***Official Political Discussion Thread***

more and more this is becoming the battle of “me vs we”. This “the left hates black capitalists” argumentis a strawman if I ever saw one. I understand the principle. Capitalism is there for people who can take advantage of it. But what do those numbers look like? What do those numbers look like for black people? The vast majority of people don’t and won’t find success in the frame work to the extent of the lil Wayne’s or the ice cubes within the current economic frame work. Creating a system that caters towards them will just continue the status quo. Meanwhile regular black peoples have to compete with their white counterparts that have a 200 year plus wealth gap, underfunded schools, and the criminal justice still ravaging the neighborhoods. Capitalism doesn’t fix that. Lil Wayne isn’t a black capitalist, he’s a black man participating in white capitalism.

Angela Davis once said that the problem with black men and white women was that they aspire to be in the same position as white men and the problem with that is that white men's power comes from oppression.

If we truly want an equitable society, we must aspire for something different, something better. My mother voted for Biden and then voted conservative for state positions. When I frustratedly asked her why she would that, the short answer was money. For her, the potential economic benefit was greater than the guaranteed social detriment. And this is the trade-off all black capitalists (there is no better descriptor) comfortably engage in. I refuse to be a part of that.
This is how you get the Lil Wayne's and 50 cent's of the world. They're all down for the struggle until it hurts their bottom line a little bit. Ochocinco and Brandon Marshall weren't trying to hear anything about selflessness or helping their fellow man 🤣

All they know is that they went from 25% tax rate to a 37% tax rate

looks like the "models" page on a IR pornography website.
Angela Davis once said that the problem with black men and white women was that they aspire to be in the same position as white men and the problem with that is that white men's power comes from oppression.

If we truly want an equitable society, we must aspire for something different, something better. My mother voted for Biden and then voted conservative for state positions. When I frustratedly asked her why she would that, the short answer was money. For her, the potential economic benefit was greater than the guaranteed social detriment. And this is the trade-off all black capitalists (there is no better descriptor) comfortably engage in. I refuse to be a part of that.

I wont disparage black men for feeling left out of the political conversation outside of criminal justice reform, but Angela Davis hit the nail right on the head with that. what it sounds like is that the many of these black outspoken capitalists want to be able to be selfish without being condemned, and to an extent i dont disagree with them. What i dont agree with is to take it a step further and start pushing these explicitly individualistic ideals as some sort of solution for the collective when its not. white people have that luxury and privilege's because they can rest on the fact that society inherently protects their rights, assets, and humanity as a whole. if we lived in an all black society where i could take those things for granted, id probably be a bit more selfish too. but we dont live in that society. black neighborhoods are worse across the board than white neighborhoods and and black people still have to compete in a market that doesnt favor them. if youre all in for yourself, go for it. but lets stop acting like capitalism is the savior of black folks because history tells us what happens when too many black folks are doing well outside of the system set up for them to fail. See: Tulsa Massacre.
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Speaking of tax refunds, I still haven't received my tax return yet. My wife and I filed a paper return in April and we still haven't received our money. We checked the IRS website weekly and it still says processing. Have any of you guys encountered the same issue? At what point should I begin to worry?
Republicans: athletes should shut up and dribble. Rappers encourage violence and should be censored. We listen to the experts.

Also Republicans: all our endorsements for Trump are coming from rappers and athletes. We don't trust all the doctors, scientists, economists, generals, and security experts who are endorsing Biden.

Republicans: we value religion above all else.

Also Republicans: we support a thrice married serial cheater who mocks religion and charity over a devout family-oriented Catholic.
I supported Bill Weld in the primaries because he had a much more robust agenda for ending environmental protections and resurrecting child labor and Jim Crow.

But in the general Election, we have to come together and stop Biden’s rampant statism and egalitarianism. If we lose on Tuesday, this may be the last quasi democratic election of our lifetimes. By 2024, we have actual, full blown democracy, or at least political democracy. Economic democracy could come creeping up after that and leave the country unrecognizable from the America of Ronald Reagan or George Washington.

A vote for Jo Jorgenson is a wasted vote and is basically a vote for Biden. Also, don’t get cute and write in Joe Arpaio or Davis Clarke or Ben Barson .don’t do it.

Now you’re probably saying that you’ve been voting Republican year after year and yet, this country still has a few extant protections for minorities and low income workers and women and LGBTQ people. That is true but we have to help Trump win then pressure him after he’s elected. We’ll have marches and rallies and do direct action like running over Libby protestors or fire bombing Muslims’ homes. That will force Trump to embrace an ever more genocidal agenda.

So every one, go and vote this Tuesday.

Now let’s get back to roasting the one white Biden voter in this thread. (We used to have a white Dominican, who supported Trump, on here but he got banned for being too flamboyantly and aggressively anti racist).
Look, even if you hate Trump as a person and all the scandals and the stuff about his emails, you have to at least vote for the supreme court. If we get a democrat president, he could get 2, maybe even 3 scotus nominations, and that could shape the future of this country for the next 20-30 years. We may never realize our dream of banning contraception or mixed gender water fountains. Say goodbye to unaccountable policing or gifting an assault rifle to your 16-year-old violent son to help him get over his recent breakup.

The America we love and cherish may be replaced by one that the rest of the world begins to love and cherish. We can't let Pope Francis turn us into an atheist country.

VOTE FOR TRUMP. Anybody voting for Biden, Kanye, or staying home is responsible for the destruction a Biden presidency would bring.

Look, maybe YOU can survive a Biden presidency, but think of those who can't. Maybe you're a transgender black single parent working 3 jobs, so you'll be ok. But think of Keith. He's a trust fund baby who goes to Klan meetings and knows the police will look the other way when he threatens minorities with his open carry gun. Are you ready to tell the Keiths and Karens that you voted for Biden?
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Republicans: we value religion above all else.

