***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I swear the electoral college is a joke, state of ga for example Obama will easily win metro atlanta but Romney will clean house all of the backwoods area with out even having to campaign in these areas. It's seriously like if you aren't in a swing state your vote doesn't matter and you're voting for the principle of it
Some food for thought:


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You're absolutely right, it does take a long time, and to be honest with you, there are an ENORMOUS amount of variables that go into the economy growing equation. And, I see your point about slowing driving the economy in the right direction, but my question to you is, if there is potential for better, would you go with it? If someone promises something, but missed on that goal, is that ok? I can understand about giving Obama more time, but the thing is he missed the goal, not necessarily going to other direction, but he did miss...

But hear me out for this 1 point, I personally think it's a fair point, just hear me out, and it is absolutely OK to disagree. One thing Mitt Romney gets heat for is outsourcing jobs. I trust me, I do not support the act, but one big point that i think people need to recognize is that his goal was different compared to many other peoples' goals. For example, if my goal today was to mow the lawn or take out the trash, and I do it, I've accomplished my goals, right?

This will def. come with some heat, so I'm ready... But Mitt Romney's goal as CEO or in a leadership position at Bain wasn't to create jobs, it wasn't to keep them in America, it wasn't to be nice, to be charitable. His goal was to drive shareholder value. It's really that... It might not be the greatest goal, or most admirable. But looking from a larger broader scale, he accomplished his goal. His shareholders made money, he accomplished his goals. Now, being president I'm going to assume he'll have a different scope, and not trying to maximize Shareholder Value. That's why I think he'll be successful at whatever he does. That's why he has my trust.

Keep repping what you believe homie, most of these clowns on here can only see and understand one side. These are the types of dudes who will always vote Democratic, regardless who the candidate is, so their is no point in arguing with them. Don't bother.

Like you, I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I wish people like us had our own political party that could compete with the Left and Right. I'm however voting for Obama because he benefits me more at this time. Completely respect your outlook tho.
Ninjahood has arrived, the ignorance level in this thread is about to rise again

|I Sad but true.

From the comments in here I can def see how this thing is becoming class warfare. People talking about they don't care about the next citizen as long as they're good :x Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions but I can't fathom harboring that chain of thought. To look past humanity and see welp as long as I'm straight idgaf about anyone else's right is just :x to me.

Like Future said I'm all for fiscal conservatism, but the social issues are a HUGE part of government and to look past my rights and say hmmm I'll worry about that later is mind boggling.
LOL @ not taxing corporations. The same corporations that lobby politicians against your interests daily and who's interest is quite frankly just $$$$ by any means. Again LOL.

Corporations = lobbyists no denying that.

However if I invest as a shareholder in a Corporation, then why wouldn't I want Corporate tax rates lower? Lower Corporate tax rates means higher dividend pay outs which means more money in my pocket!
Keep repping what you believe homie, most of these clowns on here can only see and understand one side. These are the types of dudes who will always vote Democratic, regardless who the candidate is, so their is no point in arguing with them. Don't bother.

Like you, I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I wish people like us had our own political party that could compete with the Left and Right. I'm however voting for Obama because he benefits me more at this time. Completely respect your outlook tho.

So you basically just tried to bash others in this thread but turn around and mirror the exact sentiments of most of the posters in here. Gotcha.
You agree with everyone on mitt Romney sucking but you still support? Don't the republics s want to raise student loan rates? How will Obamacare case you 2k more? Does your job not offer health insurance? Did you just not want health insurance? Help me understand.
Obama IMO is the lesser of 2 evils. I'm a recent college grad from a single parent home and Romney isn't doing anything for ME if you want to talk about worryi g about self. My question is if you are more worried about what a candidate can do for YOU, that means you don't care about te unemployment rates, war, etc as long as you're good right? Your voting for Romney to e president of you and not the American people right?
There are so many questions in your statement, I'm going to try to cover it all, but let me know if I don't... Also, you seem super upset man.. And I don't agree with everyone on Romney sucking, I'm agreeing with points people are making, and I am making point for myself as well. You can't just use a blanket statement like that.. That's like saying Obama failing one a specific subject and labeling him a bad president. It's not fair.

