promise of creating 12 million jobs and immediately after saying "Government doesn't create jobs". Right.....I feel like he randomly picked that number and went with it

Don't get me wrong, if he was consistent with his policies, he could do a great job with the economy. But his constant flip flopping on issues brings about a level of uncertainty and I believe that is the last thing we need right now.

I'm very far from a political or economic expert so bear with me. But these are just some ideas I had going through my head in the last couple weeks

I'm voting for Obama because there has been slow, but steady growth. Let him finish it out. Bringing in a new president with new policies is just going to further slow down our growth. People expect this economy to be fixed in 4 years? The Great Depression took almost a decade to fix and we might not have gotten out of it if it wasn't for the War and the abundance of manufacturing jobs.
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Yeah the GOP has some characters man......

Jon Stewart put this into perfect perspective last night. It really shows how ****** up the Republican party is on this stuff...

“Where does Mourdock get his crazy, fringe ideas about rape and abortion anyway? I don't know, maybe from Romney's running mate Paul Ryan. ... In other words, according to the Republican Party platform, and the man who wants to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, if a woman wants to have a baby, by in vitro fertilization, she cannot. Rape, she has to"
Romney following through with his promise of creating 12 million jobs and immediately after saying "Government doesn't create jobs". Right.....I feel like he randomly picked that number and went with it

Don't get me wrong, if he was consistent with his policies, he could do a great job with the economy. But his constant flip flopping on issues brings about a level of uncertainty and I believe that is the last thing we need right now.

I'm very far from a political or economic expert so bear with me. But these are just some ideas I had going through my head in the last couple weeks

I'm voting for Obama because there has been slow, but steady growth. Let him finish it out. Bringing in a new president with new policies is just going to further slow down our growth. People expect this economy to be fixed in 4 years? The Great Depression took almost a decade to fix and we might not have gotten out of it if it wasn't for the War and the abundance of manufacturing jobs.
You're absolutely right, it does take a long time, and to be honest with you, there are an ENORMOUS amount of variables that go into the economy growing equation. And, I see your point about slowing driving the economy in the right direction, but my question to you is, if there is potential for better, would you go with it? If someone promises something, but missed on that goal, is that ok? I can understand about giving Obama more time, but the thing is he missed the goal, not necessarily going to other direction, but he did miss...

But hear me out for this 1 point, I personally think it's a fair point, just hear me out, and it is absolutely OK to disagree. One thing Mitt Romney gets heat for is outsourcing jobs. I trust me, I do not support the act, but one big point that i think people need to recognize is that his goal was different compared to many other peoples' goals. For example, if my goal today was to mow the lawn or take out the trash, and I do it, I've accomplished my goals, right?

This will def. come with some heat, so I'm ready... But Mitt Romney's goal as CEO or in a leadership position at Bain wasn't to create jobs, it wasn't to keep them in America, it wasn't to be nice, to be charitable. His goal was to drive shareholder value. It's really that... It might not be the greatest goal, or most admirable. But looking from a larger broader scale, he accomplished his goal. His shareholders made money, he accomplished his goals. Now, being president I'm going to assume he'll have a different scope, and not trying to maximize Shareholder Value. That's why I think he'll be successful at whatever he does. That's why he has my trust.
How you could look past Mitt Romney's record as a businessman and come to the conclusion that he'll do better for America is entirely beyond me :x
How you could look past Mitt Romney's record as a businessman and come to the conclusion that he'll do better for America is entirely beyond me
I just explained it... There are different goals... I don't think I need to type up another paragraph or two man... As a business man his goal was to make money for his SH's. He was successful, if he gets presidency his goal will be different.

Also, I'm not looking past it....
The way I see it, government should not be run like a business. People tend to forget the W. Bush was a businessman in oil and baseball. Look at the mess he left us.
The way I see it, government should not be run like a business. People tend to forget the W. Bush was a businessman in oil and baseball. Look at the mess he left us.
I agree with you on this point as well, businesses tend to forget the social aspects, that are very important as well.
Mitt is not giving anymore interviews before the election and now is running a ad in Ohio straight up telling lies about a factory moving to China. :smh:

Remember the last successful business man that got the presidency by lying his *** off, being gung ho bout military spending, talking about smaller government, and promising tax cuts...................How did Bush's presidency work out for America again?

I don't know why young educated people let eh GOP run this pimp game on them election after election. Peep the date

You agree with everyone on mitt Romney sucking but you still support? Don't the republics s want to raise student loan rates? How will Obamacare case you 2k more? Does your job not offer health insurance? Did you just not want health insurance? Help me understand.

Obama IMO is the lesser of 2 evils. I'm a recent college grad from a single parent home and Romney isn't doing anything for ME if you want to talk about worryi g about self. My question is if you are more worried about what a candidate can do for YOU, that means you don't care about te unemployment rates, war, etc as long as you're good right? Your voting for Romney to e president of you and not the American people right?
Romney following through with his promise of creating 12 million jobs and immediately after saying "Government doesn't create jobs". Right.....I feel like he randomly picked that number and went with it
Exactly.  Romney said government CAN'T create jobs.......his own words, but yet he's running for President, and then has the nerve to say how many jobs he can create as President.  Romney is a walking contradiction and it's beyond me as to why anyone would vote for him on merit alone.  Romney has shown to have no core and doesn't care for anyone unless your rich like him. 
The way I see it, government should not be run like a business. People tend to forget the W. Bush was a businessman in oil and baseball. Look at the mess he left us.

Umm if it WAS run like a business we wouldn't of charged 2 wars on da Chinese credit card.

Fact of da matter is da race wouldn't be basically a tie is Obama's record wasnt trash.

Like it or not, "you want 4 more years of this?" Is very compelling.
The way I see it, government should not be run like a business. People tend to forget the W. Bush was a businessman in oil and baseball. Look at the mess he left us.
Umm if it WAS run like a business we wouldn't of charged 2 wars on da Chinese credit card.

Fact of da matter is da race wouldn't be basically a tie is Obama's record wasnt trash.

Like it or not, "you want 4 more years of this?" Is very compelling.
Do you not know or realize that we were in a recession??  Were, meaning past tense champ, that's what President Obama got us out us.  Just like with anything that's been ruined or destroyed it takes time to recover. 
The way I see it, government should not be run like a business. People tend to forget the W. Bush was a businessman in oil and baseball. Look at the mess he left us.
Umm if it WAS run like a business we wouldn't of charged 2 wars on da Chinese credit card.

Fact of da matter is da race wouldn't be basically a tie is Obama's record wasnt trash.

Like it or not, "you want 4 more years of this?" Is very compelling.
It's a tie becaue Romney is racking up in the South. Ironically.
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