Also Republicans: we support a thrice married serial cheater who mocks religion and charity over a devout family-oriented Catholic.

i know a lot in this thread arent religious, but i gotta say, as a christian, im loving the split happening in the church right now. white christians rejecting the 'evangelical" waking up to why black christians have no religious conflict between voting dem consistently and their faith. evangelicals still gonna evangelical but theres def something simililar to what "blexit" tried to do happening in American churches right now. My chruch has been on that wave since before 2016 though.
Weirdly, I think I read one demographics that is moving toward the Dems (and have been for a lil while) are Mormons.

It is just overall they still vote Republican at such I high rate, and are such a small voting bloc, that most people don't notice or care.
A question for my fellow republican brothers.

who would be on your wish list to have your baby?

1) 50
2) wayne
3) tucker carlson
4) don Jr
5) Giuliani
The vast majority of people don’t and won’t find success in the frame work to the extent of the lil Wayne’s or the ice cubes within the current economic frame work.
What's the success rate of street dudes turned rappers?
Trump Has Weaponized Masculinity As President. Here's Why It Matters : NPR
Machismo is an indicator of insecurities, word to cats who won't consider a woman who makes more than them.
Seems like he's really focusing on Michigan polling here, but instructive:

"Speaking with Hill.TV's "Rising" hosts Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball, Moore explained that he believed the best way to estimate Biden's support in his home state of Michigan was to cut the former vice president's polling lead in half.

"The Trump vote is always being undercounted, the pollsters, when they actually call a real Trump voter, the Trump voter's very suspicious of the 'Deep State' calling them and asking them who they're voting for," Moore said.

"It's all fake news to them, remember. It's not an accurate count," Moore said. "I think the safe thing to do, this is not scientific...whatever they're saying the Biden lead is, cut it in half, right now, in your head. Cut it in half, and now you're within the four-point margin of error.

I know a lot of people are not a fan of micheal moore, but I do think this is yet another legitimate angle with which to dispense of thinking the polls have any real sense of where the voting is.

Because it doesn't matter what people say, it matters what they are able to do. And also if you've got one group with a significant portion of it that is loathe to admit over the phone they are supporters, it's going to skew the figures. And going back to it mattering what people do, if the polling has 30% for one candidate, 20% for another, 40% for another and 10% for another, but the 40%'s voters are in areas where voting is restricted, machines malfunction, lines are long, people get erroneously made to vote provisionally, etc, while the 30% candidate's voters all have smooth sailing at the polls, that's all that matters.

I know I'm not saying anything new here, but it's a helpful reminder. This idiot may find a way to cheat himself to another win. Stay safe everybody.
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Weirdly, I think I read one demographics that is moving toward the Dems (and have been for a lil while) are Mormons.

It is just overall they still vote Republican at such I high rate, and are such a small voting bloc, that most people don't notice or care.
i cant speak on the mormon faith all to well, but i know suburban churches out by my way are pretty heavily integrated due to proximity to urban areas like trenton and camden. my chruch is heavily in those streets doing volunteer work and advocating on the behalf of those people. free tax services, donations drives, financial literacy courses etc. some people might lean conservative, but theyre not jiving with the message of "white Christian nationalism" the republicans are putting out. Which is essentially the victim mentality the project on to black people day in and day out.
Trump Has Weaponized Masculinity As President. Here's Why It Matters : NPR

Machismo is an indicator of insecurities, word to cats who won't consider a woman who makes more than them.

When dudes are fragile and the only thing they have to hold onto is some warped sense of masculinity, they are easy marks. Example...

mad men era b, when men were men, and cars were loud and fast. :pimp:

Trump is instant testosterone, Blue collar fueled gold plated, rough & tumble barron who's captured that "Murica" spirit.

folks here CONSTANTLY had a blind spot for it by only seeing things from a racial lense.

They used to just ignore stuff and let it pass through the news cycle because people have short attention spans. They've doubled down now essentially banking on that the news cycle can't even handle all their misconduct so who cares if they report on one, because there are 4 that won't get reported. Then add in that they peddle their own misinformation into the news cycle to further dilute it...

If the GOP wants to eliminate protections for big tech by repealing Section 230, democrats should jump in to some bipartisan measures to hold cable news networks to the same standards the GOP wants for twitter, facebook, google.

Angela Davis once said that the problem with black men and white women was that they aspire to be in the same position as white men and the problem with that is that white men's power comes from oppression.

If we truly want an equitable society, we must aspire for something different, something better. My mother voted for Biden and then voted conservative for state positions. When I frustratedly asked her why she would that, the short answer was money. For her, the potential economic benefit was greater than the guaranteed social detriment. And this is the trade-off all black capitalists (there is no better descriptor) comfortably engage in. I refuse to be a part of that.

For some, it just seems more palatable to make the best of the system as it currently is than to try and overhaul the system. these people brand themselves as pragmatists. They're entitled to that ideology but, IMO, it's defeatist and backwards. It's treating the symptom but not preventing the cause. I don't get as upset about it anymore because I can understand that ideology while disagreeing with it.

It's the people who deny that they're trading the social detriment for economic benefit altogether I have beef with.

This is how you get the Lil Wayne's and 50 cent's of the world. They're all down for the struggle until it hurts their bottom line a little bit. Ochocinco and Brandon Marshall weren't trying to hear anything about selflessness or helping their fellow man 🤣

All they know is that they went from 25% tax rate to a 37% tax rate

said this yesterday. a lot of republicans fundamentally do not understand amassing wealth and being content distributing that wealth to others that may not have the opportunity, resources, or wherewithal to improve their quality of life. it's a simple me vs. we mentality, and this country being built on pure capitalism leans to me before we.
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