As for being a recent college grad and being raised with a single parent, respect man, seriously. I grew up in West Philadelphia, in the poorest of neighborhoods. My mom and dad combined had to raise my sister and I on 40k combined incomes. So I understand, I got food stamps growing up. I get it, so please don't make it seem as though I'm unappreciative. I am proud to say that, I did it.

As for the new healthcare reform law, the 2k number I've come up with is a calculation I made based on projections.. I know that isn't the best answer, but let me see if I can clarify without giving up too much information about me. I do use my HSA/FSA, so I having it capped at $2,500, it sort of inconvenient and will cost me a little more in taxes, bc I do use more than that per year. Also, if I over budget how much I spend (over estimating how much I think I'll be paying in medical bills) I'll now be penalized 20% instead of 10% when I withdraw my money. This still is better then paying for medical costs with taxed income, but still it does account for me spending more money.

I guess you can say it was unfair for me to throw that number into my argument without explaining it, I'm sorry. Not everyone will be affected the way the new law affects me.

Also... you can't call me selfish about the defense budget, that's completely unfair and my question to you is, do you know how many people are affected by the defense budget cut? I'm trying to stay clear-minded here and not attack anyone, but that just isn't fair dude. How many people do you think will have to find new jobs if the defense budget is cut? if that money is spent else where how quickly can those people move to those positions? Take a second and think about what you're claiming here. Honestly, the defense cut can happen, and I WILL still have my job. I feel bad for my co-workers. I feel bad for all the workers affected. Did you know that all the HS grads, without much job mobility, manufacturing parts for the military may potentially get laid off? What about the all the trickle down? My company get it's parts from 2000 other small business making screws, nuts, bolts, brackets, nozzles etc. etc., these companies will feel the affect as well. What about the accountants? The salespeople? The Marketers? The planners?

So don't even for 1 second think that I'm being selfish for myself when I support the defense budget not being cut. Quit being so confrontational, and just take a second and think about what you're implying and what you're grouping together in statements. If you know ANYONE that works anything related to military spending, then you go tell them that their job is at risk come Jan. 1st..

All of these issues come with trade-offs, I understand that. Also, this is probably my last post to you, unless you come with more concise arguments, no disrespect, but I see you as attacking me, and all I want to do help others, with my vote. It isn't the most popular avenue, I get that. From everything I've stated previously, I'm going against my normal democratic vote this time. I see all these people working with me on the military contract, potentially losing their jobs, and it breaks my heart because I know they won't be able to find another job quickly, or at all. I have a couple of older men and women >55 years old working 40 hours per week completely because of these military parts.

That's all, I'm not trying to sway votes, I'm just stating that there is no clear cut agreeing with either candidate..
I swear the electoral college is a joke, state of ga for example Obama will easily win metro atlanta but Romney will clean house all of the backwoods area with out even having to campaign in these areas. It's seriously like if you aren't in a swing state your vote doesn't matter and you're voting for the principle of it
You're right in a sense that, "your vote doesn't matter", but what if all those people voting for romney, didn't vote? Or if all the people in Atlanta voting for Obama, didn't vote, and he actually would have won, so your vote still does matter, so go vote!
Keep repping what you believe homie, most of these clowns on here can only see and understand one side. These are the types of dudes who will always vote Democratic, regardless who the candidate is, so their is no point in arguing with them. Don't bother.
Like you, I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I wish people like us had our own political party that could compete with the Left and Right. I'm however voting for Obama because he benefits me more at this time. Completely respect your outlook tho.
And thanks, I do appreciate the support, I'm not going to change my mind according to what I've read on here. I've taken good time and consideration with my vote, I really have. I don't dislike Obama, I think he means well In everything that he does. I don't dislike Romney either. At the end of the day, I think that we need to stop villainizing either candidates and just vote the way we want.
Yeah aero, it's youre right to vote. I'm not gonna tell you otherwise, I actually enjoy having these discussions.

I also feel like people tend to blame the president for their own failures. They have a dead end job because they won't get off their lazy butt and they hope a new president will magically give them a higher paying job
Yeah aero, it's youre right to vote. I'm not gonna tell you otherwise, I actually enjoy having these discussions.

I also feel like people tend to blame the president for their own failures. They have a dead end job because they won't get off their lazy butt and they hope a new president will magically give them a higher paying job
As do I! I love these discussions, I don't mean any disrespect with them. If you had asked me about the defense budget one year ago, I'd say cut it, see ya later. But after working with all these blue-collared workers that literally can't move to another job so easily, potentially losing there job, it sucks man..

I'm not saying this free check from the government is the right solution, but a straight up cut could really hurt.

And thanks man, I'm glad I have people understanding where I'm coming from with this, and I don't blame Obama for a single thing, he, like all of us, is a human being and trying to do what he thinks is best, that's all. I'm going to take a break now....
Smh so Obama supporters are clowns because we point out the reasons people are voting for Mitt are flawed. We are not saying your vote is wrong, or you should vote, we are questioning why you're voting for Mitt and if you give a BS answer we're going to all you out on it.

All you dudes rocking wit Romney, take this survey. Because I feel a lot of people are blinded by the tax cut.
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Smh so Obama supporters are clowns because we point out the reasons people are voting for Mitt are flawed. We are not saying your vote is wrong, or you should vote, we are questioning why you're voting for Mitt and if you give a BS answer we're going to all you out on it.
All you dudes rocking wit Romney, take this survey. Because I feel a lot of people are blinded by the tax cut.
That's fair to point out that you call people out on it, and I think you should!

And i've done the I side with test, but just one flaw in that, is that you can only weigh the opinions up to a certain extent. Like if I care about Healthcare reform as a 95% weight on my personal scale and nothing else, I may get one candidate. However, in this you can only say strongly, very strongly, etc. etc.

So it's not a bad general test, it's just limited.
That's fair to point out that you call people out on it, and I think you should!

And i've done the I side with test, but just one flaw in that, is that you can only weigh the opinions up to a certain extent. Like if I care about Healthcare reform as a 95% weight on my personal scale and nothing else, I may get one candidate. However, in this you can only say strongly, very strongly, etc. etc.

So it's not a bad general test, it's just limited.

The survey isn't to tell you who you should vote for brah. It tells you which candidate your views align with the most on major issues. If you only use one issue to decide your vote, go right ahead.

But even on health care, only people who don't get it through their employer, and can afford to get it on their own but choose not to get heath insurance will have to pay more taxes. Are you one of those people?
The survey isn't to tell you who you should vote for brah. It tells you which candidate your views align with the most on major issues. If you only use one issue to decide your vote, go right ahead.
But even on health care, only people who don't get it through their employer, and can afford to get it on their own but choose not to get heath insurance will have to pay more taxes. Are you one of those people?
No no no... it was just an example, I didn't mean that as though that's the only thing I think about.....

Well I think it's meant to be that though.. Generally it's meant to uncover which candidate your views align with the most like you said, which in turn is supposed to enlighten you and tell you candidate x,y,z is most aligned with your view. This then would typically have you thinking that you should vote for the person your views are most aligned with...

But I guess I'm wrong in this regard....
So you basically just tried to bash others in this thread but turn around and mirror the exact sentiments of most of the posters in here. Gotcha.

I'm bashing others for not being objective but I refuse the notion that I "mirror the exact sentiments" because I'm voting for Obama. I don't, not even close.

The Niketalk Community are mostly Democrats, but some of you guy's are so Far-Left it's not worth debating or arguing. It's the same thing on the Far-Right. Both extremes are ridiculous, their is no objectivity and no open-mind. They're both crazy.

I was sticking up for the dude because he gave good & valuable reasons for voting Mitt Romney, But some of you guys attack him, and when he defends himself you guys get angry and can't understand. If you can't understand where the dude is coming from then fall back.

Some of the politics and reasoning I see in here is ridiculous. Most of ya'll are like "Mitt Romney flip-flops" "Mitt Romney Lies". Are you guys kidding me? This is politics, everyone lies, everyone makes promises. Obama lies and he makes false promises as well, They're both guilty. However for some reason, this super extreme-liberal message board counter-attacks with pitiful arguments, just like the far-right does.
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I'm bashing others for not being objective but I refuse the notion that I "mirror the exact sentiments". I don't, not even close.
The Niketalk Community are mostly Democrats, but some of you guy's are so Far-Left it's not worth debating or arguing. It's the same thing on the Far-Right. Both extremes are ridiculous, their is no objectivity and no open-mind. They're both crazy.
I was sticking up for the dude because he gave good & valuable reasons for voting Mitt Romney, But some of you guys attack him, and when he defends himself you guys get angry and can't understand. If you can't understand where the dude is coming from then fall back.
Some of the politics and reasoning I see in here is ridiculous. Most of ya'll are like "Mitt Romney flip-flops" "Mitt Romney Lies". Are you guys kidding me? This is politics, everyone lies, everyone makes promises. Obama lies and he makes false promises as well, They're both guilty. However for some reason, this super extreme-liberal message board counter-attacks with pitiful arguments, just like the far-right does.

I like your train of thought. I feel this whole election is a scam. 2 Billion dollars spent in this year's Presidential election with all these negative ads, rallies, speeches, talk shows, debates just to trick voters to choose one candidate like one candidate is so much better than another.

I think most voters in either side are just too adamant in supporting one candidate that they refuse to have an open mind about the positives the other candidate can bring. Keep doing your thing man, there are members like myself that are receptive to differing opinions.

:lol: Quit your crying. Extremely Liberal message board? :rofl:

You're accusing others of not being objective but clearly you're jaded by your political association.

The facts are being posted in this thread and there's plenty who are calling a spade a spade. I'm not sure which thread you're reading or if it's your predisposition to reject "liberal" ideas as extreme. I do agree that both sides tell lies, and in this thread they've been called out whether they were republican or democrat. Just because you don't like the ideas doesn't mean others aren't being objective.

I hate this party politics **** but if anything it's the right that's in here spewing the bs making statements like since he accomplished his goal as a venture capitalist he'll make a good president :x FOH
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Respect your stance viting for Romney because you actually have some substance to back up your opinion unlike MANY of the other Romney voters that I know.

I am not sure if you've addressed this already but, does the whole preemptive military action on Iran concern you a little bit? The thing that worries me the most about Mitt, is that

A) He is askign for $2 T more defense spending that's not being asked for

People (not to say that you don't) dont realize how these govt. contractors like Lockheed martin work. There is no bid process for their services so its basically however much they want to charge for the contract. On top of that, is a "cost-plus" type deal. For example, if they think a job will cost $10M, lockheed martin is guaranteed to receive the $10M plus a built in 10% profit for the job. Even if the costs exceed the original agreement, the govt is locked in to paying however much it costs + the 10% profit margin, so Lockheed is coming out ahead at the end of the day no matter what.

B) He would have taken preemptive military action against Iran, well he said he would have until the debate :rolleyes

This combined with the above is what scares me. I don't want another war I don't want to worry about the US proactively getting involved in WW3 type situation unless its absolutely needed.

On another note, anyone see GDP up 2% for Q3??? Higher than expected?? Lets keep the momentum going, not back to the drawing board.

Thinking today, the best analogy for the President's position is like the QB of a football team. At the end of the day, they dont single handedly lose or win the game, but when they do, they get all the credit and when they lose they catch all the blame. Lets not lose sight of that, last time I checked, the Pres cant just make a single bill/policy and have it implemented, others are involved, some of which might have other agendas.
Respect your stance viting for Romney because you actually have some substance to back up your opinion unlike MANY of the other Romney voters that I know.
I am not sure if you've addressed this already but, does the whole preemptive military action on Iran concern you a little bit? The thing that worries me the most about Mitt, is that
A) He is askign for $2 T more defense spending that's not being asked for
People (not to say that you don't) dont realize how these govt. contractors like Lockheed martin work. There is no bid process for their services so its basically however much they want to charge for the contract. On top of that, is a "cost-plus" type deal. For example, if they think a job will cost $10M, lockheed martin is guaranteed to receive the $10M plus a built in 10% profit for the job. Even if the costs exceed the original agreement, the govt is locked in to paying however much it costs + the 10% profit margin, so Lockheed is coming out ahead at the end of the day no matter what.
B) He would have taken preemptive military action against Iran, well he said he would have until the debate

This combined with the above is what scares me. I don't want another war I don't want to worry about the US proactively getting involved in WW3 type situation unless its absolutely needed.
On another note, anyone see GDP up 2% for Q3??? Higher than expected?? Lets keep the momentum going, not back to the drawing board.
Thinking today, the best analogy for the President's position is like the QB of a football team. At the end of the day, they dont single handedly lose or win the game, but when they do, they get all the credit and when they lose they catch all the blame. Lets not lose sight of that, last time I checked, the Pres cant just make a single bill/policy and have it implemented, others are involved, some of which might have other agendas.

#1 - Thanks, I appreciate people thinking I'm not insane, lol.

#2 - I do disagree with asking for more, I think we should keep it the same, or SLOWLY, have the budget lessen. And by slowly, I mean really slowly,to match schedules with the reitring workfoce. As the workers retire, don't backfill aka attrition.

#3 - I def. understand how lockheed martin works..... check the avy, lol. It's a funny business, and there obviously has to be a profit margin, but there is a sense of misuse of money/contract term. One thing i will tell you is that it is competitive. For the F-35, both lockheed and boeing went after it, and lockheed won it for value. (better plane for the cost). As for the engines, Pratt and Whitney makes the F-135, which won the gov't contract, but Rolls Royce and GE joined forces to make a better/cost effective power plant the F-136... but failed to do so, so there is some competition. There always is, but you are right about the profit margins, sometimes INSANE, sometimes they are competitive. It's a small market of producers, that's what happens.

#4 - I have seen that, and I think it's another debate... do you squash potential bigger wars? (not knowing if anything will happen) Or do you let something happen, and try to fix it then? It's a very difficult decision. It's sort of like the premise of Minority Report right? Like they could tell when someone was going to do something, so they saved lives... Obviously, nobody knows the answer, so I can't really lean either way on that.

#5 - I did see the GDP 2% growth. I read/pay attention to the stock market every single day, and that's a very good comparison in that regards, the QB has coaches/advisors but they usually get the blunt of the crap or the fame and fortune.
I'm bashing others for not being objective but I refuse the notion that I "mirror the exact sentiments". I don't, not even close.
The Niketalk Community are mostly Democrats, but some of you guy's are so Far-Left it's not worth debating or arguing. It's the same thing on the Far-Right. Both extremes are ridiculous, their is no objectivity and no open-mind. They're both crazy.
I was sticking up for the dude because he gave good & valuable reasons for voting Mitt Romney, But some of you guys attack him, and when he defends himself you guys get angry and can't understand. If you can't understand where the dude is coming from then fall back.
Some of the politics and reasoning I see in here is ridiculous. Most of ya'll are like "Mitt Romney flip-flops" "Mitt Romney Lies". Are you guys kidding me? This is politics, everyone lies, everyone makes promises. Obama lies and he makes false promises as well, They're both guilty. However for some reason, this super extreme-liberal message board counter-attacks with pitiful arguments, just like the far-right does.
I like your train of thought. I feel this whole election is a scam. 2 Billion dollars spent in this year's Presidential election with all these negative ads, rallies, speeches, talk shows, debates just to trick voters to choose one candidate like one candidate is so much better than another.

I think most voters in either side are just too adamant in supporting one candidate that they refuse to have an open mind about the positives the other candidate can bring. Keep doing your thing man, there are members like myself that are receptive to differing opinions.
this, we are aren't left wing drones or right wingnuts..i like to hear both sides of da arguments objectively.

obama's been da president 4 years, he's supposed to be running touting his record, not running away from it and making it a

"well romney is a boogyman" debate.
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